Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Power Of The Mind.

The Following Extract is From The Book. The Science of the Mind. By Ernest Holmes. 
THE TIME HAS COME TO KNOW THE TRUTH! (And the truth will set YOU free) The hour of freedom has struck, the bell of Liberty is ringing, and “Let them that are thirsty come.” Let us then, plunge more deeply into our own natures and into the nature of the Universe and see if we shall not find treasures undreamed of, possibilities NEVER imagined and opportunities which the fond thought- yearning for freedom- has often, in our vision of the greater life, given us. “PROVE ME NOW, HEREWITH, SAID THE DIVINE OMNISCIENCENT INTELLIGENCE, IF I WILL NOT OPEN YOU THE WINDOW OF THE UNIVERSE, AND POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING THAT THERE SHALL NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT.”

A WONDERFUL EXPERIMENT. It would be a wonderful experiment for anyone to make to begin to live as if this promise were true; to talk, think, and act as though there were a Limitless Power attending him on his journey through life; as though his every act were directed and guided into expression of peace, health, happiness and harmony. It is surely worthwhile, and understanding will make the way so clear before us that we shall someday come to see the logic of it; indeed, shall we really begin to live it totally. Our lives, fortunes and happiness are in OUR own hands to mold as WE will- provided we FIRST obey The (Spiritual) Law and learn how to make Conscious use of it. “With ALL your getting, get understanding” – an old adage- but today, as true as ever. It has been the teaching of all times that man reproduces the Divine Nature; and if he does, we shall expect to find in his nature the same qualities that we suppose must be in the Nature of Life itself.

WHAT PSYCHOLOGY TEACHES ABOUT MAN’S NATURE. A study of the psychological nature of man verifies the belief in “The Trinity” running through ALL of life. Man is Self-Conscious; of this we are sure, for he can say: “I AM.” This fact alone proves his claim to immortality and greatness. However, until man can get to the Omnipotent place of being able to say: “I AM THAT; I AM,” he will never understand his great Oneness principle of his own Divine BE-ing and remain feeling separated from The Whole. In psychology we learn that man is threefold in his nature; that is, he has a: Self-Conscious mind, b: Sub-Conscious mind and c: Body. In metaphysics we learn that the three are but different attributes of the same life. Man’s Self-Conscious mind is the power with which he knows; it is, one with the Spirit of Omniscience; it is, indeed, his ONLY guarantee of conscious being.

THE SELF KNOWING MIND. It is from this self-knowing mind that man is able to realize his relationship with the WHOLE; for without it he would be unhuman and most certainly not Divine; but since he has it, he must be Divine. It is the self-knowing mind alone that constitutes reality, personality and individuality. It is the “Image of Creation,” the essence of sonship, and the “Personification of the Infinite.”

MAN’S UNITY WITH THE WHOLE. We recognize, then, in man’s self-knowing mind his Unity with the Whole. For while a drop of water is not the ocean, yet it does contain within itself ALL the attributes of the limitless deep. Man’s self-knowing mind is the instrument which perceives reality, and cognizes or realizes Truth. All illumination, inspiration, and realization must come through the self-knowing mind in order to manifest in man. Vision, intuition and revelation proclaim themselves through man’s self-knowing mind, and the Saints, Sages, Saviours, Christs, Prophets, Seers, the Wise and Learned, have ALL consciously perceived and proclaimed this fact. Every evidence of human experience, all acts of kindness and mercy, have interpreted themselves through man’s self-knowing mind. ALL that we know, say or think, feel or believe, hope or long for, fear or doubt, is some action of the self-knowing mind. Subjective (Subconscious) memories we have, and inner, unexpressed emotions we feel; but to the self-knowing mind alone does realization come. Without this capacity to consciously know, man would not exist as an expressed being; and, so far as we are concerned, would not exist at all. The self-knowing mind of man proclaims itself in every thought, deed or act, and is truly the ONLY guarantee of his individuality.

MAN A CENTRE OF GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS. With this vast array of facts at our disposal it would be foolish to suppose that man’s self-knowing mind is any other than it’s perception of Reality. It is his unity with the Whole, or God, on the conscious side of life, and is an absolute guarantee that he is a Centre of God-Consciousness in the Vast Whole. (A drop in the whole ocean of abundant health, wealth, peace and harmony)

UNITY WITH (SPIRITUAL) LAW. We will say, that in Spirit man is One with God. But what of the great Law of the Universe? If we are really One with the Whole, we must be One with the (Spiritual) Law of the Whole, as well as One with the Spirit. Again psychology has determined the fact to be more than a fancy. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Subconscious mind of man determine his Subjective Unity with the Universe of Life, Law and Action.

The SUBJECTIVE (Subconscious Mind) OBEYS THE OBJECTIVE (Conscious Mind). In the Subjective Mind of man we find a law obeying HIS word, the servant of his individualized Spirit (thoughts /memory). Suggestion has proved that the subconscious mind acts upon our thought without question or doubt. It is the mental law of our being and the creative factor within us. It is unnecessary, at this point, to go into all the details of the subconscious / subjective mind and its mode of action; it is enough to say that within us is a mental law, working out the will and purposes of our conscious and subconscious thoughts. Subconscious Mind is the ‘fertile Soil’ that all thought / memory grows within.


