Monday 8 July 2013

Double Your Mind Power Pt3

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The difficulty with our creativity is not that we do not have the same insights as the geniuses, but it’s this one small distinction. The geniuses trust and believe in the value of their insights and in the value of the thoughts and the ideas that come to them, where as we do not. We think of these ideas and we think, well this idea can’t be of any use it came from me, it’s my idea and so we wait to see somebody else come up with the idea which may not even be as good as the idea we originally had and we say 
“Isn't that person intelligent look what a wonderful idea they have come up with.”

Well many of us think that our creativity is limited by our IQ. That our creativity is limited by the years of education we had, or the grades that we got in school. But somehow creativity is something that only scientists and artists and musicians and painters have or poets or writers the fact of the matter is that creativity is a very simple concept and to boil it down to its simplest words is that all creativity is simply a way of improving on the existing way of doing things. Every creativity is an improvement and to the degree to which we have the ability to find ways to improve the way that we do things in any area, we are creative individuals. And the more we use our creativity like the more we use our muscles, the more that we have. 
  • Another characteristic of this super conscious capability, or this super conscious mind, is that it has access when it computes for us.
  • And it has access  to all that’s stored in our subconscious mind.
  • And it has the ability to discriminate between valid and invalid data. In other words when we program a goal or a problem into our subconscious mind.....
  • Ask the subconscious mind to solve it for us, the subconscious mind passes it on to the super conscious capability.
  • The super conscious capability, when it computes and calculates to solve the problem or give us ideas to help us move towards our goal, has the ability to take all of the data we have taken in.
  • In the course of our life time and stored in the subconscious mind, and sort out from that data what is valid and what is true and discard the rest when it computes.
  • That’s why whenever you get an idea whenever you get one of these flashes that come into your mind that answers the question perfectly you will find that in every single case the answer is correct in every detail.
  • Another characteristic of this super conscious capability is that it brings us ideas that lie outside of our own individual experience, often we will get ideas that are totally new and that come totally from outside the experience ,the education, the knowledge, that we've had in the past.

This is why most of the great breakthrough in science and technology today are coming from small corporations, individuals working in private research laboratories. Very few of those major breakthroughs come from the big companies. The big companies will take the major breakthroughs and develop them and commercialize them, but almost invariable these major breakthroughs are coming from people sometimes who have not even been in the field before, but they get ideas and insights into doing things in a new or different way that are completely unique and original and lead to the opening up for entire new industries.

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