Sunday, 27 October 2013

Living By Default Or Design.

Are You Living by Default or by Design?
All of us come into this life with a relatively clean slate. From the moment we arrive, however, our brains begin collecting data, until by age 7, we could be anything up to 95% programmed.
This data is recorded, organized and stored by the brain and becomes the foundation upon which we build our lives. What kind of a life we build is a direct reflection of our beliefs.
As children, our belief system is formed and moulded by our experiences long before our reasoning mind developed. This early programming provides our brain with a lens through which it perceives reality. Have you ever wondered how some people make success look easy while others so quickly throw in the towel? It likely has to do with their belief system.

Our beliefs create our framework, and our framework sets up the filters through which we assimilate information and create our lives. This intricate structuring is all found in your Subconscious memory mind. You have a portal through which nearly all information enters your brain called the reticular activating system. Located in your brain stem, the RAS contributes to things like control of sleep, sex, walking, breathing, eating but perhaps most importantly, it controls consciousness. Your RAS filters incoming information and affects what you pay attention to, effectively sorting the important from the unimportant. What you pay attention to, however, is tied to your belief system, the framework of which is in your Subconscious memory mind.
Here's the irony: your reticular activating system works diligently to prevent your Subconscious mind from seeing anything that does not align with your internal beliefs. It becomes circular thinking in effect, as your beliefs determine your reality which reinforce your beliefs. This is great when you have a RAS that sees every circumstance, including setbacks and failures, as a positive through the lens of success. These are the folks who make success look easy. It becomes problematic, however, when there are limiting beliefs as these are the beliefs that create and recreate the very circumstances that we wish would go away!

Most of us were programmed with condition-based, 5 sensory thinking that relies on external stimuli to determine reality. We rely on the physical world as our key informant. This sets up a pattern of thinking that puts our focus on our conditions or circumstances. When we think into the conditions of our lives, we reinforce this pattern and it becomes our default programming. In addition to our five senses, however, we have 5 faculties: imagination, intuition, memory, will and the power of perception. These are our higher capacities that allow us to dream and desire something different for our lives, something better. The challenge is to shift your awareness from your default programming, that focuses on conditions and limiting beliefs, to a design programming that focuses on desired results. 

Because, the truth is, you cannot focus on your goal if you are focused on your conditions! You must learn to manage your mind by exercising your will (Conscious mind) to make yourself think correctly.  Neuroscience has shown that mental training can physically change the brain with evidence that the brain can adapt or expand through repeated activity. There is a profound parallel between mental fitness and physical fitness. Just like physical exercise, engaging in and repeating certain mental activities helps the brain become more efficient. In other words, experiences, repetitive thought processes and training can lead to functional and structural reorganization of your brain. 
Whether you want to gain confidence, achieve the ideal relationship, lose weight, make more money, or improve cognition, our 3D Mindset Transformation technology can help you achieve your goals. Through repetition and feedback, your RAS can be reprogrammed to direct concentration towards the things that will help you achieve your goals, while filtering the things that are holding you back. No more throwing in the towel! 

Friday, 25 October 2013

Dissolve Criticism.

The Power of a Thank You to Dissolve Criticism
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Byron Katie, the originator of The Work process which helps people to find more peace in their lives through a simple questioning method, teaches that Defense is the first act of war. When you have a person firing criticism at you, the moment you start to defend yourself, you have kicked off war between you and them. War requires that there be at least two parties opposing each other.

There is a very simple process which can disarm your critic within minutes! Before you place yourself in a situation like this again however, you may want to read a former blog I wrote -Finding Balance in Your Life. In this blog you'll learn a process of owning and being at peace with any negative trait another person could accuse you of.

With that process done, the next time you find yourself being attacked verbally by someone who is accusing you of all sorts of wrongdoings, simply say "Thank You". When you say the Thank You, contemplate inwardly that we all have, and own every human trait - negative and positive - in varying degrees. From my former blog's recommended exercise, you will realize and have found how you do actually demonstrate somewhere in your life all negative traits you could possibly bring to mind.