Marvelous as the concept may be, it is none the less true that man has at his disposal, in what he calls his subjective / subconscious mind, a power that seems to be limitless. This is because he is ONE with the WHOLE, on the subjective side of life. Man’s thought / memory, falling into his subjective mind, merges with the Universal Subjective Mind and becomes the law of his life, through THE ONE GREAT LAW OF ALL LIFE.

There are not two subjective minds. There is but one subjective mind; and what we call OUR subjective / subconscious mind is really only THE USE THAT WE ARE MAKING OF THE ONE SPIRITUAL LAW. Each individual maintains his identity in Spiritual Law through his personal use of it; and each is drawing from life what HE THINKS INTO IT. TO LEARN HOW TO THINK CORRECTLT IS TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE, for our conscious thoughts and subconscious memory go into a Medium that is Infinite in its ability to do and to be. MAN, BY THINKING, CAN BRING INTO HIS EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER HE DESIRES, IF HE TENDS TO HIS PAST MEMORY AND THINKS CORRECTLY THEN HE WILL BECOME A LIVING EMBODIMENT OF HIS NEW CULTERED, FOCUSED THOUGHTS.

This is NOT done by holding thoughts, but by knowing The Truth.

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt5

1: Lifexcells brand originated in 2000 in a cafĂ© on Currumbin Beach, Queensland. I was brain-storming with a highly creative friend about putting a teaching concept together about healthy living; both in mind and body.  I had the word LIFE in my mind, and just how thought (or the lack of it) creates our personal world. And I was also fascinated about the CELLular structure of body, how we could completely change our genetics with food (or the lack of quality in it). As well, I was always into physical fitness and a big part of my life was kayaking, cycling, walking on the beach or bush and working out in my home gym. Growing up on a farm taught me the value of life, nature and good husbandry over all the things in our care, valuing, nurturing, growing and maintaining strong LIFE in a connected community  environment of my past rural upbringing. Connected physically but still spiritually devoid.
Suddenly, in a burst of excitement, laughter and amazement, the words came together from Life, Cells, Excelling…..  to LIFExcells.  Then a young graphic artist under my pedantic direction and countless attempts over many weeks, created the logo from the two words into ONE. Inviting duality to come together in “Oneness” Life, (spirit) with Cells, (body) with the dynamic contouring background curve to indicate an opening arc, equalling  awakening  ‘Female,’ Yin energy. The contour begins its ‘mono’ Male Yang arc at the narrow end, then as it expands to truth as Yang “MEETS” Yin, widens its awareness and appeal to its own (One) SELF and its own magnificence, ultimately continuing to unlimited possibilities in the energetic field where Female Yin is unified with its harmonic Male Yang energy into balance.
‘Life-excellence’ is the energy behind all that Michelle and I personally live for.  

Every second becomes an opportunity for us both individually, and also in our intimate and business relationship to learn from experiences of duality, and apply Oneness Life principles.
Every day we are challenged by our own countless limiting thoughts that with self discipline, we gain experience to reframe thought into unlimited possibilities of new visions of lofty plans to eventually conquer our own world of duality to BE in peace, joy and ‘ONE”  Love.
 CE=ZERO 4 Dynamic Phrases  are our awakening of:  All my life’s results are the ultimate culmination of ALL my hidden/exposed thoughts, appearing to me in the Energetic Universal Field of ALL equally enhancing possibilities. The Law of Attraction in effect.                                                                                                                                                    I AM the creator of this. (situation)
I AM 100% responsible for this. (outcome)
I AM also the answer in this. (response)
I AM grateful for this. (opportunity)
CE=ZERO discreates the cause of ALL problems.  It is the third option to fight or flight!!    Based on the ancient tribal method of reconciliation and forgiveness, ‘Ho’oponopono,’ which was refined into ‘Self Identity’ by a Hawaiian Kahuna (elder). 

The four statements of Self Identity are:    1:  I am sorry.    2:  Please forgive me.    3:  Thank You.    4:  I love You.   CE=ZERO is a less emotive, more dynamic teaching of personal responsibility of who ‘I’ AM.

The WAKE-UP call for me in mid-life was that I was NOT a victim of parents, the education system, partners and all the other stuff that happens to us. I actually get to choose from the realms of duality what I will think about circumstances, therefore I am always the CAUSE and not VICTIM of outside effects.    Whatever happens, I get to decide whether to react and put up the first act of war, or immediately seek a Win / Win outcome. The Golden Rule of life: “Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.” brings Peace to ALL.  I AM my own CREATOR in MY world!   Other people are always my kind, loving, perfect teacher to guide me through the realms of my hidden inner beliefs about how I ‘SEE’ life according to ME.
 3D Mindset Transformation evolved from the understanding that at the human level, we have a Pre-frontal Cortex Conscious Mind, a Subconscious Memory Mind, and an unlimited Superconscious field of ALL possibilities that takes thought and memory, incubates, then magnifies it all through the Laws of Attraction, Expansion and Precession. Learning to manage this most amazing Spiritual operating system is an ongoing life study, practice, perseverance and experience. But after lots of practise, the rewards and ongoing consequent success in affairs experienced  from trial and error are well worth the sacrifice and separation of so-called worldly pleasure-to-pain, replaced by a transition to peace, joy and inner harmony that then expresses itself in the world of form, shape and experiences. Our reality shifts dynamically from control to absolute freedom.

