Monday 1 July 2013

The Golden Rule. Pt2

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The Golden Rule. Sayings from the Religions:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is the law and the prophets. 
                                                                                 Christianity Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31

What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the whole of The Torah and the
remainder is but commentary.                                     Judaism Shabbath (also Rabbi Hillel)

Do unto all men as you would they should unto you, and reject for others what you would reject
for yourself.                                                            Islam Mishkat-el-Masabih

Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.          Buddhism Udanavarga 5.8

Tzu Kung asked: "Is there any one principle upon which one’s whole life may proceed?" Confucius
replied: "Is not Reciprocity such a principle?- what you do not yourself desire, do not put before
others."                                                                 Confucianism Analects 15.23

This is the sum of all true righteousness -  Treat others, as thou wouldst thyself be treated.
Do nothing to thy neighbour, which hereafter Thou wouldst not have thy neighbour do to thee. 
                                                                           Hinduism Mahabharata Ganguli, Book 13 CXII)

Treat others as thou wouldst be treated thyself.       Sikhism Guru Angad (Macauliffe vol 2, p.29)

A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated. 
                                                                          Jainism Sutrakritanga Sutra 1.11.33

Regard your neighbour’s gain as your own gain; and regard your neighbour’s loss as your own loss, even as though you were in their place. 
                                                                         Taoism Tai-Shang Kan-Ying Pien

Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee. 
                                                                         Bahá'í Bahá'ulláh


The Golden Rule is the cornerstone of religious understanding. It is the most complete expression of the Oneness of all people, serving as the foundation for peace and universal goodwill on earth.

The Golden Rule is expressed almost word for word in every religion. So fundamental is it to all religious thought that the founders and enlightened teachers of every religion have commented on it directly.

Jesus referred to The Golden Rule as "the law and the prophets." Mohammed described it as "the noblest expression of religion." Rabbi Hillel stated in the Jewish Talmud that The Golden Rule is "the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary." Vyasa, the enlightened Hindu sage, called it "the sum of all true righteousness."    
Similarly, Buddha referred to it as "the sum total of all righteousness." And Confucius, the great Chinese master, deemed it "the one principle upon which one’s whole life may proceed."

Many people are taught from childhood that living The Golden Rule is an ideal, but the practical benefits are not emphasized. When people look upon others as extensions of themselves, all obstacles to fulfillment are removed-both for individuals and society.    When the goals of every individual are supported by the activities of every other person, the world has the possibility to flourish with peace and prosperity. For this reason, The Golden Rule should not be thought of as a vague ideal. 
It is a practical principle that embodies the deepest aspirations of humanity. It serves as the basis for all that is positive and lasting in human life.

(from the book) Oneness: Great principles Shared by all religions. Author; Jeffrey Moses

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