Thursday 30 May 2013

Who Created You?

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Who created you?  Your mother and father you may answer. Well who created them, your grandparents?
And on and on it goes until we go way back until the beginning, who created the first person? In actual fact, we are the first person, in our life. We are the only person in our own lives.(we believe) Our perception of the world in which we live is not according to others perception of it all, and what they are thinking of the world, it's all according to how we view the world of circumstances, according to what we think about it all.

We don't accept other peoples reality of the world when we try to listen to their views on it all, no! We color their story with our own perception. In fact, while we are listening to others, our hearing closes down to them and we listen to our own thoughts on the subject matter, then almost before the other person has finished their story, we are giving our own account of  'the story' according to our own belief about it all, or some other completely unrelated story, we believed would prove our own point.

When we do most things like walking into a crowded room, our mind is absorbed on how we look, and how we compare to others. How other people will judge us. When we do anything for ourselves or others, we run the deed through our mind to see how it will affect ourselves. The world exists through our own thoughts about what the world is, how the world affects us and how we fit into the world. Some folk see a bright colorful, safe adventurous world, some see the world as a very grey, bleak, dangerous place to live in.            

We like to think that we are helping other people and the world at large with our altruistic ideals, but the outcome must always be.....  According to how WE want to see any outcomes, and when it does not turn out the way we planned, we have all sorts of emotions come up that confirm that people don't do what I want them to do etc.

Are you living yourself, or is 'this' world that you have created in your own thought mind, your own personal reality and all of it's circumstances, living through you. Have you ever thought that you would like to make the world a better place, or at least make a few adjustments to the way the world operates. Is it possible to change the things TODAY, that you don't like about the world in which you live. And if you could REALLY help the world to be a better place, could you do this with the hierarchy of thoughts that you currently have?

In this video you will experience the undeniable fact that 'life' is being LIVED through you.....  Not from you! While you are 92% consumed in thoughts of experiences you can do absolutely nothing about in the moment, your whole life is being recreated at an atomic level deep within your body that you know nothing about, neither do you have any say in the way your body lives and grows, or atrophy's. Apart from what you do on the outside of your body like feeding and exercising your body, and the environment you choose to live in.

When you begin to realize the beautiful succinct simple truth that we all have a life living through us.                      Call it God, Universal Truth, Divine Creator, then we can learn to synchronize and synergise with this awesome power that only a few humble souls have ever learnt to experience. You never know who these people are because they usually become very obscure within the status quo of this world of ego thought, they live quiet, peaceful, productive lives, mentally far from the hustle and bustle of mainstream society. They come and go, but in a completely different way.  They see no right or wrong 'out there', they manage their own thoughts about what they interpret about the world, and understand that thought / imagination and reality are all ONE!

There is nothing spiritual of lofty about a spiritual master. He is just someone who knows the difference between reality and his thoughts about reality. He may be a mechanic, a bank president, or a homeless person on the streets. He is just like everyone else, accept he no longer believes that in this moment, things should be different than they are. He totally accepts his own reality as 'thought created.'                              

Therefore in all circumstances he remains at ease with the world, is efficient without the slightest effort, keeps his lightness of heart no matter what happens, and without intending to, acts with kindness toward himself, and everyone else. They (Spiritual Masters) are who you are, once you meet your mind with understanding.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Are You Getting Enough?

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File:Personal Household Income U.png
Are you earning enough income to meet your expectations of what you require from life?
Below is a graph of the average incomes for working people, where do you fit in?
Considering that 48% of the adult  people in the whole world earn $2 (or less) per day. I guess if you are reading this blog, you would have to be doing far better than that.

What are we truly worth?  Well before the dawning of the Atomic age, chemistry scientists guessed human body worth was about $32 for a few chemicals and minerals.  In recent years this view point has under gone a startling change. Scientists now calculate the electronic energy in the hydro-generators in your body, if they could be utilized, could supply all the electrical needs of a large industrialized country for nearly a week.
A Dupont scientist said; "The atoms of your body contain an energy of more than 11 billion kilowatt hours per pound of body weight. By this estimate, the average person would be worth 85 billion dollars.

Enthusiasm, confidence, attitude and commitment in understanding your true value, bring financial reward and 'attract' bigger things to us. The people at the top (5%) remain very focused on where they are going and have little time to concern themselves with worries and distractions that they can do little, or nothing about.

