Monday 30 September 2013

Imagination Of Ourselves

Sunday 29 September 2013

Masculinization of Male & Female. Pt1

Masculinization of Masculine and Feminine.

Right brain versus Left brain. Human beings have two brains -- the left brain and the right brain. They both have their distinct functions and job descriptions. Research shows that we tend to prefer one brain over the other and because of this conflicts arise not only within us but also in society. We virtually have male and female energy at war, within our very own head, 24/7! And we have the audacity to blame our spouses or others for our troubles....... Are you left brain or right brain? Are you a mix of both? Or, you simply don't know.

You think you have a problem with another person? As we are naturally objective with others but subjective with ourselves, the way that we have been programmed to react through our physical five senses, we believe our disputes involve the person we are 'looking' at through our senses.

But this is the furthermost thing from the truth and this is the very reason we humans attack our problems with each other through the duality mode of fight or flight. Because we think our disputes are on the outside of ourselves. So when we fight / flight with a fool..... there are 'two' fools fighting or flighting.

If you can grasp this most awesome truth, you will NEVER have another dispute with any man, woman, child, or creature ever again. In fact you will live in a paradise of safety, security, peace, joy, love and abundance. You become a creator of your own creation, paint your own life picture!

Right brain: Aesthetic. Where creativity is experienced. All-is-one. Emotional, empathetic, love, joy, intuitive, creative; likes music, images and colours. Present time. The loving kinaesthetic unified side of our nature that needs to connect with humanity.
Left brain: Anesthetic. Where fear is experienced, flight / fight. Separateness! Prefers logic and reasoning; is more comfortable with language, argument, and numbers. (putting things into words rather than responding emotionally) Planning, comparisons, judgement, analysis, past / future time. The Illusion of time & space.

Masculine / Feminine Separation and the chemical changes that program and direct the male / female destiny.
Masculinization of a boy baby is massively affected by testosterone in the womb particularly around 12 to 18 weeks of gestation, then again at 31 to 34 weeks, with a boy baby being born with testosterone levels as high as a 25 year old man. Another major surge occurs at 3 months after birth, when interestingly testosterone levels then plummet right back to low levels until puberty, allowing a boy child to have an imaginative, creative childhood.

It appears that apart from obvious physical changes, in the male fetus, other major behavioral differences occur also. But both sexes begin 'life' in the womb as female, (in-so-much-as they both have female sex organs,) then male begins their breakaway change at week two of gestation.

With this breakaway males symbolically sacrifice one X chromosome for a weaker, smaller 'y' chromosome. eg: X y. Female retains two strong united X X chromosomes. A father determines the sex of a child, eg: the sperm being X, produces a girl. The sperm being y, produces a boy.

Also boys right 'female' brain appears to atrophy (still there and still used but less than left brain) as their left 'male' brain virtually takes over control of the male for its entire life, apart from this first years of childhood when testosterone levels temporarily drop to a sustainable level. Even after the male hormone drops significantly during mid life, a man’s right 'female' brain is almost alienated from his male left 'DOing' brain.

This phenomenon creates a scenario of an emotionally detached, very desensitized human DOing male energy. It may appear that nature historically prepares the male to protect and provide in past-time primitive, violent circumstances, and even in our modern times; dog-eat-dog world a man still lives in fight or flight beta brain frequency reactionary lifestyle with up to 80% of his energy used up in reactionary, imaginary fight / flight mode, he is always on guard against imaginary phantom enemies created in his separated left / right brain. Violent contact win / lose sports temporarily appease this insatiable requirement to remain in fight / flight high adrenalin life draining mode of limiting lose / win existence.

Physically, boys’ brains develop in a different way from girls’ brains. A boy’s brain develops from the back (the doing part) towards the front (the thinking part), whereas a girl’s brain develops more from front to back. So, boys develop motor skills, their physical abilities, before they start to think about them; whereas girls develop more of their thinking and language skills first. This accounts for many of the differences in learning styles displayed by the sexes from birth and throughout their schooling.

All this chemical / behavioural outcome can be modified at any time with cognitive left / right brain gym exercises to create a completely harmonious human Being existence, and balanced relationships. We certainly don’t have to live with ‘Our lot’ in life, in fact once masculine and feminine energy is reunited, life becomes blissfully harmonious, peaceful and all of our worldly self perpetuated problems just fall away.
Ironically, the very tenderness and sensitivity a female seeks from a male, he has been chemically pre-programmed to withhold so as to be free to remain in protect and provide mode, desensitized physically, emotionally and mentally he is fundamentally only capable of spatial, logical reasoning capacity.

