Sunday 19 May 2013

Peace Within.

Peace Within;   is only achieved when every single thought is understood as a perfect, present time reality.

Whatever we have presenting itself to us.....   is our own personally created 'Reality.'  It's presenting itself to us simply because our own thought producing energy, which is connected to the world, has incubated in our subconscious mind, magnified in structural form, and returned to us in a miraculous way.

Trouble is though that we aren't aware that we do this 24/7, so we assume our personal world is beyond our control. We believe that 'things' just happen to us because we have no  understanding of how the mind of Quantum Physics works.

Quantum Physics creates the holograph of illusion that something exists beyond our thoughts.
Yes we can, and actually do create our own reality every moment of every day.

We may try to excuse ourselves of any liability for our daily outcomes, but the truth is we have orchestrated our own demise, or our greatest miracle, depending on what we are thinking.

According to many Neuro Scientists over the past century and beyond, the human mind is always generating concepts out into the universe. But did you know that the human mind was 50% programmed before it left the Mothers Womb? And the remaining 50% was then programmed by the age of 7 years. Therefor it is completely logical that our perspective of how we see the World is totally managed by the program set out for us before we were consciously developed to discern our ultimate long term good. 

Apart from our ongoing learnt mechanical / intellectual skills,  our fundamental behavioral patterns are set permanently for the rest of our lives, unless discovered, challenged and reframed. Although few people actually go through this paradigm shift, those that do learn to create everything they desire.  

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