Sunday 22 September 2013

The Secret of the Law of Attraction. pt2

'The Power' video is the sequel to 'The Secret' video that came out in 2006. And Rhonda Burns has given the world a wonderful gift by bringing this powerful truth to our attention in such a clear grade five intellectually manageable way. Jesus referred to it as; "Lifting The Veil Off The Truth."

In reality and according to statistics, maybe 3% of us will actually understand what it means to live....
"In Our Power."  The favorite past-time of humanity is to abdicate their own power to live within our ancient curse from the garden of Eden;  "It was not me (that did it) but the woman / man that you sent me.....  The blame game!

Man / woman is not afraid of failure, no, we are used to despair. Humanity is actually terrified of its power to create wonderful things. We are afraid to dream lofty dreams for fear of losing what we create. The tax department, a departing spouse, a shady business partner etc might take it from us. We are so terrified of lose (reverse duality of gain) that we recreate our negative stories on Subconscious looped rote-routine redundant stories of limitation.

The original 'curse' that persists today, the obsolete idea of "The Knowledge Of Good And Bad" is so much of a draining, redundant idea that it has almost bought our society to it's knees.  The overall idea of 'Duality' good/bad, day/night, male/female, god/devil, ying/yang, hot/cold, yes/no etc is merely the illusion of our five senses that have been trained to 'see' the world in 'outside' pictures. The 'world' does not happen outside of ourselves, we connect all the dots of vibrational energy according to our five senses, (taste, touch, smell, sight, sound)  and create the illusion of what we 'think' we see....  within our own minds!

This most certainly isn't the real world that we live in, so consequently we mismanage, by default, our natural ability to live in a Divinely perfect world of our own natural creation.  The entire mechanism to create only the perfect outcomes for ourselves is shrouded behind layers of dysfunctional 'story-time' Subconscious mind patterns that over time, limit us to a life of quiet despair, oscillating between pain and pleasure, like watching a game of Ping Pong, backwards and forwards.

If you are one of the 3% club that will break through your Subconscious programming to watch this video, over and over again if necessary, to receive the 'Magic' of it's hidden wisdom then you will change your life forever.

Never again will you turn back to a limited life of duality. You will be at the level of ONENESS!!

You will find The Genius Within!!    

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