His feminine intuitive ability to 'see' beyond his intellect, is limited. Not like female left / right brain synergy that scans like a radar awareness.

Man also has very little ongoing leverage financially, if he does not turn up for work, the basic hunter instinctive male mode, he seldom receives any reward. This masculine, limited to left brain man, cannot have the feminine left / right brain ability to incubate and magnify all that is given to her.

For example, a man can live on his wage alone, then his woman comes along, they live together, and she incubates that money to support him, herself and all their children in a magical way. Whatever the man gives to the feminine energy she incubates and multiplies.

· He gives her money and she incubates that to fed and run a family.
· He gives her a house and she incubates that into a warm loving home.
· He gives her food, and she incubated that into a beautifully delicious family meal.
· He gives her a sperm, she incubates that into a new baby.
· He gives her protection and provision, she incubates that into a nurturing environment.
· If he gives her a hard time, she incubates that into; hell has no fury like a scorned woman.

Female is the master influencer!! Her family revolves around her nurturing influence, so when she is out in the workforce and not there in the home to nurture, society suffers with negative behaviours like NPD; Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Where children are separated from their support and become their own self centred carers. (Or cared for by child care centres) Of course this can never work properly, as parenting is meant to be a full time profession. And only Mum and Dad can deliver a child safely into its own Ultimate Life Purpose.

Now with all due respect to male energy; when left (brain) to our own devices. We are very amazing people by just handling ONE-thing-at-a-time!!! We have revolutionalized this world with our unique ability to link hands with our fellow male contemporaries, left brained robotic one-thing-at-a-time production line DOing thing that we do so well!! Where's our heart energy in all this DOing activity... well its usually asleep at the wheel. Desensitized to any real 'feeling.'

In fact give us the most beautiful women in the entire universe and immediately after ejaculation.....

we males will be looking outward to rebuild our primitive herd up again, armed and dangerous to procreate at the basest level of human survival…. procreation.

All bad!! No, not really......

Males are just pre-programmed by females at gestation to re-populate, protect and provide for the planet. (As if the planet ever needed it) Simple basic primitive instincts, achieved at a chemical, hormonal level. Unfortunately the male species overall is unaware that retraining the right brain to balance synergistically with the left brain can create an awesome lifestyle, far improved from their status quo.

Thursday 26 September 2013

The Secret of The Law Of Attraction. Pt3 (final)

I AM THAT;   I AM!!   The most powerful words ever used......

Imagine that there is only ONE person in the whole World;  incredible you may say, but in fact this is the complete and total truth that every Truth Sayer scientist or spiritualist has been teaching for thousands of years.

'Society' has conveniently pulled the veil over the truth of our Divine Reality since documented time began (and maybe beyond.)  Of course, at a practical level of senses awareness, we are all totally fooled that we have 7.2 billion Human DOings on planet earth.  But now we know unequivocally, that we are only ONE Human BEing!!    (expressed in many 'ideas') 

Every one of us knows deep within our soul that there is a spiritual connection that runs beneath the surface that connects us with all humans, creatures and nature. A common thread that perpetuates karma to always deliver back to us the intent that we send out into the field of all possibilities. 

This video, although using ancient scriptural references, broadcasts very clearly the simple truth that we are all united in a common bond of peace, joy, mutual love and Divine order. (Although our five senses would tell us a different story of chaos, madness and mayhem) 

When we repeat the words:  I Am That;   I Am!  it connects us with the reflection and / or magnification (the other person, place or event that is only 'appearing' real) of  our own inner beliefs, thoughts, and then according to our own beliefs; reflecting back our greatest blessing, or our darkest curse. (Depending on if our thoughts are positive or negative) 

I Am That; (person, place or event)   I Am! 

The power of:   I Am That;   I Am!!
G- iving    O- neness      D- estiny. 
I think:  therefore;    I Am!! 

1:    Imagine what you want to; 
Be,   Do,   Have.   Make it meaningful.

2:  Repeat the words:   
I Am That;    I Am....  and expand into that new possibility. 

3:   Breathe in:     I Am That;  <<<<<<
        Breathe out:  I Am!!  >>>>>>>
This dynamic engages, centres and magnifies the desired objective.  

