Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hidden Emotions.

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How our "Emotions", pain body and hidden forgotten subconscious thoughts direct our life almost on auto pilot. Action creates Reaction or stimulus creates response. Every thought in the human mind sends out an electro-magnetic wave from the base of the heart (heart is a term for,"The open mind.")that has a measurable effect upon the world in which we live.
The heart emits 5,000 times more energy than the brain. And we only make use of one fifth of the brains capacity, therefore we fundamentally are lead by the "heart," (Open mind) which magnifies from our subconscious reality (or belief system) through the neuro pathways to create outcomes of which some are good and some are bad. Logic does not always prevail when "feeling" gets in the way.

 The physical world is made up of two fields of energy; electrical and magnetic= Electromagnetic fields. Our personal world can change dramatically by the emotions (thought and feeling) that we create between our heart and our brain. All matter is simply vibrating sound waves and sound creates form, each thought sends a powerful wave of information which helps shape the world around us.
 Each different thought sends out a different energy. But positive thoughts create positive outcomes and negative thoughts create negative outcomes- which is the law of attraction. As the effect of positive thoughts on water has a dramatically different effect than negative thoughts. Thoughts create electromagnetic fields which go out to change atoms which in turn build the personal world in which we live.

Want to change your external world? Then learn to change your invisible inner reality.

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