Man and Woman are merely a culmination of all their years of memories of stored past information awaiting triggers from outside circumstances of persons, places, activities and events. These ‘outside’ triggers immediately recreate reference points that Subconscious memory relates to and reacts from. Half-a-second later, Conscious mind is aware we are ‘victim’ of just another behavioural pattern managed by ‘auto-mind.’   When Consciousness (the observer) awakens to the now passed event, it ‘sees’ person, place or event from the vantage point of the senses eg: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, and anchors’ the reaction to the ‘outside’ person, place or event.  Consequently we NEVER think for one moment that we have just created our circumstances because what we always CONSCIOUSLY witness is:                            
a:   Always in the past, by half a second minimum.  (Not in present time)           
b:  Anchored to what we see, hear, touch, smell, taste. Sensory but on-the-outside of us.                         
c:  Therefore, nothing to do with(in) ourselves. So we relinquish any responsibility. 
d:  Caused by someone, something, some place, on-the-outside of ourselves.                                                   
e:  Nothing ever to do with us, but CAUSED by something or someone external to self.
THE FIELD of ALL Superconscious possibilities does not know the difference between fact or fiction, imagination or Conscious vision. The Field of abundance will always incubate and  magnify every last little detail of whatever it is given to work with. Therefore this dynamic multiplier of ALL IDEAS is completely indiscriminate as to whatever it sends back to us, be it our worst nightmare or our fondest desire, it is a faithful servant to the extreme.  

The average person has an altruistic view on life, even hardened criminals when interviewed, had some good intention to help someone, even if that someone was themselves. None of us set off to destroy the quality of our life, but when it happens, we totally blame outside circumstances, never going within to find the latent causes within ourselves. When you finally understand the exact law of multiplication within your own mind you will cease to regard yourself as the impotent blind tool of circumstances and become the strong and ‘seeing’ master of ALL of your life’s positive outcomes according to what you really need, not what haphazardly turns up, usually when you least expect it. This is an exact science, Between birth and death we either plan, (thinking) or run on default, (memory) but the outcome is always the same. The guarantee is;  WE get back exactly what WE send out!!                                                                                                                         

Until we leave the world of sensory appeal and enter into the ethereal realm of ideas, we will never see that WE alone are The Creator of ALL our life’s circumstances. (Not victim) Leaving the world of pre-programmed rote-routine stimulus / reaction, to learning how to manage our awesome mind software is a revolutionary idea that few have embarked on. But over history this idea of ‘Creator Mentality’ has been emerging and snuffed out again on constant  accounts of documented evidence that we-are-the-sum-total-of-our-thoughts. Therefore we can also easily change our thoughts, change our minds, rewrite the software of our ‘program’ and move ahead again to create a whole new story for our unfolding life. So this is 3D Mindset Transforming the mind to rewrite the software programming to what we REALLY NEED, rather than what we thought was just a good idea based on someone else’s perception of what OUR life should have been. Maybe OK for them, NOT good for us!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation

Michelle and I have been doing Mindset change work with people voluntarily for many years. I started my voluntary support with this work by going into the Men's and Women's Prisons supporting prisoners and helping them to pass their parole criteria. And also the Hospitals supporting stroke victims gain their quality of life and personal self-esteem back again. Some people can afford to buy support..... A lot can't!

Many fine people, over the past years, have come to us with family, bullying, relational issues and we work with them regardless of whether they can afford to pay or not.
This dynamic of GIVING has always blessed us one way or another. Now we are giving others the opportunity to be blessed by giving to a great cause- The Freeing of one's Mind, with Teenagers, Families, People-in-the-workforce, being able to enjoy the full value of Life!! "You-Caring" sponsorship is enabling us to continue our giving to others

Next year we are planning to speak to school children within Qld schools on how they can work on their own self-esteem with simple personal support skills that we will give to them so they can manage the quality of the types of relationships they attract.

We will teach them how to manage "The Cause" so they don't attract "The Effect" of Bullying BEFORE they GET bullied, or themselves turn into a lifetime of bullying others.
Thank You for Your Support!!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt 4

But the four basic levels of learning for us all to Spiritually move forward are: 

1: Ignorance; to the truth of Oneness, but the desire to acquire its liberating effects is the beginning of a transition from separation, too connection with our own ultimate BE-ing. How anyone can deny the presence of a perfect Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence intelligence, greater than their own pea-brained awareness baffles me. Even when I was a child, I revelled in the awesome relevance of a world far beyond anything that I lived in and could ever have conceived possible from a human stand-point. As life has continued to pass by me as a kaleidoscope of complete wonderment, there is not one scrap of doubt left that there has to be an essence of truth that connects all things perceived at the sensory level of existence, beyond where most people’s imagination can stretch. 

