Sunday 19 May 2013

When I Challenge My Thoughts.

When I challenge my thoughts....

I naturally reframe my own circumstances and automatically change the consequence outcomes.  

It's a simple process that I do every time I catch myself being uneasy about my feelings. Its my barometer. 
I can do this anytime; sitting, cycling, walking, kayaking, even when in the company of others. 
It's a natural mind calmer and automatic problem solver when any difficulty arises with other people. 

In our business we have ten off shore contractors handling our work load.
Occasionally, as most of these very highly trained experts are young people, their personal lives can affect the work expectations we have for them. Handling these issues by challenging our own thoughts about our overseas workers always resolves the problem in a remarkable way, often having a better outcome than the initial plan, with some sort of 'divine' intervention reinvigorating the project at hand. 

The more often we challenge our own thoughts about any issue involving someone else, the less negative situations we have to deal with.

Personally I have practically no negative issues that I cannot reframe almost instantly to see a wonderful outcome far better than I originally set off to achieve. I can live with my own emotional pain, or my most contented feelings knowing full well that these feelings are simply my inner thoughts creating negative or positive outcomes. But I always have the choice as to how I will act on these thoughts. 

With positive feelings I can value and enjoy watching my creative thoughts manifest out in the world with constructive, beneficial outcomes. With negative feelings, I get the opportunity to go within and challenge my valuable past beliefs that may well have kept me safe and protected at a previous younger time of my life, but this belief no longer serves me, so as I reframe this belief I can create a new belief that serves me better at this stage of my life. 

In my relationship with my life partner Michelle, we NEVER have had a problem together that has not been turned around in a heartbeat to evolve from with a fantastic revelation about ourselves and our relationship. I am most fortunate to have a partner that is aware that I am merely a reflection of her inner self.

What we are talking about here is a "Creator" mentality that realizes there is only one life lived through 7 billion people.   A mentality of oneness, not duality!
An ancient concept of one life lived through multiple expressions of earth rock, plant animal, human etc......
The creator living every breath through the created. Whether you believe in a God,  a Creator or that the Planet has simply 'Evolved.' 
There is a logical conclusion that LIFE lives itself without our thought of how this phenomenon actually happens. 

But here we are, for a third of our lives entrusting this power greater than the concept of ourselves to 'live us' while we sleep 33% of our lives away. In fact the "Energy" even 'lives' us while we are robotically working our lives away everyday without ever a thought of breathing, cardiovascular, cellular maintenance.

A better description of how we are all connected and how life lives through us is when we are first in love.
The early days of a love relationship when 100% of our attention is on our new partner that we are besotted by.  Well who is paying any attention to our own internal workings?  Answer: The Creator within attends to the Created 24/7

The ego of mankind is completely ignorant to truthful reality and creates its own pseudo  reality, based around truth.... But one degree of difference is enough to find ones self so far away from our intended goal, that the ego can only blame someone else for its own constant failure to positively produce win/win long term outcomes every time.

An example of this is a plane flying to Los Angeles, but being one degree off course will eventually finish its journey in Alaska. (Out in the cold)

One mind, one life, one World, one opportunity to understand how to be truly free from separation of your ultimate perfect outcomes.

Espavo  Sam

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