Thursday 26 September 2013

The Secret of The Law Of Attraction. Pt3 (final)

I AM THAT;   I AM!!   The most powerful words ever used......

Imagine that there is only ONE person in the whole World;  incredible you may say, but in fact this is the complete and total truth that every Truth Sayer scientist or spiritualist has been teaching for thousands of years.

'Society' has conveniently pulled the veil over the truth of our Divine Reality since documented time began (and maybe beyond.)  Of course, at a practical level of senses awareness, we are all totally fooled that we have 7.2 billion Human DOings on planet earth.  But now we know unequivocally, that we are only ONE Human BEing!!    (expressed in many 'ideas') 

Every one of us knows deep within our soul that there is a spiritual connection that runs beneath the surface that connects us with all humans, creatures and nature. A common thread that perpetuates karma to always deliver back to us the intent that we send out into the field of all possibilities. 

This video, although using ancient scriptural references, broadcasts very clearly the simple truth that we are all united in a common bond of peace, joy, mutual love and Divine order. (Although our five senses would tell us a different story of chaos, madness and mayhem) 

When we repeat the words:  I Am That;   I Am!  it connects us with the reflection and / or magnification (the other person, place or event that is only 'appearing' real) of  our own inner beliefs, thoughts, and then according to our own beliefs; reflecting back our greatest blessing, or our darkest curse. (Depending on if our thoughts are positive or negative) 

I Am That; (person, place or event)   I Am! 

The power of:   I Am That;   I Am!!
G- iving    O- neness      D- estiny. 
I think:  therefore;    I Am!! 

1:    Imagine what you want to; 
Be,   Do,   Have.   Make it meaningful.

2:  Repeat the words:   
I Am That;    I Am....  and expand into that new possibility. 

3:   Breathe in:     I Am That;  <<<<<<
        Breathe out:  I Am!!  >>>>>>>
This dynamic engages, centres and magnifies the desired objective.  

I Am What I Believe That;   I Am!!
See amazing things & say:  
I Am That;   I Am! 

•  Imagination:  
This is your imagined vision, emotive imaging is the key to unlocking it.
•  Repetition of:   I Am THAT;  I Am!! 
Creates new neural pathways for the Subconscious to create the new idea in "The Field" of ALL possibilities. 
•   Breathe:  
Connects our own projection onto people, places and events; back to within ourselves for transmuting healing Win / Win outcomes.

This dynamic action creates peace and oneness as the 'old beliefs' Neural Pathways atrophy and die, and in their place, new healthy Neural Pathways begin their exponential expansion into the field of ALL possibilities. 
This transition is OUR time of patient metamorphose from a DOing creature, to a free Spiritual BEing! 

"The body is nothing more than a metaphor for your thinking.....
Mirrored / magnified back to you."               

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