This area of imagination is lost to even the most zealot Christian or religious person from ANY cultist ‘spiritual’ gatherings because it paradoxically leaves them completely alone in the spiritual void of ‘nothingness’ where few human DO-ings can ever venture. This lofty realm of complete isolation from personality, stories and pseudo relationship fundamentally based on a constant narcissistic personal view that the little ‘I’ that I am must be appeased. Without knowledge of: “I AM THAT; I AM,” (All that I see, hear, taste, touch and smell; ‘I’ AM,) life continues to be disconnected, surges and withdraws and never appears to remain at all consistent.
Ignorance is NOT a safe place to live, everything and everyone appears to be separate and apart from who WE are. Life happens to us, NOT from us and whatever we do is never permanent as we struggle to maintain homeostasis. At this level of existence we long to come home to a greater truth that most people finally cease resisting near, or on their death-beds and concede; “God help me…. Save me from the pit of hell that I will surely end up in if I don’t accept you as my saviour and divine maker of myself and ALL things.”
Albeit that history shows us that most humans have already lived much of their lives in a hellish environment of confusion, harassment and detachment, separated from the very BE-ing they continually denied. The fundamental denial of a Superconscious realm that lives through us is strongly denied by humans because it would imply that the human DO-ing would not be free to make up their own mind and be free to live according to their own intellectual decision making system. This very desire to be free to have personal choice has paradoxically been denied EVERY human for so many thousands of years that none of us truly knows what personal freedom is any more. In fact, when we express our true freedom of speech, opinion, or lifestyle some other ‘separated’ person/s judges us as radical.

2: Knowledge; Studying to learn how to recognise the difference between Oneness and duality, and how duality separates us from the freedom of our ONE natural, spiritual birthright to explore our own personal expression of abundant creation which is individual ‘IDEA’ at a vibration level ‘in human form,’ only experienced through our five senses. At this stage of unfolding interest in something ‘outside’ of ourselves, we begin to accept that there is a Divinity greater than our own tiny concept of what IS. But this level of awareness keeps the truth of a altruistic presence somewhere far and distanced from us, even in some heaven way out in the Galaxies where no living man, woman or child can ever prove its existence, nor argue its relevance. But at least at this level of awareness we are open to a power greater than ourselves. Most people come to this place either by being brain-washed from cultural dogma, or through some chronic misfortune in their lives they seek solace in the lofty realms of the invisible saviour of all humanity denying their own true identity; that is actually this very Divinity that has always lived through them and can never be found anywhere but everywhere, within, without, in the Galaxies, on earth, the stars, every plant, creature, rock, pebble, grain of sand; in fact everywhere-at-once-living-everything, Omnipresence.

3: Wisdom; is the practise of this acquired knowledge which through continuous experience, brings unfolding quiet peace, harmony, joy, abundance and equality in ALL things. Wealth and Health principles are developing at this vibrant level of LIFE as we practise the awakening from ignorance into the knowledge of ‘ONENESS.’ However, it is the practise of our acquired knowledge that begins to set us free. As we start to live the truth of BE-ing the presence of a living altruistic Divinity that constantly expresses itself through ALL things perceived by the sensory BE-ing, the true essence of who and what we are begins to permeate through us to ALL things around us. Life begins to express itself naturally as we get led to act according to the Divine Will over our lives to serve each other in the most delightful way possible. At this stage of evolution, we begin to realise that what was a often boring drudgery in the past, becomes a pleasurable, vibrant, peaceful experience to live.

4: Understanding; The penny begins to drop at this lofty level of awareness. This final destination of our journey through life to explore all of its possibilities, delivers to us the satisfaction of ‘knowing’ we ARE ‘ONE’ with ALL life. The exhilarating desire to spread the message either in quiet meditation or in the classroom of life defies logic, truth beams out of us as a joyful radiance of light energy, a confidence, enthusiasm, acceptance of all that is LOVE! 
‘WE’- becomes ONE!! The thing we were seeking from other people, places and events or even from the heavens, we now know IS living from us and through US!! 
 Keep tuned into this segment as my own Understanding continues to grow and develop.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt3

"Bring your attention to your breathing and realize that you are not doing it. It is the breath of nature. You reconnect with nature in the most intimate and powerful way by becoming aware of your breathing and learning to hold your attention there. This is a healing and deeply empowering thing to do. It brings about a shift in consciousness from the conceptual world of thought to the inner realm of unconditioned consciousness."~ Eckhart Tolle

