Wednesday 3 July 2013

Causes of separation.

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Causes of separation

Listed below are a few of societies consistent patterns of treating symptoms, (appearance / illusion, which only appear as real) as if they are real which maintains separatism, duality and individualism. All the issues that continue to keep us apart from intimate relationship. The population are more easily managed as individuals, rather than large groups and factions. United we stand divided we fall.

Take a pile of sticks of wood and break them one by one, but bind them all together and they virtually cannot be broken. We all talk about many of the things of this world being unjust but few of us actually get together on the relevant issues to stand up and be counted in opposition. Every day and mostly all day, we are bombarded with the negative effects of this world. But the effects of this worlds behaviour and outcomes have originated from causes that historically and currently are conveniently hidden from view.
To understand relationship means to understand who we are now, how we got to this place in time and where we will end up with our current line of thought. If you want to know where you are heading to, it’s extremely important to understand how you first got to this point in your life.

Duality (seeing two separate people, instead of one spiritual being expressed in two different forms) separates and divides. Behaviour, which is always transient and changing actually becomes who we are instead of simply what we do at any given time. “I am not my behaviour, that is merely what I do.” But, THE LAW (society) says “My behaviour is who I am,” and will go about forcing that negative dogma on me for the rest of my life. If I break any of its laws they will punish me and it will go on record forever that I am restricted as a person to the degree of my crime as to how I am allowed to live and where I can live / travel. So much for our Christian society that is supposed to be based on Grace, “Turning the other cheek,” forgiveness, compassion, and teaching higher ideals.

The Bible is the cornerstone of a Christian based society, but there are two parts of our bible and this society is still firmly locked into the first edition (1st testament) that was written in different darker times, but subsequently locked us into those past dark ages of “Dog eat Dog” mentality. But the signs are becoming apparent that the 2nd edition (2nd testament) that has been taught more from about fifty years ago when common people were allowed to begin reading it for themselves, and not having it interpreted by often narcissistic, corrupt priests, popes, cardinals, ministers and pastors’ with hidden sinister motivations of self importance or greed & lust.

Making behaviour real, when it is really only the decoy / illusion, that continues to feed that same behaviour within the person being judged, until nobody can tell what is real anymore. Not only the Law but all of society works on this idea that we are our behaviour. Therefore one day I can be on good behaviour (accepted) and another day I can be on bad behaviour (unaccepted.)

This system of societies Law is completely insane and can never work. It actually feeds the problem until it eventually gets out of control and the last resort is to lock it all away, hide from it and pretend it no longer exists, it’s someone else’s problem. Until it pops out again right in front of us. No hiding from the inevitable ‘Law of Attraction.’

We are sitting on a Jack-in-a-box situation waiting to implode with such an acute tension build-up with the subsequent fallout, from not being able to attain practically impossible close bonding relationship in this world of double standards.

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