Thursday 19 September 2013

Secret of the Law of Attraction

"The Secret," to the Law of Attraction......

Ever wondered why some things in life work REALLY well for you, and some other things turn out REALLY awful?  And how do you know whatever you set out to do, will work harmoniously.

Well guess what;  you are The Creator of ALL your outcomes! Either good or bad, and you have the power to change any of your life's outcomes to suit yourself. The Universe literally revolves around you. All that you are is incubated and magnified back to you every moment of each day.

Problem is that we forgot what we were thinking and doing when the seeds of our outcomes were sown. Convenient isn't it, to deny or forget how we are THE CAUSE of all our life outcomes.

'Victims' are  covertly or overtly violent people as they  hide behind their own inability to be able to take responsibility for the way they 'set-up' their opponents to strike back at them. Then they put up the first act of war by reacting to the very circumstances they have secretly created. This is a chronic life that equals a game of Ping Pong as others can sit back and watch victims lives bounce back and forth from lose / win  or  win / lose.

'Creators' on the other hand take full responsibility for all of their life's outcomes, therefor learning as they go to manage an equilibrium of balanced outcomes. The pattern of the creators life is very even. Natural creators understand they are ONE with ALL things and how karma eventually comes around. They maintain homeostasis through Win / Win, whereby they would never start out, without considering the Golden Rule of loving fruitful outcomes for everyone.

In actual fact, every person is creating their own life's outcomes. Some people (victims) deny this fact venomously by putting the blame on someone / something they 'think' is separate from themselves. These people are completely ignorant to the spiritual connection of all people, places and events.

So 'The Secret' is simply about how the Law of Attraction returns whatever we send out to the world.

"To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."          Sir Isaac Newton.

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