Tuesday 2 July 2013

Separate and Apart.

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Separate and Apart.
Amazing that every war has been created by man/woman believing they are separate and apart from other tribes, countries or continents. When we fight with a fool....  there are two fools fighting!! 
Every culture that has set off to win and destroy another culture, by the very Law of Attraction, has been defeated themselves in some horrific way. Karma comes back around and the piper must be paid.

All sporting games are based on win/lose mentality. People beat themselves up and physically destroy their own bodies by mid life, in the quest to win over the top of their fellow man/woman. This fight or flight mentality whereby humanity burns up to 80% of their energy in self protection mode is a stressful, unproductive way to live. 

So what takes us away from the perfect loving relationship, and The Golden Rule?   

Many people develop a mystical relationship with a God that they cannot see, hear, taste, touch or smell. Therefore nothing within their own senses can actually personally experience that 'God'. 

Only by believing and experiencing by faith can they hold that relationship together.  But effectively, even if God does exist, they'll never know for sure since their minds can see only their own reflection - a new twist on St. Paul's seeing through a glass darkly. 

One can hear the window to God's mind that was opened by Einstein being firmly, sternly slammed shut to himself also. So nearly three quarters of society hangs onto a story of God being real, and another quarter adamantly refuses to have anything to do with the theory. Interesting though that why would a ‘perfect’ God develop something, (creation) then rest and leave it all precariously hanging in the balance of extinction? Also every separate religions concept of God can be completely contrastingly different to the point of them being willing to fight to kill off any opposition to their own personal reflective view of what their God should be like.

So we know that most people will go to great extremes of belief and desire to embrace relationship, even if it is only in a mystical God experience. Many others will take up an intimate relationship with an animal, seemingly shunning other human intimacy for relationship with their dog, cat or even in some cases something more exotic like a wild animal to live in their home with. My guess is that we all long for an intimate, joyful, loving, peaceful relationship with at least one other human being, if not many other human intimate contacts. Perhaps this is why most of us start our OWN little tribe (family) to connect intimately with. Trying to achieve oneness at least within the home. This works fine until the children and partner grows up to develop their own line of thought from their own perception of the world, and wham.... Conflict somehow finds us again, even in our own home.

But when we begin to question our own thoughts, our world miraculously unfolds in a natural way. 

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