A conservative estimate of how the average persons automatic subconscious thought time is taken up:
40%.   Things that never happen.
30%.   Things that are over and can never be changed.
12%.   Needless worries about our health.
10%.   Miscellaneous worries.
92% of peoples valuable time is taken up in needless worry, cause stress, even mental anguish and is absolutely unnecessary. So 92% of our powerful subconscious 40 million bits of information per second mind processor is all but taken up by useless information that we really can't do a thing about.

Of the 8% of real legitimate problems, most we can either solve, or learn how to solve.
Albert Einstein said that if he could use 10% of his brains capacity, he would be brilliant. The average persons brain capacity has at best, 8% availability.

We can change this by CONSCIOUSLY catching each negative (worry) thought that comes through and reframing the thought through a simple process.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Who's Minding The Mind?

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In a recent experiment, psychologists at Yale altered people’s judgments of a stranger by handing them a cup of coffee.
The study participants, college students, had no idea that their social instincts were being deliberately manipulated. On the way to the laboratory, they had bumped into a laboratory assistant, who was holding textbooks, a clipboard, papers and a cup of hot or iced coffee — and asked for a hand with the cup.

That was all it took: The students who held a cup of iced coffee rated a hypothetical person they later read about as being much colder, less social and more selfish than did their fellow students, who had momentarily held a cup of hot java.
Findings like this one, as improbable as they seem, have poured forth in psychological research over the last few years. New studies have found that people tidy up more thoroughly when there’s a faint tang of cleaning liquid in the air; they become more competitive if there’s a briefcase in sight, or more cooperative if they glimpse words like “dependable” and “support” — all without being aware of the change, or what prompted it.  Psychologists say that “priming” people in this way is not some form of hypnotism, or even subliminal seduction; rather, it’s a demonstration of how everyday sights, smells and sounds can selectively activate goals or motives that people already have.

More fundamentally, the new studies reveal a subconscious brain that is far more active, purposeful and independent than previously known. Goals, whether to eat, mate or devour an iced latte, are like automatic neural software programs that can only be run one at a time, and the unconscious is perfectly capable of running the program it chooses.

The give and take between these unconscious choices and our rational, conscious aims can help explain some of the more mystifying realities of behavior, like how we can be generous one moment and petty the next, or act rudely at a dinner party when convinced we are emanating charm.

“When it comes to our behavior from moment to moment, the big question is, ‘What to do next?’ ” said John A. Bargh, a professor of psychology at Yale and a co-author, with Lawrence Williams, of the coffee study, which was presented at a recent psychology conference. “Well, we’re finding that we have these unconscious behavioral guidance systems that are continually furnishing suggestions through the day about what to do next, and the brain is considering and often acting on those, all before conscious awareness.”
Dr. Bargh added: “Sometimes those goals are in line with our conscious intentions and purposes, and sometimes they’re not.”

Priming the Unconscious
The idea of subliminal influence has a mixed reputation among scientists because of a history of advertising hype and apparent fraud. In 1957, an ad man named James Vicary claimed to have increased sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn at a movie theater in Fort Lee, N.J., by secretly flashing the words “Eat popcorn” and “Drink Coke” during the film, too quickly to be consciously noticed. But advertisers and regulators doubted his story from the beginning, and in a 1962 interview, Mr. Vicary acknowledged that he had trumped up the findings to gain attention for his business.
Later studies of products promising subliminal improvement, for things like memory and self-esteem, found no effect.
Some scientists also caution against overstating the implications of the latest research on priming unconscious goals. The new research “doesn’t prove that consciousness never does anything,” wrote Roy Baumeister, a professor of psychology at Florida State University, in an e-mail message. “It’s rather like showing you can hot-wire a car to start the ignition without keys. That’s important and potentially useful information, but it doesn’t prove that keys don’t exist or that keys are useless.”
Yet he and most in the field now agree that the evidence for psychological hot-wiring has become overwhelming. In one 2004 experiment, psychologists led by Aaron Kay, then at Stanford University and now at the University of Waterloo, had students take part in a one-on-one investment game with another, unseen player.
Half the students played while sitting at a large table, at the other end of which was a briefcase and a black leather portfolio. These students were far stingier with their money than the others, who played in an identical room, but with a backpack on the table instead.
The mere presence of the briefcase, noticed but not consciously registered, generated business-related associations and expectations, the authors argue, leading the brain to run the most appropriate goal program: compete. The students had no sense of whether they had acted selfishly or generously.