Empowered with this inner experience of being okay with negative traits, as your attacker hurls abusive judgments at you, your response becomes a simple "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You." The truth is that nothing can be showing up in your life that doesn't exist in your own thoughts. Quantum physics is proving this.

Physicists tell us that everything we could possibly imagine exists in what some refer to as The Field - the quantum field of all possibilities. They tell us that everything exists as a wave - spread out over space and time - a probability amplitude. This means everything exists merely as a possibility UNTIL we put our attention on The Field. Then the wave becomes a particle (takes on a form). It is the quality of our attention that is bringing a certain probability in the field of all possibilities into material existence.

The implications for us in this knowledge is that whatever is materializing in 'our world' is simply showing us the quality of our own thoughts or inner attention. Somewhere within us, we are holding our attention on that particular state which is manifesting before our eyes. By thanking our aggressor, we are thanking him/her for showing us what thoughts are still active within us. Since we have already made peace with this aspect of ourselves, there is no 'fight' to be had. We can totally agree with the person and thank them for showing us what we still hold within ourselves.

An interesting dynamic happens within the aggressor when you practice saying Thank You to him/her for enlightening you to your inner thoughts. Within minutes, as their onslaught receives none of the expected response from you, they are left with their own anguish, hatred, lack of peace. There is nothing for them to do but BE with themselves. You are not feeding their need to share/spread the burden of their unhappiness with you. They must experience it fully themselves.

I have seen this dynamic work amazingly well time and again with the end result being that the aggressor simply goes quiet as they see for the first time in their life that they are the creators of their own experience. They may resist your behavior for a little while trying desperately to make you feel as unhappy as they are. However, very quickly they will go quiet as they realize there is nowhere to go but within themselves to find resolution with this troublesome state of mind.

For anyone who is wanting ongoing support to change your life with personal coaching, we offer a6 month coaching program, a 2 Day Change Your Life Program (with 1 month follow up coaching) and weekly group webinars .

Posted by Michelle Graham

Mind Training.

Are You Living by Default or by Design?

All of us come into this life with a relatively clean slate. From the moment we arrive, however, our brains begin collecting data, until by age 7, we could be anything up to 75% programmed.

This data is recorded, organized and stored by the brain and becomes the foundation upon which we build our lives. What kind of a life we build is a direct reflection of our beliefs.

As children, our belief system is formed and moulded by our experiences long before our reasoning mind developed. This early programming provides our brain with a lens through which it perceives reality. Have you ever wondered how some people make success look easy while others so quickly throw in the towel? It likely has to do with their belief system.

Our beliefs create our framework, and our framework sets up the filters through which we assimilate information and create our lives. This intricate structuring is all found in your Subconscious memory mind.

You have a portal through which nearly all information enters your brain called the reticular activating system. Located in your brain stem, the RAS contributes to things like control of sleep, sex, walking, breathing, eating but perhaps most importantly, it controls consciousness. Your RAS filters incoming information and affects what you pay attention to, effectively sorting the important from the unimportant. What you pay attention to, however, is tied to your belief system, the framework of which is in your Subconscious memory mind.

Here's the irony: your reticular activating system works diligently to prevent your Subconscious mind from seeing anything that does not align with your internal beliefs. It becomes circular thinking in effect, as your beliefs determine your reality which reinforce your beliefs. This is great when you have a RAS that sees every circumstance, including setbacks and failures, as a positive through the lens of success. These are the folks who make success look easy. It becomes problematic, however, when there are limiting beliefs as these are the beliefs that create and recreate the very circumstances that we wish would go away!

Most of us were programmed with condition-based, 5 sensory thinking that relies on external stimuli to determine reality. We rely on the physical world as our key informant. This sets up a pattern of thinking that puts our focus on our conditions or circumstances. When we think into the conditions of our lives, we reinforce this pattern and it becomes our default programming. In addition to our five senses, however, we have 5 faculties: imagination, intuition, memory, will and the power of perception. These are our higher capacities that allow us to dream and desire something different for our lives, something better. The challenge is to shift your awareness from your default programming, that focuses on conditions and limiting beliefs, to a design programming that focuses on desired results. Because, the truth is, you cannot focus on your goal if you are focused on your conditions! You must learn to manage your mind by exercising your will (Conscious mind) to make yourself think correctly.

