Thursday 5 September 2013

Relationship Myths.

Unifying Left brain (Masculine energy) with Right brain (Feminine energy) brings home our true given nature where all our outer relationships miraculously fall into place. 
Society, education, bureaucracy, commercialism, promotes left brain logic before right brain creativity, which separates us from our natural, imaginative, peaceful state of 'Being' to stay locked on-the-treadmill-of-life.....   In the fast lane of-    'DOing!!' 

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right.   (feminine)  
But the heart of the fool to the left."(Masculine)    Ecclesiastes 10:2

Enlightened Success: 
A wise man once told me that the way to DO   (masculine)   
Is to BE!  (feminine) 

That didn't make sense, as I always believed the way to success was through hard work.  ( left brain) 
And when I work hard, then I can have all I desire.
And when I have all I desire, then I can be happy, fulfilled, content and successful.          

He said;     "You did not come here to create your life by DOing and you will never find true happiness by living that way." 

He said that I must first learn to BE; (Feminine)      
Then DO that which makes my heart sing! 
Only then will I have true happiness, fulfillment and success. 

How much Joy are you experiencing in your life?
What area of your life are you not satisfied with?
Are you ready to make a change? 
Experience the music.....
Experience the message!      Mark Romero Music - 6 month mentoring course

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