In another experiment, published in 2005, Dutch psychologists had undergraduates sit in a cubicle and fill out a questionnaire. Hidden in the room was a bucket of water with a splash of citrus-scented cleaning fluid, giving off a faint odor. After completing the questionnaire, the young men and women had a snack, a crumbly biscuit provided by laboratory staff members.
The researchers covertly filmed the snack time and found that these students cleared away crumbs three times more often than a comparison group, who had taken the same questionnaire in a room with no cleaning scent. “That is a very big effect, and they really had no idea they were doing it,” said Henk Aarts, a psychologist at Utrecht University and the senior author of the study.

The Same Brain Circuits
The real-world evidence for these unconscious effects is clear to anyone who has ever run out to the car to avoid the rain and ended up driving too fast, or rushed off to pick up dry cleaning and returned with wine and cigarettes — but no pressed slacks.
The brain appears to use the very same neural circuits to execute an unconscious act as it does a conscious one. In a study that appeared in the journal Science in May, a team of English and French neuro scientists performed brain imaging on 18 men and women who were playing a computer game for money. The players held a hand grip and were told that the tighter they squeezed when an image of money flashed on the screen, the more of the loot they could keep.
As expected, the players squeezed harder when the image of a British pound flashed by than when the image of a penny did — regardless of whether they consciously perceived the pictures, many of which flew by subliminally. But the circuits activated in their brains were similar as well: an area called the ventral pallidum was particularly active whenever the participants responded.

“This area is located in what used to be called the reptilian brain, well below the conscious areas of the brain,” said the study’s senior author, Chris Frith, a professor in neuropsychology at University College London who wrote the book “Making Up The Mind: How the Brain Creates our Mental World.”
The results suggest a “bottom-up” decision-making process, in which the ventral pallidum is part of a circuit that first weighs the reward and decides, then interacts with the higher-level, conscious regions later, if at all, Dr. Frith said.

Scientists have spent years trying to pinpoint the exact neural regions that support conscious awareness, so far in vain. But there’s little doubt it involves the prefrontal cortex, the thin outer layer of brain tissue behind the forehead, and experiments like this one show that it can be one of the last neural areas to know when a decision is made.
This bottom-up order makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. The subcortical areas of the brain evolved first and would have had to help individuals fight, flee and scavenge well before conscious, distinctly human layers were added later in evolutionary history. In this sense, Dr. Bargh argues, unconscious goals can be seen as open-ended, adaptive agents acting on behalf of the broad, genetically encoded aims — automatic survival systems.

In several studies, researchers have also shown that, once covertly activated, an unconscious goal persists with the same determination that is evident in our conscious pursuits. Study participants primed to be cooperative are assiduous in their teamwork, for instance, helping others and sharing resources in games that last 20 minutes or longer. Ditto for those set up to be aggressive.
This may help explain how someone can show up at a party in good spirits and then for some unknown reason — the host’s loafers? the family portrait on the wall? some political comment? — turn a little sour, without realizing the change until later, when a friend remarks on it. “I was rude? Really? When?”

Mark Schaller, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, has done research showing that when self-protective instincts are primed — simply by turning down the lights in a room, for instance — white people who are normally tolerant become unconsciously more likely to detect hostility in the faces of black men with neutral expressions.
“Sometimes nonconscious effects can be bigger in sheer magnitude than conscious ones,” Dr. Schaller said, “because we can’t moderate stuff we don’t have conscious access to, and the goal stays active.”

Until it is satisfied, that is, when the program is subsequently suppressed, research suggests. In one 2006 study, for instance, researchers had North Western University undergraduates recall an unethical deed from their past, like betraying a friend, or a virtuous one, like returning lost property. Afterward, the students had their choice of a gift, an antiseptic wipe or a pencil; and those who had recalled bad behavior were twice as likely as the others to take the wipe. They had been primed to psychologically “cleanse” their consciences.
Once their hands were wiped, the students became less likely to agree to volunteer their time to help with a graduate school project. Their hands were clean: the unconscious goal had been satisfied and now was being suppressed, the findings suggest.

What You Don’t Know
Using subtle cues for self-improvement is something like trying to tickle yourself, Dr. Bargh said: priming doesn’t work if you’re aware of it. Manipulating others, while possible, is dicey. “We know that as soon as people feel they’re being manipulated, they do the opposite; it backfires,” he said.
And researchers do not yet know how or when, exactly, unconscious drives may suddenly become conscious; or under which circumstances people are able to override hidden urges by force of will. Millions have quit smoking, for instance, and uncounted numbers have resisted darker urges to misbehave that they don’t even fully understand.

