Saturday 1 June 2013

You are ONE!

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This beautiful video of the Sufi Poet; Rumi, illustrates how nature (and all of Life) patiently waits for us to acknowledge our Divine Oneness with each other. Our 'adoptive' separation from our natural state prevails.
 We can never be who we THINK we are because we are never consciously present long enough to understand who we really are.   We are our just STORY about who we are. No two people ever met.....   Only their stories about each other came together, lived out as a movie portrays life.
We evaluate each other according to our own version of how other people appear to us. Each of us held captive by someone else's version of who we only appear to be. So when these people appear to us, we become the chameleon...   anything to please other people's opinion of what we should be, to move ourselves ahead on the popularity lists.
As humans live on average, 92% of their time in "Thought" seldom do they ever awaken to their natural divinity. All our limited personality antics takes enormous amounts of energy daily to maintain.

Thought is never in the  "now."   Thought, (stored memory) is always past and future related. Therefore 'now' time is rarely ever entered into by Homo sapiens.      We run on auto pilot, pre-programmed, subconscious belief, patterns established for us, long before our very inadequate pre-frontal cortex conscious mind was formed, and able to assimilate incoming information rationally according to neurophysicist's; including Dr Bruce Lipton the author of Biology of Belief.

Consequently it is not rocket science to workout how society en-masse is fooled into believing the absolute tripe our so called leaders / teachers that steered us into situations for example where 5% of the population control 95% of all the wealth, health and resources of ourselves and generations past and yet to come.

 How did they get us all to become meek little mice on a treadmill. How did we all become so anesthetized that we have to work until July (after paying 68% of our money in varied taxes and overpriced services)  before we can support our own families with the remaining pittance. Suspended by fear, guilt and shame of not being able to keep up with "The Jones's," those other people that have got it all together. (We think they have.)

Why is it that in this generation with mothers of dependent little babies and children that are forced, to abandon the care and nurturing of their children (often in the early hours of the work week, and not collected until after dark) into stark concentration camp, prison like barred enclosures (institutions) with very little freedom, completely disconnected from nature and freedom / free expression, taught and tended to by often completely inexperienced, barely attentive, young teenagers. Regimented, institutionalized and separated from their true nature......   a personalized expression of divinity!

Compare all of this 'child environment' with life 150 years ago with mother and father working from home (as 90% of men and woman did back then) and children actually needed to contribute to family. Today children are only wanted....    Back two generations, children were needed (as well as wanted) as an integral part of the developing family structure. There is a huge difference to a young person between being wanted and being needed. Personally, I recall Saturday mornings my elder brother and me, an entire weeks washing for my father and 3 boys piled high across the laundry floor, the cleanest through to the dirtiest of farm gear to be washed using an old agitator washer with a manual wringer. Wash, wring out, soak, wring out, then out to the clothes line. Hours of work before we could go out to play every weekend. Then there would the May and August holidays we would go and pick spuds for pocket money for eight hours every day. Xmas holidays were all about harvesting, baling hay, irrigation and general farm work, we loved every minute, and work / fun run a parallel.
Very character building, and bonded us together through those tough times. Three boys and their farmer Dad, all dependent on each other. As years went by my father become my best friend and would come to stay with my own young family for months at a time, at my side all day in my business and at home. One night I left home after dinner to pick up stock for my business, old Dad faithfully insisting on coming along....  But falling asleep in the ute after his long day with me.

Why is society breaking down? Why are our children forming gangs of destruction? Simple answer!
If a child cannot get good quality attention of which it is hard wired to receive,  then it will go for its substitute (decoy)  Bad Attention!!
The thought mind cannot evaluate the difference between good or bad. Sadly bad attention is the overall counterfeit for real love and care which sets a young person in motion for self serving / loving 'decoys' along life's journey, of which they never realize right from wrong often until its to late, when the Law of Attraction kicks in.

Good and bad are the same response to different equations of data.
Good for one may be bad for another and bad for one may well be the best thing for another. Who's judging?

Therefore on being interviewed; the most hardened of criminals strongly declared their heinous actions were motivated by love.  "How can this be?" you may ask. Well they killed innocent people and robbed banks to be able to survive to protect their own families, gangs, and themselves.

Their own motivation to themselves was completely altruistic, to us it was the most heinous crime on society.
Whose the judge, when the same rain was created to fall on the just.... As the unjust.
One individual human out of one hundred is locked away in prison in a penal institutional system that has an appalling 83% failure rate. Only 17% of prisoners are rehabilitated, the remaining 83% recycle back through the system. No bureaucrat has any answers to the most basic problems that affect / infect our society.

These lost young individuals were / are somebody's little (pre-abandoned) children.   After a term of serving as a prison volunteer for the Catholic group, "Rosie's" (which is non- denominational)  in both men's prisons, and women's prisons, I never spoke to one single prisoner that was "guilty."  They all had mitigating circumstances that justified the crime. Every one of them was amazed and could not accept their incarceration as justified. They wanted someone to understand they were innocently programmed to destruct

Having been an abandoned child from an early age of three myself, I am so aware of how easy it is for a child / adult that has not been nurtured correctly, to slip into self centered, self serving patterns with little regard for other people.
Abandoned children grow up with a huge vacuum that must be filled from somewhere.  It's obvious that like water, this energy will take the shortest route to its intended destination, the ocean of love that every person craves / longs to experience. Many find temporary relief in gangs and prison.

An Abandoned child / adult is not aware of societies right and wrong. They are only aware of survival and self preservation.....  Their own World!

But there are certain fundamental basic laws of life that must be fulfilled; like the Law of Attraction. And these innocent beings are entrapped in a karmic conscience  that must be fulfilled.    And their actions must be accounted for with like attracting like, hence their most painful journeys through life.

Thank you for reading my blog my friend.....   we are ONE!     Espavo.

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