Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Power Of The Mind.

Free eBook. sam@lifexcells.com
Taking your Mind To Freedom.

The most difficult place to ever be in life is......   STUCK!!!

In fact nothing else in life cause us more distress than being forced to accept the unacceptable.
Unable to leave behind that which no longer serves us, and afraid to walk into the new, seemingly obscure future that appears to be calling us. All of our brain cells are assigned to the task at hand.

The situations are many;
*  A relationship with a spouse that has been dry and barren for quite some time
*  A relationship with a friend that has become unworkable or unacceptable
*  A job that we are either so bored at, or cannot tolerate behavior any longer
*  A business that we slog away every day at, with less money than when we had a job
*  Relationships with family, siblings, children that create more pain and discomfort than joy
*  Sports, recreation, volunteering roles, etc that take so much time, but still don't bring fulfillment

One common denominator within all of these places, events and people is that they all mirror back to us our beliefs, constant thoughts and consequent feelings.  Feelings are our life barometer guiding us through the channels of opportunities that exist for all of us. Often we do not even have to  leave our present environment to free ourselves;  of ourselves.

But life evolves, and humans get stuck at check points that are there to guide us onto the next amazing opportunity. However, as we have no brain cells equipped to handle a new possibility, we miss seeing discomfort as a signpost to guide ourselves on to the next exciting life chapter. 

Of all the massive amounts of information that hits our (RAS,) Reticular Activating System each second. (RAS; One of two parts of the reticular formation in the brain-stem that maintains an alert state in the cerebral cortex and is concerned with arousal. The reticular activating system filters out repetitive stimuli, preventing sensory overload. It only scans and lets in what your interests are!)
If we can't recognize any of the NEW information, we don't accept it as being for us, therefore opportunity comes, and opportunity misses us, constantly!

Active goal setting actually sends out a frequency to the Universe that we require something on our list, but the other amazing dynamic is;  we CAN recognize it with our RAS, because we have sent an instruction to the RAS that something new is on the way....  AND THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!

Not knowing how to work Active Goals, leaves us at the mercy of our internal Subconscious program which is made up of our beliefs, constant thoughts, and consequent feelings and this all continues to go round and around and around, in a mindless loop until we realize that we can change it.

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