Yet the new research on priming makes it clear that we are not alone in our own consciousness. We have company, an invisible partner who has strong reactions about the world that don’t always agree with our own, but whose instincts, these studies clearly show, are at least as likely to be helpful, and attentive to others, as they are to be disruptive.

Monday 27 May 2013

Living Your Own Life.

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Are you REALLY living your OWN life, is it everything you thought it would be?
Or is your life being lived through you, do you feel you are on auto-pilot much of the time?

Do you breathe yourself while you sleep? Do you breathe yourself while you are awake?  Do you always remember how you drove home while your mind wandered off to something more interesting to think about?
Do you feel you are living your dream life, or do you feel like the mouse on a treadmill, burning out with stress, maintaining a lifestyle that you only thought would make you happy? Are you being lived, or are YOU really living your own life, the way you thought it would be when you were young enough to dream big?

Have the years gone by so quickly and you are amazed how much you invested into your life, and how little you received in return. Do you have millions in the bank, a beautiful mortgage free home, the car of your ultimate choice, money to take yourselves / children / grandchildren on round-the-world extended trips? Could you pay for specialized care / treatment if you or any close member of your family got really ill?

Can you at any time, do what you want, whenever you choose?  A bird can, a wild animal can, insects can, (apart from ants) trees and plants are free to bend in the breeze and soak up the sun / moon / wind 24/7.                                         All of nature is free to choose.
Why is it that humanity has chosen to enslave themselves to "A work System" where 95% of the population work dutifully until July each year before they get any money for themselves after all their taxation liabilities have been met. Having said that, we still live in mortal fear of the dreaded tax audit. Uncle Sam is watching YOU!!   Get it right and do you get a medal-  NO you don't!
But make a mistake and they will bankrupt you or lock you away.

  The 100 Man Story:     National Bureau of Labor Statistics, out of 100 people born, by age 65:
*  29-     of them are dead.....   Leaving 71 still alive.
Of the 71 that are still living, they are comprised of the following.
*  52-     are directly dependent on the government or family to survive. (Usually on a small percentage of their past working life incomes)
*  14-     are still working and always will because they can't afford not to, and have little or no superannuation to fall back on because they never realized they needed it, or they lost 33% of it to dodgy stocks and shares mismanagement in the GFC fallout.
*  3-      are financially independent. They don't need any support from anyone. Their wealth continues to grow as they receive a comfortable income from their assets.
*  2-      are wealthy!    Wealthy as defined as a net worth of $5 million plus.

How many were financially successful after being on the work treadmill most of their lives?
5 out of 100!!   5 successful, divided by 71 living = 7%  Only 7% financially free to choose any day, any moment how they will live their dream life.  The mainstream 93% are not financially successful and free. They may appear to be, however in most cases the average person is only several  months away from bankruptcy. Without their income, or if any thing out of the ordinary went wrong for them.

Concerning mind improvement strategies to enhance future lifestyles, if the majority were right, wouldn't the majority be wealthy, healthy, alive, and free to make their own life choices?
Where do you see yourself right now, in the 7% or the 93%?

Do you want to stay in the 93%, (if you are there) or do you need to question your (pre-programmed) subconscious mind program that is well and truly hard wired into the status-quo (Latin for; The Mess We Are In) money matrix, where 95% of the world's wealth is controlled by 5% of the really wealthy people.

In 1960 when our parents were buying their family home, the average house price was $7,000, ($80,000 in today's terms) and the average annual income was $2073. Average monthly mortgage payment; $27.
In 2010 the average house price was $481,310 (In 2010 terms, $481,310) and the average annual income  was $57,691. Average monthly mortgage;  $2124!!           Article:   The Sunday Mail. Feb 2010

With the cost of all our services rising at such a rapid rate, is it becoming easier for families to have a good standard of living and complete most people's desire to eventually enjoy retirement without money problems?

The original monetary system was based upon people actually manufacturing something. 150 years ago 90% of people worked from home making things or servicing other businesses that made something. Nowadays nearly all manufacturing occurs in Asia, China or India and in time, robots will do most of the work.

