Thursday 30 May 2013

Who Created You?

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Who created you?  Your mother and father you may answer. Well who created them, your grandparents?
And on and on it goes until we go way back until the beginning, who created the first person? In actual fact, we are the first person, in our life. We are the only person in our own lives.(we believe) Our perception of the world in which we live is not according to others perception of it all, and what they are thinking of the world, it's all according to how we view the world of circumstances, according to what we think about it all.

We don't accept other peoples reality of the world when we try to listen to their views on it all, no! We color their story with our own perception. In fact, while we are listening to others, our hearing closes down to them and we listen to our own thoughts on the subject matter, then almost before the other person has finished their story, we are giving our own account of  'the story' according to our own belief about it all, or some other completely unrelated story, we believed would prove our own point.

When we do most things like walking into a crowded room, our mind is absorbed on how we look, and how we compare to others. How other people will judge us. When we do anything for ourselves or others, we run the deed through our mind to see how it will affect ourselves. The world exists through our own thoughts about what the world is, how the world affects us and how we fit into the world. Some folk see a bright colorful, safe adventurous world, some see the world as a very grey, bleak, dangerous place to live in.            

We like to think that we are helping other people and the world at large with our altruistic ideals, but the outcome must always be.....  According to how WE want to see any outcomes, and when it does not turn out the way we planned, we have all sorts of emotions come up that confirm that people don't do what I want them to do etc.

Are you living yourself, or is 'this' world that you have created in your own thought mind, your own personal reality and all of it's circumstances, living through you. Have you ever thought that you would like to make the world a better place, or at least make a few adjustments to the way the world operates. Is it possible to change the things TODAY, that you don't like about the world in which you live. And if you could REALLY help the world to be a better place, could you do this with the hierarchy of thoughts that you currently have?

In this video you will experience the undeniable fact that 'life' is being LIVED through you.....  Not from you! While you are 92% consumed in thoughts of experiences you can do absolutely nothing about in the moment, your whole life is being recreated at an atomic level deep within your body that you know nothing about, neither do you have any say in the way your body lives and grows, or atrophy's. Apart from what you do on the outside of your body like feeding and exercising your body, and the environment you choose to live in.

When you begin to realize the beautiful succinct simple truth that we all have a life living through us.                      Call it God, Universal Truth, Divine Creator, then we can learn to synchronize and synergise with this awesome power that only a few humble souls have ever learnt to experience. You never know who these people are because they usually become very obscure within the status quo of this world of ego thought, they live quiet, peaceful, productive lives, mentally far from the hustle and bustle of mainstream society. They come and go, but in a completely different way.  They see no right or wrong 'out there', they manage their own thoughts about what they interpret about the world, and understand that thought / imagination and reality are all ONE!

There is nothing spiritual of lofty about a spiritual master. He is just someone who knows the difference between reality and his thoughts about reality. He may be a mechanic, a bank president, or a homeless person on the streets. He is just like everyone else, accept he no longer believes that in this moment, things should be different than they are. He totally accepts his own reality as 'thought created.'                              

Therefore in all circumstances he remains at ease with the world, is efficient without the slightest effort, keeps his lightness of heart no matter what happens, and without intending to, acts with kindness toward himself, and everyone else. They (Spiritual Masters) are who you are, once you meet your mind with understanding.

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