I Am What I Believe That;   I Am!!
See amazing things & say:  
I Am That;   I Am! 

•  Imagination:  
This is your imagined vision, emotive imaging is the key to unlocking it.
•  Repetition of:   I Am THAT;  I Am!! 
Creates new neural pathways for the Subconscious to create the new idea in "The Field" of ALL possibilities. 
•   Breathe:  
Connects our own projection onto people, places and events; back to within ourselves for transmuting healing Win / Win outcomes.

This dynamic action creates peace and oneness as the 'old beliefs' Neural Pathways atrophy and die, and in their place, new healthy Neural Pathways begin their exponential expansion into the field of ALL possibilities. 
This transition is OUR time of patient metamorphose from a DOing creature, to a free Spiritual BEing! 

"The body is nothing more than a metaphor for your thinking.....
Mirrored / magnified back to you."               

Setting Vision Pt2

Setting Vision!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sunday 22 September 2013

The Secret of the Law of Attraction. pt2

'The Power' video is the sequel to 'The Secret' video that came out in 2006. And Rhonda Burns has given the world a wonderful gift by bringing this powerful truth to our attention in such a clear grade five intellectually manageable way. Jesus referred to it as; "Lifting The Veil Off The Truth."

In reality and according to statistics, maybe 3% of us will actually understand what it means to live....
"In Our Power."  The favorite past-time of humanity is to abdicate their own power to live within our ancient curse from the garden of Eden;  "It was not me (that did it) but the woman / man that you sent me.....  The blame game!

Man / woman is not afraid of failure, no, we are used to despair. Humanity is actually terrified of its power to create wonderful things. We are afraid to dream lofty dreams for fear of losing what we create. The tax department, a departing spouse, a shady business partner etc might take it from us. We are so terrified of lose (reverse duality of gain) that we recreate our negative stories on Subconscious looped rote-routine redundant stories of limitation.

The original 'curse' that persists today, the obsolete idea of "The Knowledge Of Good And Bad" is so much of a draining, redundant idea that it has almost bought our society to it's knees.  The overall idea of 'Duality' good/bad, day/night, male/female, god/devil, ying/yang, hot/cold, yes/no etc is merely the illusion of our five senses that have been trained to 'see' the world in 'outside' pictures. The 'world' does not happen outside of ourselves, we connect all the dots of vibrational energy according to our five senses, (taste, touch, smell, sight, sound)  and create the illusion of what we 'think' we see....  within our own minds!

This most certainly isn't the real world that we live in, so consequently we mismanage, by default, our natural ability to live in a Divinely perfect world of our own natural creation.  The entire mechanism to create only the perfect outcomes for ourselves is shrouded behind layers of dysfunctional 'story-time' Subconscious mind patterns that over time, limit us to a life of quiet despair, oscillating between pain and pleasure, like watching a game of Ping Pong, backwards and forwards.

If you are one of the 3% club that will break through your Subconscious programming to watch this video, over and over again if necessary, to receive the 'Magic' of it's hidden wisdom then you will change your life forever.

Never again will you turn back to a limited life of duality. You will be at the level of ONENESS!!

You will find The Genius Within!!    

Thursday 19 September 2013

Secret of the Law of Attraction

"The Secret," to the Law of Attraction......

Ever wondered why some things in life work REALLY well for you, and some other things turn out REALLY awful?  And how do you know whatever you set out to do, will work harmoniously.

Well guess what;  you are The Creator of ALL your outcomes! Either good or bad, and you have the power to change any of your life's outcomes to suit yourself. The Universe literally revolves around you. All that you are is incubated and magnified back to you every moment of each day.

Problem is that we forgot what we were thinking and doing when the seeds of our outcomes were sown. Convenient isn't it, to deny or forget how we are THE CAUSE of all our life outcomes.

'Victims' are  covertly or overtly violent people as they  hide behind their own inability to be able to take responsibility for the way they 'set-up' their opponents to strike back at them. Then they put up the first act of war by reacting to the very circumstances they have secretly created. This is a chronic life that equals a game of Ping Pong as others can sit back and watch victims lives bounce back and forth from lose / win  or  win / lose.

'Creators' on the other hand take full responsibility for all of their life's outcomes, therefor learning as they go to manage an equilibrium of balanced outcomes. The pattern of the creators life is very even. Natural creators understand they are ONE with ALL things and how karma eventually comes around. They maintain homeostasis through Win / Win, whereby they would never start out, without considering the Golden Rule of loving fruitful outcomes for everyone.