So where does all of this leave the average 25 year old that has a huge dream, and a big hearted desire to get ahead and carve out a decent future for themselves and perhaps their intended family?

Our international population has exponentially doubled from 3.5 billion since 1950 to 7.2 billion people now.  Before that, it took the whole of the history of the planet,  (4 billion years if you are an evolutionist, or 6,000 years if you are a christian.) in 1900, to reach the first one billion people. 72 years later we had doubled to hit the 2 billion figure, then 27 years later (1950) we were at the 3.5 billion......   Now 7.2 billion!!   Do the sums; if we continued at that rate, would we hit 15 billion in the next 30 years??

Come on the ride of your life to really explore 'what's what' in the reality of this world, and how you can:

*  Design the lifestyle that you would really desire, without any nasty surprises and losses down the track.
*  Create your own world based around peace, joy, love and mutual human win/win interactions.
*  Manage every situation, encounter and challenge that comes your way and grow from it all positively.
*  Not be buffeted about by every financial, political, tyrannical trend that blows through the world.
*  Discover how every other human is the best gift you can receive each day, & how they will reciprocate.
*  Really envision you future life, and achieve everything on your bucket list.....  Easily!
*  Be completely FREE!

Learn how; You are the creator of your entire life, every situation you ever experienced, you created it!

Sunday 26 May 2013

Emotions Direct Our Life.

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How our "Emotions," pain body and hidden (past) forgotten subconscious thoughts direct our life 24/7 almost on auto pilot, 95% of the time.  Action creates reaction, or stimulus creates response. We are motivated to 'act' by outside stimulus. We would like to believe that we think our way through our day, but we are thought by our given program.
Maybe 5% of our day is 'thought' by ourselves to make our own current choices.
Every thought in the human mind sends out an electro-magnetic wave from the base of the heart that has a measurable effect upon the world in which we live. The heart emits 5,000 times more energy than the brain. And we only make use of one fifth of the brains capacity, therefore we fundamentally are lead by the "heart," which magnifies from our subconscious reality (or belief system) through the neural pathways to create outcomes of which some are good and some are bad.

Logic does not always prevail when "feelings" get in the way.

The physical world is made up of two fields of energy;
Electrical and magnetic=    Electromagnetic fields.   A constant "Light Show."

Our personal world can change dramatically by the emotions (thought and feeling) that we subconsciously create between our heart and our brain. All matter is simply vibrating sound waves and sound creates form, each thought sends a powerful wave of information which helps shape the world around us. Each different thought sends out a different energy.

But positive thoughts create positive outcomes and negative thoughts create negative outcomes- Which is the law of attraction.

As the effect of positive thoughts on water has a dramatically different effect than negative thoughts. Thoughts (The programmed Matrix Mind that thinks through us) creates electromagnetic fields which go out to change atoms which in turn build the personal world in which we live.
Do we have a lot of choice in how our lives turn out?  Not really, unless you decide to learn for yourself who you really are!   And you are not your programmed thoughts.

Want to change your external world? Then learn to change your invisible inner reality.

References:  Albert Einstein.  Theoretical Physicist. 
                       Max Planck.  Theoretical Physicist known for originating Quantum theory.
                       Dr Bruce Lipton. Cellular Bioligist.
                       Greg Braden. Scientist and pioneer in bridging the wisdom of our past with the      science, healing and peace of our future.


Saturday 25 May 2013

Are You Believing Your Feelings?

Are you believing your feelings?

Feelings are no more than a warning system to steer ourselves through life. Feelings magnify our thoughts, and thoughts (beliefs) are what we do when we are consciously not present.

We don't think thoughts...... Thoughts think us! Tens of thousands of them every day. They drift through us as our pre-frontal cortex, conscious present time, thinking mind sleeps. Allowing us to mentally rest in physical pre-programmed rote routine patterns. Same thing day in, day out, ground hog day. Call it what you like, but seldom do we take a real deep breath and consciously come into real time awareness, give ourselves a stiff uppercut, and question the multi-thousands of thoughts that "Think Us" while we robotically go through our day on the conveyor belt of life.

Sounds bizarre? As time goes by I will lead you to scientific proof, when you are ready to fully explore who you really are, and that's certainly not your thoughts of you. We may all persevere to grow intellectually and physically, but our fundamental thoughts, story, beliefs, reality, change very little throughout our lives..... We are our "Story" about us!