A new kind of Mind Training...

Neuroscience has shown that mental training can physically change the brain with evidence that the brain can adapt or expand through repeated activity. There is a profound parallel between mental fitness and physical fitness. Just like physical exercise, engaging in and repeating certain mental activities helps the brain become more efficient. In other words, experiences, repetitive thought processes and training can lead to functional and structural reorganization of your brain. Whether you want to gain confidence, achieve the ideal relationship, lose weight, make more money, or improve cognition, our 3D Mindset Transformation technology can help you achieve your goals. Through repetition and feedback, your RAS can be reprogrammed to direct concentration towards the things that will help you achieve your goals, while filtering the things that are holding you back. No more throwing in the towel!                          

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Conscious Mindset.

To clearly illustrate the need and the methodology to Consciously apply your three layers of 3D mindset......      Conscious.    Subconscious.    Superconscious.

Actively, Consciously reprogramming Subconscious with your written vision into "The Field" of ALL possibilities.   Negative thoughts; Negative outcomes simply disappear when
"Consciously" caught-in-the-act and reframed with positive affirmations inline with your overall written vision. This is a learnt system that when used correctly;  Guarantees successful outcomes!!
eg: "I am perfectly healthy, wealthy and abundant in joy and peace which unfolds every day in perfect ways." Witness the old nego's disappear in a heartbeat!

The 5 'Senses' illusionary  appearances are always the decoy to distract us from the discipline of using our Conscious mind to actively change our pre-programmed memory Subconscious hidden beliefs.

2% think. 3% think they think. 95% would rather die than Consciously, actively think beyond the hidden story. Because it takes as much energy as an athlete in full flight to actively engage Pre-frontal cortex Conscious mind. The evolving mind that seldom stays-in-NOW-time.
If you need proof..... Try manually taking over your breathe for longer than one minute. Your little 40 bit per second Conscious mind will run off to 'play' in past / future perceived events.

But this 'rudder' that steers us to future success is like a muscle, the more we use it, the more easy it becomes to activate -  The Law Of Use, ensures this.  
The Law Of Attraction guarantees the appropriate outcomes.

The alternative sadly is: "Ground Hog Day" (more of the same old stories)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Power of The Mind.

Perfect Protection Is A Very Simple Dynamic. 
In the days to come, when men recognize the great truth that Divine Intelligence is the Self-hood of every individual, the evil aimed at us from another will never touch us, but will immediately rebound upon the one who sends it. 

In the degree that we recognize Divine Intelligence as our individual being, we realize that no weapon that is formed against us can prosper because the only "I"....     is God! 
There will be no fear of what man can do to us, since our Self-hood is God and cannot be harmed. 

As soon as the first realization of this truth comes to us, we no longer concern ourselves with what our neighbor does to us. 

Morning, noon, and night we must watch our thoughts, our words and our deeds to make certain that we, ourselves, are not responsible for anything of a negative nature which would have any undesirable future repercussions. 

The Master has instructed us specifically as to the ways in which we can serve our fellow man.            He emphasized the idea of service!! 
His whole mission was the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, ( to Truth)  and the feeding of the poor. 

The moment that we make ourselves avenues for the outflow of Divine love, from that very moment, we begin really serving each other, expressing love, devotion, and sharing, all in the name of the Infinite Intelligence.
'Practicing The Presence.'                Joel Goldsmith

Monday, 14 October 2013

Free Power Of The Mind Webinar,

Free Q & A fully interactional online webinar.

Ask all of your questions on:
*  World issues
*  Relationship issues
*  Work issues
*  Business issues
*  Bullying issues
*  Wealth creation
*  Goal setting effectively
*  Spiritual issues
And enjoy the most stunning answers!!
Learn how easy it really is to manage
your relationships harmoniously.