Realising that ‘You are the field’ (Superconscious Mind) is the step through the door of  3D Mindset Transformation. YOU are One in God, and all Infinity, The Field or whatever you acknowledge as the exceptional Infinite Power beyond thoughts and stories.
This ‘ONE-MIND’ Transforming idea that “YOU-ARE-THE-GENIUS-THAT-IS-ALL-THAT-IS” is revolutionary, radically different, stunningly simple, yet has been historically taught for thousands of years by ALL of the past exceptional Spiritual Teachers that have ever lived.
Throughout the ages there have been many wonderful spiritual teachers who have served as a guide for many people on earth, often at the expense of their own physical safety.  What makes a great spiritual teacher great, I feel, is a heightened AWARENESS that they are no better, nor worse than anyone else.  They are aware that we are all one with God and Limitless, Pure Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom and Peace.  A spiritual master need not sit high on a mountain nor flit around in flowing robes nor sport a perpetually beatific smile.  A great spiritual teacher will exhibit three things in abundance:  Wisdom, Articulation, Compassion.  He or She has no desire to form his / her own religions or cults  but only to encourage others to embrace their own personal inner Spiritual Mastery.
Below is a list of some of the most influential spiritual masters past and present. This is by no means a definitive list, but simply some of the most well-known (at least to myself).
Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna Murti, Sidhartha, Mary The Virgin, Mohammed, Confucious, Deganawida, Hiawatha, Lao-Tse, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, etc.

is the VIBRANT Lifestyle brand displaying bold energetic creativity.

is a reframe tool to challenge our ‘mind’s’ thoughts of victimhood.

3D Mindset Transformation (DMT) is the vast knowledge based ‘Oneness’ program to synergise and combine three ‘human’ aspects of Omniscient Mind into a focused dynamic personal Vision. 3D Mind explains cause & effect.

‘One-Mind’ Transformation Procedure (OMT) is the intimacy of healing energy and music coming together through the experience of Nature’s wonderment of Theta/Alpha brain rhythm whole-brain state focus of ‘Oneness.’ The Healing principle works on the basis of ALL things are perfect in the Spiritual realm that all Humans, places and events naturally are. It is only our separated thoughts of duality that would have us believe that anything other than perfection could be possible.

These above four complementary brand modalities combine decades of Michelle’s, and my own Life experiences through personally evolving vast levels of understanding.

Friday, 29 November 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt2

'One Mind' Transformation:  (OMT)

"Physician Heal Thyself"!!!      The 'Illusion' is within yourself! 

A Healing Method Of Self ;  Then watch the illusion in others shift.

By Exposing That Very Thing That I 'SEE' in other People,  Places and Events.  

I then release the flip side of the illusion of appearance that I have been hiding / hoarding within myself. 
 If the illusion is:
Poverty;    release Wealth.
Sickness;  release Health. 
Low self esteem;  release confidence
Bullying;   release divine protection.
Ignorance;  release intelligence.
Female imbalance;  release Male.
Male imbalance;  release Female. etc.

Whatever YOU are experiencing in others....    YOU are the cause!!!! 

ie:  The best thing for a sick child is a Parentectomy.  (The cause)  
Parents simply release the vision of perfect health from within themselves and do everything to support child wellness. 
(This also applies to our own 'ill-health. We take 'The Sick Child' within ourselves into the safe place of the 'Presence;' (present time) to expose the illusion of sickness: 
1: apply Gratitude that we have come this far, 
2:  release the Divine (spiritual) health we have hidden from view.  
3:  It IS Done!!!

A Conscious act of transformation of stuck energy between: Self (&).......  Person, Place or Event.  

Whatever I 'SEE' in another which may be any discord at all, is only stuck energy in myself and I can never be truly free until ALL I experience within myself and other people, places and events is free also. 

The illusion of circumstance is:   The 'Seabirds' which indicate 'The land' (IS Near)
Don't hide that which has come to us as a 'lead' to guide us onto freedom!! 

When we Consciously EXPOSE the circumstance that presents itself to us from ourself, another person, another place, or another event that we 'see' with our sensory perception, the appearance or illusion vaporizes. 

For example:  If  this person, place or event is presenting an illusion of poverty, sickness or fear,  I would release the wealth, health and faith that I am withholding from myself. 

Whatever is showing up on my radar (in another person, place or event) is the very thing that I myself am stuck in.  
Otherwise I would not ever be witnessing it at all in the First Place.

What we are releasing is the flip-side-of-the-coin of what we 'SEE'......
If I am witnessing poverty;    release Wealth.
If I am witnessing sickness;  release Health.
If I witness fear in another;   release Faith. 

Saying the statement: 
"I release  'ALL'  that I Am" to the name of the person, place or event, releases ALL that 'You' have been withholding from this person, place or event.

The person, place or event will come into your mind as a 'lead'  when you make the time each day to be in a 'ONE MIND' (OMT)  receptive state. 

Begin the process by being Grateful to some One, or  Place or Event. 
(Maybe your current circumstances) 

Then as you begin to release ALL that you are; the cause of the disharmony in the other person, place, event will come to you in another 'lead' to act upon. 

The ONLY lack that YOU ever experience is the lack that 'YOU' withhold from person, place or event.

When YOU release what YOU are holding onto, the person, place, event will release what they are holding onto also.       Abundance must prevail!!

Abundance can be either fear or faith.   The Superconscious  Field incubates & magnifies anything given to it by your Subconscious stories or Conscious belief / Vision. 

If the apparent LACK is of: health, wealth, peace, joy, etc, watch ALL the 'lack' vaporize immediately in others circumstances;  then your own;  and Homeostasis fills the void. 

