Wednesday 29 May 2013

Are You Getting Enough?

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File:Personal Household Income U.png
Are you earning enough income to meet your expectations of what you require from life?
Below is a graph of the average incomes for working people, where do you fit in?
Considering that 48% of the adult  people in the whole world earn $2 (or less) per day. I guess if you are reading this blog, you would have to be doing far better than that.

What are we truly worth?  Well before the dawning of the Atomic age, chemistry scientists guessed human body worth was about $32 for a few chemicals and minerals.  In recent years this view point has under gone a startling change. Scientists now calculate the electronic energy in the hydro-generators in your body, if they could be utilized, could supply all the electrical needs of a large industrialized country for nearly a week.
A Dupont scientist said; "The atoms of your body contain an energy of more than 11 billion kilowatt hours per pound of body weight. By this estimate, the average person would be worth 85 billion dollars.

Enthusiasm, confidence, attitude and commitment in understanding your true value, bring financial reward and 'attract' bigger things to us. The people at the top (5%) remain very focused on where they are going and have little time to concern themselves with worries and distractions that they can do little, or nothing about.

A conservative estimate of how the average persons automatic subconscious thought time is taken up:
40%.   Things that never happen.
30%.   Things that are over and can never be changed.
12%.   Needless worries about our health.
10%.   Miscellaneous worries.
92% of peoples valuable time is taken up in needless worry, cause stress, even mental anguish and is absolutely unnecessary. So 92% of our powerful subconscious 40 million bits of information per second mind processor is all but taken up by useless information that we really can't do a thing about.

Of the 8% of real legitimate problems, most we can either solve, or learn how to solve.
Albert Einstein said that if he could use 10% of his brains capacity, he would be brilliant. The average persons brain capacity has at best, 8% availability.

We can change this by CONSCIOUSLY catching each negative (worry) thought that comes through and reframing the thought through a simple process.

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