15th October 2013
USA webinar –
8pm Pacific time -
Australian webinar 
8pm AEDT Sydney, 

Friday, 11 October 2013

Who's Business Are You In??

Who's Business Are You In Right Now??  You have 70,000 thoughts every day all on auto-pilot. With up to 98% of these thoughts the same as the thoughts you had yesterday, and the day before.
Unless you CONSCIOUSLY challenge your thoughts, you are in effect;  being thought!!! 
2% of people THINK, 3% of people think they THINK....  95% of people don't know how to THINK.
We like to believe that we have free will, when in fact we are observers of our automatic reactions.
Consciously, we are only aware of our automatic responses half a second after we have reacted.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Concept Of... Body.

The Concept (thought) of.....  'Body' 

Do not be too startled when I say to you that there is only one body: There is not a material body AND a spiritual body. There is only one. Here, as in every aspect of life, the principle of oneness applies. 

True, we entertain a MATERIAL CONCEPT of body, and it is that concept of body which gets all twisted up and involves us in all manner of ills, but the body has no power to cause trouble; the body has no power to be good or bad, sick or well: 
IT IS OUR CONCEPT.  (thoughts) which appears as a sick or well body.

When your concept is a material sense of body, you open yourself to all the problems and diseases to which the body may be subject. 
The moment, however, that you drop that concept and realize that there are not two or three or four kinds of bodies, but that there is only one body, and that body is the home of the living Spirit,   Spirit- governed, Spirit- maintained, and subject only to the laws of Spirit you bring this very body under....  "Infinite Intelligence". 

If you believe that your body is material, you are limiting yourself; but if you feel, “Well, as I see it, I certainly have a material SENSE of it,” I can understand that and agree with you because everybody to some degree entertains a material sense of body.

When you can arrive at an understanding that even though you are entertaining a material sense of body.....  you are not a material body, gradually the material sense of body will dissolve in the realization that there is no power in effect, no power in the body, no power in the organs and functions of the body, no power in germs, no power in food. 

“All power is given unto me."  Based on The Infinite Way. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Masculinization of Male & Female. Pt3

Meeting our ideal partner.

A very interesting chemical cocktail happens when the man meets his woman. The resulting temporary chemical outcome for the first year of the relationship is a more feminine male and a more masculine female. After about a year this chemical imbalance subsides to a level that equals that of a lactating mother; harmoniously blissful. During the third year of their relationship, the brains chemical balance begins to return, this is about the time that couples either separate, fight or flight into a state of denial of the inconsistency's of this other person now entrenched in their life.

Psychiatrist’s mostly accept that people attract their alter- ego in their partners. If this dynamic is known, many couples accept their partners are their teacher of balance. Unfortunately few do learn balance and most marriages either end, or end up in unhappiness, not accepting the gift they have before themselves.

No two people ever met; only their stories meet. And these stories are fundamentally based on our basic chemical structure, educational dogma and ongoing conditioning of the status quo (Latin for: The mess we are in)

We measure each other according to our own version of who we believe the other person to be. If only people would drop their own bias versions of each other, then realize the simple truth that we are all ONE perfect reflection of each other. Everyone we meet…… Is our Teacher!!


Wednesday, 2 October 2013


CE=ZERO.....  Clear, Erase=   Zero Limits!!

Masculinization Of The Female & Male. Pt2

Feminization of a girl baby is determined by estrogen in the womb, not her much lower levels (than a male) of testosterone. She arrives at birth seemingly blissed out from her ‘womb experience’ with the calming, peaceful effects of being bathed in progesterone, and having missed the disturbances of the males testosterone hormonal upheavals.

