Tuesday 9 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt5

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In the ancient scriptures it says; “To him who hath, shall more be given to him. Who hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away.” And it means that to those who are excited and positive and moving toward their accomplishment of their goal’s, they get even more energy and more ideas and more creativity than those who are going nowhere, and who have very few ideas or no goals, even that energy that they have is drained away and they become tired and depressed and fatigued.

The stepping stones to success, is gratitude, enthusiasm, and taking action on inspiration daily, and this will feed the message to Superconscious that you are ready to handle more good stuff!  
Any negativity to your current "Reality," will send a huge message out to the Superconscious to over-supply on the ongoing lack and limitation if you are focusing on what is missing. 

The 3D mind (three dimensional; Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious) works together always in harmony to create exactly what is stored in Subconscious memory. Whether that be a negative past story, or a conscious positive request.

Another characteristic of this SuperConscious mind is that it automatically and continuously solves every problem on the pathway to your goal.
No matter how far the goal is, no matter how distant, as long as the goal is clear the SuperConscious will give you every single idea and solution that you need in the exact order that you need it.
Now once you have programmed the goal in and take the first step, you will find that the SuperConscious will give you the first step to take.

Then it will solve the first problem and when you implement the solution it will give you the next step.
It will solve the next problem and it will give you the following step, it will solve the following problem.
And all you have to do is take it one step at a time and at every step on the way, as long as the goal is clear the answer will come to you.

Another characteristic of the SuperConscious is that it operates best in a spirit of faith and acceptance, which means that the harder you don’t try the more rapidly the SuperConscious brings you the ideas and the solutions that you required to achieve the goals that you've programmed into the subconscious.
In all creative work, mental effort defeats itself. Creativity cannot be forced, creativity invariably favors the relaxed mind.

When we talk about mental programming and how important it is to relax to take a deep breath, to get a clear mental picture of what you want to accomplish and just absolutely believe with complete confidence that if you can keep that clear mental picture, that it will come to you exactly when you are ready for it.

This SuperConscious capability, the more you believe in it the more you absolutely trust that you are moving in the direction of your goal and that your goal is moving toward you simultaneously, the more rapidly it seems to work.    The harder you try to force it,the less effective it is.

In the Scriptures again it says “Whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you have it and you will have it.” This is one of the most powerful admonitions to self confidence and positive thinking that if you absolutely believe that you already have the goal as achieved, (Visualize it clearly) and just confidently expect each step to take care of itself. 

That’s what triggers the super conscious into working. Another capacity is that the super conscious grows in capability as it is used and believed in. The more that we absolutely believe that it is working for us the more rapidly it works and you will find it a very interesting thing that when you begin using this SuperConscious capabilities, the same as getting a muscle into shape.

If you have not done physical exercise for a period of time it will take a while before you limber up and loosen up and you are able to use your muscles in a particular sport. When you have warmed up and when you have gotten yourself into good physical condition, you find that you can play longer, you can engage in the sport for hours without fatigue that you can do more and more with greater and greater flexibility and adaptability. 

It’s the same way with the super conscious capability, the more you use it the faster it works and the better it works, until it finally gets to the point where you can think of a goal, or put a problem into the SuperConscious and you will get a response sometimes within minutes, sometimes so fast it will absolutely stagger you.

Learn 3D Mind, you already use it everyday. However, do things always work out for you? If not, then this is a sign that you are using 3D Mind for your own good, and also for your own sabotage patterns.
When you understand fully how 3D Mind works, you will identify sabotage patterns before they trigger thus avoiding being blindsided with future disasters that we pass off as; bad luck, murphy's law, blame.

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