Saturday 25 May 2013

Are You Believing Your Feelings?

Are you believing your feelings?

Feelings are no more than a warning system to steer ourselves through life. Feelings magnify our thoughts, and thoughts (beliefs) are what we do when we are consciously not present.

We don't think thoughts...... Thoughts think us! Tens of thousands of them every day. They drift through us as our pre-frontal cortex, conscious present time, thinking mind sleeps. Allowing us to mentally rest in physical pre-programmed rote routine patterns. Same thing day in, day out, ground hog day. Call it what you like, but seldom do we take a real deep breath and consciously come into real time awareness, give ourselves a stiff uppercut, and question the multi-thousands of thoughts that "Think Us" while we robotically go through our day on the conveyor belt of life.

Sounds bizarre? As time goes by I will lead you to scientific proof, when you are ready to fully explore who you really are, and that's certainly not your thoughts of you. We may all persevere to grow intellectually and physically, but our fundamental thoughts, story, beliefs, reality, change very little throughout our lives..... We are our "Story" about us!

It is never difficult to find out what our mysterious auto-pilot thoughts are. If we feel peace, joy, love, trust, compassion for ourselves and our fellow man, then our thoughts are very congruent with our true individual vision / passion / dharma / given-life-experience. But if our feelings mirror disturbance, anger, bitterness, jealousy, mistrust, envy back to us, then the thoughts, which are based on our past childhood programming, (how we perceived our world before our more discerning pre-frontal cortex, conscious mind was developed to any degree that we could filter out what was irrelevant / unnecessary to us) that are thinking us may require some adult conscious challenging, questioning, and reframing.

Understanding thoughts is the most powerfully liberating action anyone can take to manage life. If we feel good, we must be attaching to good thoughts. If we feel bad, we are believing bad thoughts. Thoughts are a mindless loop of regurgitated past events paid forward.

Feelings are just the broadcasting of our thoughts, applied to our world, then mirrored (magnified) back to us by others. Use your feelings to monitor your thoughts, catch yourself feeling your progress through life. Reframe feelings by rewriting auto-pilot thought imprints. Change your thoughts (story), change your feelings, change your outcomes.

Ask questions about; "Why am I feeling this way (good/bad)?"

What is it within me that is creating this situation that I am experiencing?

Watch your feelings subside as you question thoughts and reframe them by questioning what they mean. Learn to manage your reality from the inside, not the outside. Realize you are a creator of all your life events, not a victim of anyone else.

Other people, places and events give us the gift of our own reflection. Be grateful for advice feedback and criticism. Thank those that care enough to stand up to us, and use from it all what you can, put the rest of it in-the-to-hard-basket, and move on. Always grateful! Appreciation for all things opens the Universe to Supernatural gifts that naturally clears self imposed obstacles for us, lightens our load and opens our dreams and vision.

Living by feelings is the most energy deficient way to experience life. Realize we are always creating something. Reframe every event to produce a positive outcome. Write your self chosen vision, and live in it today as if it were more real than past events.

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