Monday 27 May 2013

Living Your Own Life.

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Are you REALLY living your OWN life, is it everything you thought it would be?
Or is your life being lived through you, do you feel you are on auto-pilot much of the time?

Do you breathe yourself while you sleep? Do you breathe yourself while you are awake?  Do you always remember how you drove home while your mind wandered off to something more interesting to think about?
Do you feel you are living your dream life, or do you feel like the mouse on a treadmill, burning out with stress, maintaining a lifestyle that you only thought would make you happy? Are you being lived, or are YOU really living your own life, the way you thought it would be when you were young enough to dream big?

Have the years gone by so quickly and you are amazed how much you invested into your life, and how little you received in return. Do you have millions in the bank, a beautiful mortgage free home, the car of your ultimate choice, money to take yourselves / children / grandchildren on round-the-world extended trips? Could you pay for specialized care / treatment if you or any close member of your family got really ill?

Can you at any time, do what you want, whenever you choose?  A bird can, a wild animal can, insects can, (apart from ants) trees and plants are free to bend in the breeze and soak up the sun / moon / wind 24/7.                                         All of nature is free to choose.
Why is it that humanity has chosen to enslave themselves to "A work System" where 95% of the population work dutifully until July each year before they get any money for themselves after all their taxation liabilities have been met. Having said that, we still live in mortal fear of the dreaded tax audit. Uncle Sam is watching YOU!!   Get it right and do you get a medal-  NO you don't!
But make a mistake and they will bankrupt you or lock you away.

  The 100 Man Story:     National Bureau of Labor Statistics, out of 100 people born, by age 65:
*  29-     of them are dead.....   Leaving 71 still alive.
Of the 71 that are still living, they are comprised of the following.
*  52-     are directly dependent on the government or family to survive. (Usually on a small percentage of their past working life incomes)
*  14-     are still working and always will because they can't afford not to, and have little or no superannuation to fall back on because they never realized they needed it, or they lost 33% of it to dodgy stocks and shares mismanagement in the GFC fallout.
*  3-      are financially independent. They don't need any support from anyone. Their wealth continues to grow as they receive a comfortable income from their assets.
*  2-      are wealthy!    Wealthy as defined as a net worth of $5 million plus.

How many were financially successful after being on the work treadmill most of their lives?
5 out of 100!!   5 successful, divided by 71 living = 7%  Only 7% financially free to choose any day, any moment how they will live their dream life.  The mainstream 93% are not financially successful and free. They may appear to be, however in most cases the average person is only several  months away from bankruptcy. Without their income, or if any thing out of the ordinary went wrong for them.

Concerning mind improvement strategies to enhance future lifestyles, if the majority were right, wouldn't the majority be wealthy, healthy, alive, and free to make their own life choices?
Where do you see yourself right now, in the 7% or the 93%?

Do you want to stay in the 93%, (if you are there) or do you need to question your (pre-programmed) subconscious mind program that is well and truly hard wired into the status-quo (Latin for; The Mess We Are In) money matrix, where 95% of the world's wealth is controlled by 5% of the really wealthy people.

In 1960 when our parents were buying their family home, the average house price was $7,000, ($80,000 in today's terms) and the average annual income was $2073. Average monthly mortgage payment; $27.
In 2010 the average house price was $481,310 (In 2010 terms, $481,310) and the average annual income  was $57,691. Average monthly mortgage;  $2124!!           Article:   The Sunday Mail. Feb 2010

With the cost of all our services rising at such a rapid rate, is it becoming easier for families to have a good standard of living and complete most people's desire to eventually enjoy retirement without money problems?

The original monetary system was based upon people actually manufacturing something. 150 years ago 90% of people worked from home making things or servicing other businesses that made something. Nowadays nearly all manufacturing occurs in Asia, China or India and in time, robots will do most of the work.

So where does all of this leave the average 25 year old that has a huge dream, and a big hearted desire to get ahead and carve out a decent future for themselves and perhaps their intended family?

Our international population has exponentially doubled from 3.5 billion since 1950 to 7.2 billion people now.  Before that, it took the whole of the history of the planet,  (4 billion years if you are an evolutionist, or 6,000 years if you are a christian.) in 1900, to reach the first one billion people. 72 years later we had doubled to hit the 2 billion figure, then 27 years later (1950) we were at the 3.5 billion......   Now 7.2 billion!!   Do the sums; if we continued at that rate, would we hit 15 billion in the next 30 years??

Come on the ride of your life to really explore 'what's what' in the reality of this world, and how you can:

*  Design the lifestyle that you would really desire, without any nasty surprises and losses down the track.
*  Create your own world based around peace, joy, love and mutual human win/win interactions.
*  Manage every situation, encounter and challenge that comes your way and grow from it all positively.
*  Not be buffeted about by every financial, political, tyrannical trend that blows through the world.
*  Discover how every other human is the best gift you can receive each day, & how they will reciprocate.
*  Really envision you future life, and achieve everything on your bucket list.....  Easily!
*  Be completely FREE!

Learn how; You are the creator of your entire life, every situation you ever experienced, you created it!

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