In actual fact, every person is creating their own life's outcomes. Some people (victims) deny this fact venomously by putting the blame on someone / something they 'think' is separate from themselves. These people are completely ignorant to the spiritual connection of all people, places and events.

So 'The Secret' is simply about how the Law of Attraction returns whatever we send out to the world.

"To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."          Sir Isaac Newton.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

2 Day 3D Mindset Transformation.

Change Your Mind-  Change Your Life!

Your Thought Is Your Life.

But life only becomes difficult when you are against anyone / anything.

It's very painful to have an enemy.....      It's the war with the self!

Thoughts are friends, they're part of reality and until you deeply see that, not even thoughts are real.

And you will spend your whole life struggling against them.

The balanced mind is always at ease. It isn't for or against anything, it only wants what IS!  Reality is simple.

Once you understand yourself,  YOU are the pleasure you were seeking; (on the outside) YOU are what you always wanted!  Pleasure is a mirror image of what you always have, before you looked away from what really IS.

When you stop seeking, the beauty concealed by the seeking, becomes evident. What you wanted to find, remains beyond all stories.  You are perfect LOVE!!

Monday 9 September 2013

Only One Way To Freedom.

Only One Way To Freedom.

No two people ever met.....   Only their 'stories' met! 

True Sustained Loving Intimacy is not possible between two (or more) people until masculine left brain is reunited mindfully with feminine right brain.  Society runs predominantly on pre-programmed dominant male left brain rote- routine programs.

It has been said that humans only use about 10% of their overall brain power.

The heart emits 5,000 more vibrational energy than the brain.
Therefore as long as we are;
'A house divided unto itself'  we will always feel as if we are alone.

The sad message the heart is powerfully sending out,  is one of lack, isolation and personal limitation.  A longing to be set free from societies collective programming. By age 7, the child is, on average,   85% programmed to obey / perform to 'State' rules / laws.

The 'dis-connect' began at age birth!
The delusional THOUGHT that we were brutally ejected from our entire sustenance at birth. 
Big Mistake, the umbilical cord was never severed, we are and always are connected with all that IS!
This is where the illusion began......
The physical  'senses' tells us every moment that we are APART!

Imagine being ONE with all that IS!
Not separate, alone, and disconnected from our own ultimate goodness.
Well that's exactly how our world really is.
But unfortunately we are not aware of our true natural state of Grace.

Humans use up to 80% of all their energy in self defense reaction to a perceived danger....   Scary eh? 

We are all ONE!   Totally connected!
The only thing to defend against is our own thoughts about what IS. The enemy is within our own mind, but the average person would rather fight or flight than admit this vital clue to our own freedom.

But strangely enough, we believe we are disconnected from our world of human beings, with nature, and the creatures, and that we are here fundamentally alone on the planet.

That we need a government, male dominated 'FORCE' to protect us.
A bureaucratic department for every 'problem.'

But this being so, then we also have the incredible ability to 'imagine' ourselves being connected with all that IS, which is our natural whole brain state.

We are creative, imaginative beings, we only have to learn how to manage this awesome potential to create in our favor, not against ourselves.

Sound obscure, confusing and down right rubbish?     Sure, it does sound like absolute stupidity.....
This is because you have had a number done on you by the 'society' you live in and you believe you are separate and apart from the very thing you desire, peace, joy, abundance, love, Grace, etc.

Society told you to work hard for every thing you would ever have in your life. Deprive yourself any income for the first seven months of every year of your working life.  Our tax system takes one third of your income for income tax, and one third of your income for purchase tax, then if you are real lucky....   it will leave you with one third of your money for yourself, depending on if you are on a high tax scale ( high income) or a low tax scale.  (low income)

But worst still,  if you are a woman, it will make you go through all this financial deprivation, but also it will take your children from you for up to half of their lives and commit them into state 'care', to be taught only-what-they-need-to-know (to copy what you do) while you have to work on the treadmill, supporting a massive home mortgage that never existed one generation ago, when Mothers were allowed to be loving professional home executives. And the fathers bore the brunt of being the providers of the home income.  You also provide for half the population that don't/can't work! 