I release ALL that 'I' Am to......  (name of person, place or event that comes into your mind as a lead)  ie:  I release abundance, safety, wealth, health, confidence, self esteem, joy, peace, harmony, dignity, morality, honesty, courtesy,.....

First Step:
'Gratitude' is the KEY that opens the shut door of illusion / appearance!!

Second Step:
Releasing the flip-side of illusion opens the door to Infinite Answer!! 

Third Step: 
Anticipating A Successful Outcome.
Repeat. "It Is Done." Until you 'SEE IT" with your finite sensory perception. 

ie:  "I am so Grateful for this person, place or event."  (Mirroring Myself)
"I Release  (either)  Peace, Joy, Love, Wealth, Health, Faith, Abundance, etc." (to the other; Now)  I stand in Infinite Faith that:  "It IS Done"!!!

If Man / Woman ever wanted to hide the Truth of their own Be-ing.....
They would never hide it in the skies, the oceans, the mountains, outer Space or in other people, as Man / Woman would eventually explore those places and eventually find IT there. 
They would hide it in their own Soul;  that way they would never find it because that is the last place man / woman will ever look, as Soul is the persons own Subconscious memory.  (Pain-Body) 
Within our own Soul is where ALL Truth resides. Release your Truth NOW;  set yourself and others Free!

For example, if a man was angry with other 'Alpha Males' attracting his wife, he would immediately release the 'alpha' male from within himself. He would release the hidden alpha male within his own Soul and connect with and acknowledge the 'alpha' male qualities flowing out from himself.
(And being Grateful for the event reminding him of his own 'hidden' perfect Alpha status within himself) 

For a woman who is not receiving the love she wants from her husband, she would start releasing all the hidden love within her own soul (that she is) from within herself.   She would connect with, and experience that all love is already within her and it is full to overflowing.
(And being Grateful for the event reminding her of her own 'hidden' Love status within herself.) 

This is ALL I have learnt from:
Joel Goldsmith
Wallace Wattles
James Allen
Ernest Holmes
Florence Scovel Shin
 Byron Katie 
Eckhart Tolle.
And put into as simple a process that I can, for the everyday use of every person that cares for themselves and other people, places and events.

We Are ALL The Healer!!  (which IS Within) 

This IS the vital Truth of our BE-ing!! 

Espavo.     Sam.   

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

'ONE MIND' Transformation. Pt1

1: What IS the…. marketing brand?
2: What IS.....4 Dynamic Phrases?
3What IS

4: What IS ‘ONE MIND’
They are ALL an unfolding of my own awareness incorporated into teaching and healing practical aspects to illustrate the dynamic of the ‘ONENESS’ principle of Divine Intelligence, which expressed in ALL things becomes reality. Duality exists only in the tormented human mind. I talk of ‘Oneness’ being;  ‘ONE’ within the ALL embracing field of ALL possibilities where Chaos becomes Cosmos=  Perfect Homeostasis. 
Some people call this Phenomenon God, and most acknowledge there is a Infinite, Divine Intelligence beyond our little intellectual mind. A few acknowledge the magnificent, simple leverage this Omnipotent energy brings into and through their lives. Atheist’s are the most aware of this field of Divinity as they swear that it ISN”T there, forced to believe it does NOT exist. It is easier in the short term to deny its existence, but those that persevere, develop understanding of true leveraging exponential, expansion into peace, joy and abundance.
ALL things ARE connected by an invisible energy. We like to believe as human ‘Do’ings that we have free will when in fact almost ALL of what we do during our entire life, even while we sleep away one third of it in a total unconscious state, and for the other two thirds, we are almost completely Subconscious, that is, living from memory mind played out into the field of expansiveness. Some of which we are consciously aware, but mostly our behaviour and the subsequent results are triggered automatically from past memory, then half –a second- later, we become consciously aware of what our reaction has created. Then most of the time we are mortified by the outcomes, more often to the degree of not being able to recognise the outcomes as anything like what we set out to achieve hence blame ensues.
How many people are aware they are only ‘victim’ to their own past inherent programming?
In the 3D Mindset, ‘One Mind’ Transformation program we have put together, for dynamic believers of a higher truth, that which educates on how we are “THE CREATOR” of ALL our own Life experiences, the only victims are those still asleep to the perfect truth of The Laws of Attraction, Expansion and Precession, and are still persevering with tired, old, redundant, fundamental Christian, Moslem or Islamic etc beliefs based on other people, places and events create their own Life circumstances for them. This simple mentality creates a bit of a victim mentality, as well meaning people choose to believe that good things happen to them because the God ‘which-art-in-heaven’ loves them (God’s chosen ones). And then bad things happen unexpectedly because there is another ‘God’ of THIS world…..  The Devil – that appears to have all the control down here. This is fundamentally flawed thinking of huge proportions that until addressed, will have people that actually believe this cultist superstition swinging around to whatever breeze of thought blows through at the time.
Victims are simply average (usually angry) people that choose to accept their own lives are governed from anything or everything outside of their own thoughts. Ignorance is NOT bliss!!  Knowledge and its application, equals power and total freedom from the slavery of not being aware of how The Law of Abundance really operates. CREATOR mentality ensures that whatever we feed into the field of ALL possibilities….. then guarantees the outcome that will ultimately benefit ourselves first and foremost, but also be of service to every other human being on the planet through the Law of Precession.
The raw Truth of ALL time immortal that has ever historically set anyone free is that this spiritual Deity we try to say is outside of ourselves, and therefore has to be called upon in prayer, meditation, petition, asking or pleading, is NOT outside ourselves, BUT is within and without, it is everywhere, everyone, everyplace. The five senses only show us the illusion that slowly becomes thought, thought slowly becomes fact, fact slowly becomes experience.  The moment we realise the perfect Deity that WE are, is the moment we change from being victim of outside circumstances, to being Creator of the world we ultimately require to have. Chaos becomes Cosmos.
So my partner Michelle and I have sought vast amounts of knowledge together over several  decades of study from past and present Mentors of Science and Spirituality and combined many ideas of expansiveness into an educational / healing program that past clients have experienced, then notice how;  “Everyone in their life changes into better people.” However as they continue their unfolding journey they realise how their own transition from ‘victim’ to Creator mentality influences ALL those people, places and events around them to greater more harmoniously successful outcomes in relationship and business.
In our overall program which can be experienced personally or remotely, I bring my vast knowledge into play with overall tried and tested vision creating principles and daily application methods of ‘reading’ signs and leads, that taking action upon, produces life-changing, paradigm shifting results based on studying Vision setting techniques and my own hands-on-experience of Life and business. I can very quickly get to the core of human blocks to a healthy mind/body energy flow and once discovered, a new vision is established.
Michelle brings her decades of study and learning of several practical and spiritual healing experiences to patiently lead clients through the troubled waters of self-sabotaging personally destructive thought patterns that no longer serve, but limit a person’s freedom in peace, joy and abundance. The transitions are always dynamic in a very still, calm way.