Interestingly, a mother produces several hundred times more progesterone from the placenta than normally from the ovaries, while pregnant. And she produces more estrogen while pregnant, than she would for the rest of her life. This "happy" hormone progesterone is responsible for the peaceful glow a pregnant female has, her skin, hair and body peaks through gestation, hence the crash after birth to post natal depression by dropping back to prenatal levels produced only by the ovaries. This post natal negative depression syndrome has worsened with our modern estrogen mimicking counterfeit supermarket processed artificial 'food' types and refined carbohydrates.

Ancient healthy tribal woman had no words in their language to describe many of modern women's ailments like post-natal-depression, hot flushes etc. Even menopause was a simple transition into another exciting chapter of their lives without many of western woman’s negative uncomfortable symptoms.  Where has the masculine / feminine energy currently evolved to.....

Masculinization of the Feminine energy is still currently on track to suppress the fairer side of humanity. In recent times of only a few hundred years ago, as feminine began to truly awaken to its loving, peaceful, joyful nature, masculine raised up, armed and dangerous!!! Five million feminine persons burned at the stake, branded as ‘witches’ (because they dared to stand up and challenge male doctrine) masculine was truly threatened within an inch of its 'life.'

Feminization marched on, it's persistent demands to be treated as equal and share its right brain creativity with left brain force remained undiminished. Until finally, a bit over a hundred years ago masculine male allowed the feminine female to vote for masculine to control itself (feminine) legally, and also allowed female into it's education / indoctrination system to be battery fed information for control.

Since that time what has changed? Masculine (and now Feminist) is still very much in control with limited left brain reasoning and not beaten yet, masculine deduced that the only way to beat the uprising feminine was to invite them to join them at the left-brain, half brained orgy of destructive build / bust boom.

Feminine was invited to join the slowly (self) diminishing masculine education system where all females, along with males, would be force feed through a mechanism of battery feed information rote routine, one answer autocratical dogma driven insanity. How far has feminization currently come?         A-hell-of-a-long-way!!

United Masculine is a formidable foe and not to be taken lightly. Seeing that the persistent Feminine movement was never going to back off from claiming their own sovereign right to ultimate freedom, raised the ultimate plan to recreate feminine into masculine. The master plan!!

Masculine tweaked the chemical compounds of our foods to mimic testosterone and progesterone.
The result is fifty years of genetic experimenting with molding feminine into masculine, (and a by-product of masculine into feminine.).  Unfortunately for masculine, the very same chemicals that mimic the female hormone progesterone, also mimics masculine testosterone. Outcome? Yes.... We have effeminate males and masculinised females!!

We humans have evolved to maintain two separate halves of a divided humanity. Not a whole, complete left brain male energy, and right brain female energy synergy WITHIN our own male or female mind.
Females have an easier time with this left / right brain united energy, as the connecting cord between left / right hemispheres of the brain is 23% thicker than a males. Perhaps this is one reason a female can multi task so easily, while a male will specialize at one-thing-at-a-time.

Males have had their masculine testosterone ripped from them by counterfeit chemical food cocktails, and females have forfeited their peaceful, joyful, loving progesterone for a man’s world of commerce and disruption, forgetting the children they bought into the world, leaving them with government trained left brained educators to repeat the very same patterns both modern man and women wonder how they ever got brainwashed into in the first place.

'Feminists' movements have been evolving for hundreds of years that we currently are aware of. Five million documented reports of feminine persons, burned at the stake by the masculine idea to forcefully conquer and control. But feminine kept pushing through to freedom, has the modern day female achieved freedom? How can female be free when they have traded in their uniquely beautiful femininity for their own lesser feministic masculinity? Have they crossed over from femininity to feminist to try to match the pseudo forceful control of masculinity?

Ultimately all of us need to be equally in touch with both aspects of our up-until-now, separated, overall 'oneness' male / female energy in our presently divided human home; that is within our own body, the home that 'WE' live 24/7 within. This is nothing to do with our own physiology, a male body or a female body. It's about overall connection with self.

80% of the average persons energy is burnt up by defending our own ‘stories’ about ourselves, the hidden illusion of who we really are; The Genius within!!

Argue with a fool!

When you argue with a fool.... There are two fools arguing!!