"The rational mind (masculine;  left brain) is a faithful servant.
The intuitive mind (feminine;  right brain) is a sacred gift.
This society honors the servant....  But has forgotten the gift!"
                                                        Albert Einstein

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right. (feminine)
But the heart of the fool, to the left." (masculine)
                                                    Ecclesiastes  10:2 

How could we have allowed our personal freedom to slowly become so eroded away?
Quantity,  (Money)  overtook  Quality!  (Freedom) 

Are you the mouse-on-a-treadmill?
If so you need to realize that you have been trained like Pavlov Dogs, to jump at the sound of a bell.....
An alarm, school bell, time clock!   All left brain male single mindedness.

And now its time for you to learn how to synchronize your basically predominant masculine mind, with your feminine nurturing mind that has been discarded, sacrificed, and invalidated for your entire life.

The difference between uniting male energy with female energy within our own mind is 10,000 times greater than operating predominantly on male left brain energy we have been trained to do. Everything becomes easier as we learn to synergise  masculine with feminine....   Within our-self!

"One will put a (only) 1,000 to flight
But two will put 10,000 to flight!
                  Deuteronomy 32:30

This olde scripture illustrates the absolute necessity to unite ourselves with our ultimate power to protect ourselves....  From ourselves!!

Until we understand that our true connection with all that IS.....    Is not somewhere outside of us, but actually is hidden deep within our own soul,  then we will always feel disconnected, isolated and afraid.

3D Mindset Transformation frees the mind to live a life of Divinity! 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Relationship Myths.

Unifying Left brain (Masculine energy) with Right brain (Feminine energy) brings home our true given nature where all our outer relationships miraculously fall into place. 
Society, education, bureaucracy, commercialism, promotes left brain logic before right brain creativity, which separates us from our natural, imaginative, peaceful state of 'Being' to stay locked on-the-treadmill-of-life.....   In the fast lane of-    'DOing!!' 

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right.   (feminine)  
But the heart of the fool to the left."(Masculine)    Ecclesiastes 10:2

Enlightened Success: 
A wise man once told me that the way to DO   (masculine)   
Is to BE!  (feminine) 

That didn't make sense, as I always believed the way to success was through hard work.  ( left brain) 
And when I work hard, then I can have all I desire.
And when I have all I desire, then I can be happy, fulfilled, content and successful.          

He said;     "You did not come here to create your life by DOing and you will never find true happiness by living that way." 

He said that I must first learn to BE; (Feminine)      
Then DO that which makes my heart sing! 
Only then will I have true happiness, fulfillment and success. 

How much Joy are you experiencing in your life?
What area of your life are you not satisfied with?
Are you ready to make a change? 
Experience the music.....
Experience the message!      Mark Romero Music - 6 month mentoring course

Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Relationship Myth Pt 6

The brain is made up of two hemispheres;
The right brain, which is fundamentally creative, and the left brain which is fundamentally logic. The right brain is referred to as our female energy and the left brain is referred to as male. Every person has masculine and feminine qualities.  This has nothing to do with male / female physiology. In fact we all begin our journey in the womb, ‘female’ and after a few days a ‘male’ begins their unique physical transformation. Male breaks away!

This is the second fatal flaw in our past programming and training that by the time we are adults,  it’s almost unworkable and we cyclically travel through life win / lose; lose / win, like a game of ping pong. The game of backwards and forwards, two things always make up our world of duality! We become divided.

But synergising left and right brain, male and female energy we come home to true relationship within ourselves, then in the outside world of people, places and events we begin to notice harmony taking place of disruption. Peace replacing torment. Love (for self, and others) replacing like. Joy replacing fun.
The left and right brain represent duality yin / yang, light / dark, good / bad and every other form of duality, until enlightenment!

Left brain features:
Analytical, logical, precise, repetitive, organised, detailed, scientific, detached, literal, sequential, illusion of time & space.

Right brain features:
Creative, imaginative, general, intuitive, conceptual, big-picture, futuristic, empathetic, figurative, irregular, united in all things.
It is these features that wrestle uncontrollably at times, within us. And every time we wage war on others, the war began in ourselves.  The wrestle between the masculine and feminine!

Come to the 3DMindset Transformation Program and return to your natural state of synergised left / right brain balance and watch your Feminine / Masculine energy naturally take its harmonic place within your own heart energy and broadcast out.

You will be astounded at just how easy it is to manage your own life from the-inside-out.  
All of your life will become Win / Win!