It is never difficult to find out what our mysterious auto-pilot thoughts are. If we feel peace, joy, love, trust, compassion for ourselves and our fellow man, then our thoughts are very congruent with our true individual vision / passion / dharma / given-life-experience. But if our feelings mirror disturbance, anger, bitterness, jealousy, mistrust, envy back to us, then the thoughts, which are based on our past childhood programming, (how we perceived our world before our more discerning pre-frontal cortex, conscious mind was developed to any degree that we could filter out what was irrelevant / unnecessary to us) that are thinking us may require some adult conscious challenging, questioning, and reframing.

Understanding thoughts is the most powerfully liberating action anyone can take to manage life. If we feel good, we must be attaching to good thoughts. If we feel bad, we are believing bad thoughts. Thoughts are a mindless loop of regurgitated past events paid forward.

Feelings are just the broadcasting of our thoughts, applied to our world, then mirrored (magnified) back to us by others. Use your feelings to monitor your thoughts, catch yourself feeling your progress through life. Reframe feelings by rewriting auto-pilot thought imprints. Change your thoughts (story), change your feelings, change your outcomes.

Ask questions about; "Why am I feeling this way (good/bad)?"

What is it within me that is creating this situation that I am experiencing?

Watch your feelings subside as you question thoughts and reframe them by questioning what they mean. Learn to manage your reality from the inside, not the outside. Realize you are a creator of all your life events, not a victim of anyone else.

Other people, places and events give us the gift of our own reflection. Be grateful for advice feedback and criticism. Thank those that care enough to stand up to us, and use from it all what you can, put the rest of it in-the-to-hard-basket, and move on. Always grateful! Appreciation for all things opens the Universe to Supernatural gifts that naturally clears self imposed obstacles for us, lightens our load and opens our dreams and vision.

Living by feelings is the most energy deficient way to experience life. Realize we are always creating something. Reframe every event to produce a positive outcome. Write your self chosen vision, and live in it today as if it were more real than past events.

Friday 24 May 2013

Why Me?

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Why Me?

1: What is it within me that creates this circumstance that I find myself in?

2: What must I be entertaining in thought to experience this person, place, event?

These two power questions will change your life, so when confused, angry or just frustrated.... Try these simple questions to discover how YOU create your world!!

Your feelings will always show you what thoughts you are running. Life is but a mirror!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Names For Joy.

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An excerpt from:   “A Thousand Names For Joy.”       By Byron Katie.

 Act for the people’s benefit. Trust them; leave them alone. “I trust everyone. I trust them to do what they do, and I’m never disappointed. And since I trust people, I know to let them find their own way. The wonderful thing about inquiry is that there’s no one to guide you, but you. There’s no Guru, no teacher, no parent, who in their great wisdom, shows you all the answers. Only your own answers can help you. You yourself are the way and the truth and the life, and when you realize this, the world becomes very kind.” 

“When my daughter Roxanne attended her first ‘The Work’ workshop with me, it was 1993, with a large group of Therapists present. She was working on ‘The Mother from hell’! which was how she had experienced me as she was growing up. She couldn't bear to look at me as she was doing her worksheet; it was hard for her even to hear the sound of my voice. I was the root of her problem, she thought, and I was also her salvation; she had to ask the monster for help, which made her furious. At a certain moment, she became very passionate and got right in my face and said I should have Mothered her differently. I said, That’s not MY job. Mother yourself honey. You be the Mother that you always wanted. Later she told me that was the greatest gift I ever gave her. It turned out to be her freedom.

I know the privilege of Mothering myself. It’s hopeless to see it as anyone else’s job. Here’s what I have told all my children: You have the perfect Mother. I’m responsible for all your problems, and your responsible for all your answers.” “Ultimately there is only you: You are your own suffering, you are your own happiness. What you give is what you receive, and I love that. I am always receiving for myself what I give to others.
Sacrifice is not a word that holds any meaning for me, since in my experience, giving something away doesn't- can’t- mean giving it up. When I give it to you, it’s me I am giving it to. There’s no separation between us.”

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hidden Emotions.

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How our "Emotions", pain body and hidden forgotten subconscious thoughts direct our life almost on auto pilot. Action creates Reaction or stimulus creates response. Every thought in the human mind sends out an electro-magnetic wave from the base of the heart (heart is a term for,"The open mind.")that has a measurable effect upon the world in which we live.
The heart emits 5,000 times more energy than the brain. And we only make use of one fifth of the brains capacity, therefore we fundamentally are lead by the "heart," (Open mind) which magnifies from our subconscious reality (or belief system) through the neuro pathways to create outcomes of which some are good and some are bad. Logic does not always prevail when "feeling" gets in the way.

