Saturday 13 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt7

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We have all had the experience of having unfortunate or unhappy things happen to us in our lives. And then later in retrospect, we look back and we say, “Boy wasn’t it fortunate that, that happened at that time.” Because if that hadn’t happened, this wouldn’t of happened, and this wouldn’t of happened. And we wouldn’t have arrived here which is where we wanted to end up in the first place. Have you had that experience, it’s a very normal experience that we look back in retrospect and unfortunate occurrences and say boy it was lucky that happened, because if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have achieved the happiness or the success that I have achieved today. 
Hindsight is such a wonderful insight.

It was Bob Proctor that said; “I could only connect all the dots in hindsight.”

On the David Susskind Show a few years ago, they had four young men who had earned a million dollars before the age of 35. And in talking to these young men, they asked them how many different careers or businesses they had been in before they had reached the business that enabled them to become financially independent at a young age. And it turned out that they had each been in an average of 18 business before they reached the one that enabled them to be financially successful.

Now the logical question is this, did they fail in 17 business because that’s what happened, they went in and out of 17 business or careers before they found the 18th one. What was the purpose of each of those 17 business on average, wasn’t it to teach them the essential lessons that they had to learn if they wanted to become millionaires in their mid thirties. 

Of course but the difference between winners and losers is simply this, winners expect and believe absolutely that they are fated and destined to be successful, and that every single thing that happens between where they start and their ultimate success is either a step forward or a valuable lesson that has been sent to them to teach them something that will enable them to be ultimately successful. The losers set off with sometimes high goals and high ambitions but whenever they reach disappointment and setbacks they quit, or they deviate, or they scrap their goals or they settle for something far less. 

Winners take every single challenge, every single hurdle, every single difficulty, and say alright this has been sent to teach me something really valuable this is part of the process that prepares me and equips me for achieving my ultimate goal so what can I learn from it? And that’s the distinct difference.

If you absolutely believe that you are fated to be successful then just simply confidently expect that every single thing that happens to you is happening to you for your benefit. It is up to you to find the benefit that’s hidden within it. Gratitude and appreciation for all things, will get you there. And again Napoleon Hill who calls the SuperConscious mind the Infinite Intelligence in his writings, simply said that; “Within every set back or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit, and that the successful man or women always looks for the advantage or benefit in every situation, and low and behold they always find it.”  
Because as long as you’re looking past the obstacle, for the benefit, you cannot be seen to be worrying about the current negative event or the setback.

  • The next characteristic of the SuperConscious mind which is terribly important to us is that it makes all of our words and actions and their effects fit a pattern consistent with our own concepts, with our current programming, and with the goals that we are trying to accomplish.
  • What this means is that when we have a very clear idea of what it is we want to achieve, especially in a social or business situation, the SuperConscious mind will make everything that we say and everything that we do exactly appropriate to what we are trying to accomplish.
Flip Wilson used to say when you’re hot your hot, and when your not your not. And we've all had the experience of being in a situation where we simply couldn't say or do the wrong thing. It seemed that everything that came out of our mouth, or everything that we did was exactly right for the situation and it felt perfect, it flowed naturally and it was all in complete harmony with the goal or the objective that we wished to obtain. 

We have all had that experience and physiologist’s have a great difficulty dealing with this idea of SuperConscious creativity, because it cannot be duplicated in the laboratory. They have two expressions for it one is called serendipity, serendipity is considered to be the ability to find happy events, to go through life and find a series of happy coincidences that occur to one. And another expression that they use is what is called synchronicity. 

When several events conspire together seemingly totally unrelated and yet when they meet together, they form a pattern or bring us the result or a solution that we were looking for. And we have all had the occasion where a whole series of things seem to conspire together into a happy coincidence.

Where a series of events conspire together to bring us the goal, to bring us the solution, to bring us the thing we are looking for. This synchronicity or serendipity series of events is simply another function of the Conscious Mind, programming Subconscious mind, to activate SuperConscious mind leverage. 
                                         This article is resourced from Brian Tracy's; Double Your Brain Power.

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