Wednesday 18 September 2013

Your Thought Is Your Life.

But life only becomes difficult when you are against anyone / anything.

It's very painful to have an enemy.....      It's the war with the self!

Thoughts are friends, they're part of reality and until you deeply see that, not even thoughts are real.

And you will spend your whole life struggling against them.

The balanced mind is always at ease. It isn't for or against anything, it only wants what IS!  Reality is simple.

Once you understand yourself,  YOU are the pleasure you were seeking; (on the outside) YOU are what you always wanted!  Pleasure is a mirror image of what you always have, before you looked away from what really IS.

When you stop seeking, the beauty concealed by the seeking, becomes evident. What you wanted to find, remains beyond all stories.  You are perfect LOVE!!

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