 The physical world is made up of two fields of energy; electrical and magnetic= Electromagnetic fields. Our personal world can change dramatically by the emotions (thought and feeling) that we create between our heart and our brain. All matter is simply vibrating sound waves and sound creates form, each thought sends a powerful wave of information which helps shape the world around us.
 Each different thought sends out a different energy. But positive thoughts create positive outcomes and negative thoughts create negative outcomes- which is the law of attraction. As the effect of positive thoughts on water has a dramatically different effect than negative thoughts. Thoughts create electromagnetic fields which go out to change atoms which in turn build the personal world in which we live.

Want to change your external world? Then learn to change your invisible inner reality.

Monday 20 May 2013

Conscious V Subconscious Mind.

Conscious Versus Subconscious Mind.

YouTube:  Bruce Lipton conscious mind vs subconscious mind

If you don't do another thing today but watch this video, it will be the most important gift that you can give yourself, your family, and the issues of life that you are most passionate about. This is the fundamental point of all human "separation." If you "see" the depth of this man's (Bruce's) experience, you will see all the walls fall down around you that separate you from being "YOU!" (the real you)

Have you ever been put into a position, that in hindsight, you just did not handle as well as you could have?   Maybe then we don't have what we want....  We have what we subconsciously prepare for?
Well, guess what?  There is a logical reason for that and Dr Bruce Lipton (Cellular Scientist) has come up with the answer.  Bruce's teaching is a step beyond, the movie, "The Secret," where we learnt all about how the "Law of Attraction" effects our outcomes, without any seemingly intelligent reason why.  Karma perhaps.
This is a general broadcast to multiple recipients, so-  nothing personal!! 

As Florence Scovel Shinn said in her book "The Game of Life" in 1925,  "There are no friends or enemies out there....  Only teachers that mirror back to us our hidden beliefs:
Beliefs= thoughts.  Thoughts= words.  Words= actions. Actions become our lives and personal reality.

Friends can be won / lost, and enemies can be gained. For one reason or another, they all blow hot and cold. If we are lucky, mostly they approve, if it's not a lucky day, they disapprove of us. Inconsistent at best.
But if we reclassify family, friends and enemies as valuable teachers who are always there showing and guiding us to "The reality" that is our own lives. Whether they like us or not, they always mirror back our hidden self. (Thanks to all the teachers throughout my life!)

The video runs for 53 minutes, but if you are an impatient person (Like me) then you will get "The Hit" at 25 minutes through to 35 minutes, and then from 45 minutes to 53 minutes.  Also (like me) you may have to listen to the video a few times before you realize that you are blocking out completely what "your subconscious mind" does not recognize because this information is not embedded within its own program."
In brief;  Change your subconscious beliefs, by introducing new ideas and information you can get consistently excited about, and change your health, wealth, relationships and life!   Our genetic cellular structure magnifies and portrays to the world our hidden subconscious beliefs, because the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than our self-aware conscious mind, according to Dr Bruce Lipton.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Peace Within.

Peace Within;   is only achieved when every single thought is understood as a perfect, present time reality.

Whatever we have presenting itself to us.....   is our own personally created 'Reality.'  It's presenting itself to us simply because our own thought producing energy, which is connected to the world, has incubated in our subconscious mind, magnified in structural form, and returned to us in a miraculous way.

Trouble is though that we aren't aware that we do this 24/7, so we assume our personal world is beyond our control. We believe that 'things' just happen to us because we have no  understanding of how the mind of Quantum Physics works.

Quantum Physics creates the holograph of illusion that something exists beyond our thoughts.
Yes we can, and actually do create our own reality every moment of every day.

We may try to excuse ourselves of any liability for our daily outcomes, but the truth is we have orchestrated our own demise, or our greatest miracle, depending on what we are thinking.

According to many Neuro Scientists over the past century and beyond, the human mind is always generating concepts out into the universe. But did you know that the human mind was 50% programmed before it left the Mothers Womb? And the remaining 50% was then programmed by the age of 7 years. Therefor it is completely logical that our perspective of how we see the World is totally managed by the program set out for us before we were consciously developed to discern our ultimate long term good. 