The Oneness principle is based on the awareness that ALL things are connected within the quantum field of ALL possibilities. Everything feeds into this field constantly and everything draws back from the field that very same intention to which it was originally sent out.               This belief is simply practical and succinctly basic, in fact if anyone wanted to hide the truth from the great masses, they would hide it there right in front of their noses. For this simple elegant truth, once understood will set you free and by natural succession, free ALL those around you in your family, business and friendships as well.                                                                                                                The truth is:  WE ARE ALL CONNECTED AT AN OMNIPOTENT ENERGY LEVEL AS ‘ONE’ DYNAMIC OMNIPRESENT UNLIMITED, UNITED ‘FIELD’ OF OMNISCIENT POWER.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Meaning of Relationship.

Science/Spiritual of: Mind, Body, Soul.

We see abundance in the Universe. We cannot count the grains of sand on a single beach. The earth contains untold riches, and the very air is vibrant with power. Why then is man weak, poor and afraid? The science of Mind deals with these questions. The divine plan is one of freedom; bondage is not Infinite-Spirit-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All of us instinctively feel this. The truth points to freedom, under law. Thus the inherent nature of man is forever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom. We do well to listen to this inner voice, for it tells us of a life wonderful in its scope; of a love beyond our fondest dreams; of a freedom which the soul craves.
But the great love of the Universe must be one with the great law of its own being, and we approach love through the law. This then is the teaching: LOVE and LAW. As the love of Infinite Spirit is perfect, so the law of Infinity also is perfect. We MUST understand both.  
Whatever the nature of any principle may be – insofar as it is understood by anyone – it may be understood by all who take the time to investigate. This does not require an unusual degree of intelligence, but rather, a practical application of what we now know in order that we may increase our knowledge. The study of Science and Spirituality is a study of the first cause, and then the ultimate lasting effect, or that invisible essence, that ultimate stuff and intelligence from which everything comes, the power behind creation – the Thing Itself!!

We accept this “THING” and believe in it. What we desire is to know more about it, and how to use it. From proof alone, we know we are dealing with a definite principle. If one (through the Conscious use of his knowledge) can produce a certain result, he must know with what he is dealing. It may seem as though, in dealing with metaphysics, we are dealing with something to abstract. But what is tangible other than results? Principles are forever hidden from our eyes. We accept the deductions of science, insofar as they are proved, and we recognize that they are built upon immutable, but invisible principles. 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Power of The Mind.

The Power of The Mind.
The ‘Thing’ Itself: We all look forward to the day when science and spirituality shall walk hand-in-hand through the visible, to the invisible

Science knows nothing of opinion, but recognizes a government of law whose principles are universal. Yet any scientist who refuses to accept intangible values has NO adequate basis for the values which he has already discovered. Revelation (awareness) must keep faith with reason, and spirituality with law (the quantum field) – while intuition is ever spreading its wings for greater flights – and science must justify faith in the invisible.(quantum field)

To suppose that the Creative Intelligence of the Universe would create man-in-bondage and leave him bound, would be to dishonor the Creative Power which many people call “God.” To suppose that the Creative Intelligence of the Universe would create man in bondage and leave ‘him’ bound, would be to dishonor the Creative Power which many of us call God. To suppose that God could make man as an individual, without leaving her to discover herself, would be to suppose an impossibility. Individuality must be spontaneous; it can never be automatic. The seed of freedom must be planted in the innermost being of man/woman, but like the story of the prodigal son, man must make the great discovery for himself.