Apart from our ongoing learnt mechanical / intellectual skills,  our fundamental behavioral patterns are set permanently for the rest of our lives, unless discovered, challenged and reframed. Although few people actually go through this paradigm shift, those that do learn to create everything they desire.  

When I Challenge My Thoughts.

When I challenge my thoughts....

I naturally reframe my own circumstances and automatically change the consequence outcomes.  

It's a simple process that I do every time I catch myself being uneasy about my feelings. Its my barometer. 
I can do this anytime; sitting, cycling, walking, kayaking, even when in the company of others. 
It's a natural mind calmer and automatic problem solver when any difficulty arises with other people. 

In our business we have ten off shore contractors handling our work load.
Occasionally, as most of these very highly trained experts are young people, their personal lives can affect the work expectations we have for them. Handling these issues by challenging our own thoughts about our overseas workers always resolves the problem in a remarkable way, often having a better outcome than the initial plan, with some sort of 'divine' intervention reinvigorating the project at hand. 

The more often we challenge our own thoughts about any issue involving someone else, the less negative situations we have to deal with.

Personally I have practically no negative issues that I cannot reframe almost instantly to see a wonderful outcome far better than I originally set off to achieve. I can live with my own emotional pain, or my most contented feelings knowing full well that these feelings are simply my inner thoughts creating negative or positive outcomes. But I always have the choice as to how I will act on these thoughts. 

With positive feelings I can value and enjoy watching my creative thoughts manifest out in the world with constructive, beneficial outcomes. With negative feelings, I get the opportunity to go within and challenge my valuable past beliefs that may well have kept me safe and protected at a previous younger time of my life, but this belief no longer serves me, so as I reframe this belief I can create a new belief that serves me better at this stage of my life. 

In my relationship with my life partner Michelle, we NEVER have had a problem together that has not been turned around in a heartbeat to evolve from with a fantastic revelation about ourselves and our relationship. I am most fortunate to have a partner that is aware that I am merely a reflection of her inner self.

What we are talking about here is a "Creator" mentality that realizes there is only one life lived through 7 billion people.   A mentality of oneness, not duality!
An ancient concept of one life lived through multiple expressions of earth rock, plant animal, human etc......
The creator living every breath through the created. Whether you believe in a God,  a Creator or that the Planet has simply 'Evolved.' 
There is a logical conclusion that LIFE lives itself without our thought of how this phenomenon actually happens. 

But here we are, for a third of our lives entrusting this power greater than the concept of ourselves to 'live us' while we sleep 33% of our lives away. In fact the "Energy" even 'lives' us while we are robotically working our lives away everyday without ever a thought of breathing, cardiovascular, cellular maintenance.

A better description of how we are all connected and how life lives through us is when we are first in love.
The early days of a love relationship when 100% of our attention is on our new partner that we are besotted by.  Well who is paying any attention to our own internal workings?  Answer: The Creator within attends to the Created 24/7

The ego of mankind is completely ignorant to truthful reality and creates its own pseudo  reality, based around truth.... But one degree of difference is enough to find ones self so far away from our intended goal, that the ego can only blame someone else for its own constant failure to positively produce win/win long term outcomes every time.

An example of this is a plane flying to Los Angeles, but being one degree off course will eventually finish its journey in Alaska. (Out in the cold)

One mind, one life, one World, one opportunity to understand how to be truly free from separation of your ultimate perfect outcomes.

Espavo  Sam

Saturday 18 May 2013

Are You Believing You Feelings?

Are you believing your feelings?

Feelings are no more than a warning system to steer ourselves through life. Feelings magnify our thoughts and thoughts are what we do when we are consciously not present, but running on subconscious (memory) auto-pilot.
Understanding thoughts is the most powerfully liberating action anyone can take to manage life. If we feel good, we must be attaching to good thoughts. If we feel bad, we are believing bad thoughts. Thoughts are a mindless loop of regurgitated past events paid forward.
Feelings are just the broadcasting of our thoughts, applied to the world.  Use your feelings to monitor your thoughts, catch yourself feeling your progress through life. Reframe feelings by rewriting thought imprints. Change your thoughts, change your feelings.
Ask a question about; "Why am I feeling this way (good/bad)?" Watch your feelings subside as you question thoughts and reframe them by questioning what they mean.
Living by feelings is the most energy deficient way to experience life. Realize we are always creating something.  Reframe any event to produce a positive outcome.