                                                                                                  The Science of The Mind.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Manage Criticism.

“There is not another who is, or offers, any threat to you. For you are the controller of your own experience. The Art of Allowing, which says, I am that which I am, and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are, is the Law that will lead you to total freedom—freedom from any experience that you do not want, and freedom from any negative response to any experience that you do not approve of.

When we say it is good to be an Allower, many of you misunderstand what we mean by that, for you think that Allowing means that you will tolerate. You will be that which you are (which by your standards is that which is appropriate), and you will let everyone else be that which they want to be, even if you do not like it. You will feel negative about it; you will feel sorry for them; you may even feel fearful for yourself, but, nevertheless, you will let them be—but in a tolerant fashion.

When you are tolerating, you are not Allowing. They are two different things. One who tolerates is feeling negative emotion. One who is an Allower does not feel negative emotion. And that is a very great difference, for it is the absence of negative emotion that is freedom, you see. You cannot experience freedom when you have negative emotion.

Tolerance may seem to be an advantage for others because you are not hindering them from what they want to do. But tolerance is not an advantage to you, because while you are being tolerant, you are still feeling negative emotion, and therefore, you are still negatively attracting. Once you become an Allower, you will no longer attract into your experience those unwanted things, and you will experience absolute freedom and joy.”

The reason why people would choose things they don’t want is because they are choosing by default. They've learned a vibration, they are unaware of what the vibrational content is until it manifests. It doesn't matter where you are. You have the ability under condition to find a different vibration and reverse whatever the situation is. If you are able to be so selfish that you don’t empathize with a friend in pain, you’re going to connect with Source Energy while you hold this friend who is in pain. Even though your friend is in pain, you’re not going to be focused on that aspect of your friend. So in your connection to Source Energy, as you focus on other aspects of your friend, there is a vibrational stream of energy that actually helps your friend. That is what power of influence is.

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Living By Default Or Design.

Are You Living by Default or by Design?
All of us come into this life with a relatively clean slate. From the moment we arrive, however, our brains begin collecting data, until by age 7, we could be anything up to 95% programmed.
This data is recorded, organized and stored by the brain and becomes the foundation upon which we build our lives. What kind of a life we build is a direct reflection of our beliefs.
As children, our belief system is formed and moulded by our experiences long before our reasoning mind developed. This early programming provides our brain with a lens through which it perceives reality. Have you ever wondered how some people make success look easy while others so quickly throw in the towel? It likely has to do with their belief system.

Our beliefs create our framework, and our framework sets up the filters through which we assimilate information and create our lives. This intricate structuring is all found in your Subconscious memory mind. You have a portal through which nearly all information enters your brain called the reticular activating system. Located in your brain stem, the RAS contributes to things like control of sleep, sex, walking, breathing, eating but perhaps most importantly, it controls consciousness. Your RAS filters incoming information and affects what you pay attention to, effectively sorting the important from the unimportant. What you pay attention to, however, is tied to your belief system, the framework of which is in your Subconscious memory mind.
Here's the irony: your reticular activating system works diligently to prevent your Subconscious mind from seeing anything that does not align with your internal beliefs. It becomes circular thinking in effect, as your beliefs determine your reality which reinforce your beliefs. This is great when you have a RAS that sees every circumstance, including setbacks and failures, as a positive through the lens of success. These are the folks who make success look easy. It becomes problematic, however, when there are limiting beliefs as these are the beliefs that create and recreate the very circumstances that we wish would go away!

Most of us were programmed with condition-based, 5 sensory thinking that relies on external stimuli to determine reality. We rely on the physical world as our key informant. This sets up a pattern of thinking that puts our focus on our conditions or circumstances. When we think into the conditions of our lives, we reinforce this pattern and it becomes our default programming. In addition to our five senses, however, we have 5 faculties: imagination, intuition, memory, will and the power of perception. These are our higher capacities that allow us to dream and desire something different for our lives, something better. The challenge is to shift your awareness from your default programming, that focuses on conditions and limiting beliefs, to a design programming that focuses on desired results. 

Because, the truth is, you cannot focus on your goal if you are focused on your conditions! You must learn to manage your mind by exercising your will (Conscious mind) to make yourself think correctly.  Neuroscience has shown that mental training can physically change the brain with evidence that the brain can adapt or expand through repeated activity. There is a profound parallel between mental fitness and physical fitness. Just like physical exercise, engaging in and repeating certain mental activities helps the brain become more efficient. In other words, experiences, repetitive thought processes and training can lead to functional and structural reorganization of your brain. 
Whether you want to gain confidence, achieve the ideal relationship, lose weight, make more money, or improve cognition, our 3D Mindset Transformation technology can help you achieve your goals. Through repetition and feedback, your RAS can be reprogrammed to direct concentration towards the things that will help you achieve your goals, while filtering the things that are holding you back. No more throwing in the towel!