Thursday 11 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt6

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This wonderful example of “Don’t Know Mind” illustrates the hit and miss lifestyles of the 21st century.
“Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire Cat.
“I don't know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the Cat, “It doesn't matter.”

Dr Joyce brothers calls this flow of SuperConscious creativity just by the word flow, and whenever an individual has been working on a creative project, and many people have to write proposals, or write reports, or write term papers. They have had the experience of sitting down to work at a term paper, or to work on a proposal and suddenly something clicks in their mind and the words begin to flow and they begin to flow line after line after line and page after page, and it seems that you can write the whole proposal from beginning to end almost without notes and when you’re finished, its word for word perfect. Many of the great poems and the great stories and the great songs, many of the great creations of human history have been written or constructed word perfect the very first time and this is all an example of this SuperConscious capability that’s available to all of us .     

The three layers of the mind always work together, synergized, harmonized, unified. They can never be separated, broken up into parts, nor worked individually. They will work for good for us….  Or for bad!
The problem is that if we don’t know how to drive this Ferrari of equipment, we can take any road to success and really not know where we are going at all. Down the road somewhere, we can crash the Ferrari. 

SubConscious;  emotional/senses mind. 40 million bit per second processor. Multi tasking abilities. 
Conscious;  intellectual mind.   40 bit per second processor. (One thing at a time, small attention span)
SuperConscious;  infinite omniscience mind.  Omniscience:  The all knowing universal mind. 

You already use these three layers of mind, but you can be sure that you do not know the formula to really harmonize continual, consistent results that will build your life to maximum planned successful outcomes. 

Initiate 3D Mind, and activate the following laws: 
The Law of Attraction:  Reading intuition, steps and leads.
The Law of Action:        Taking action on given leads.
The Law of Use:             If you don’t use it, you will lose it.

Learn the 3D formula, and you will be Creator of all that you desire. Everything you do will have success!

Another capability of the SuperConscious mind is that it has the ability to take us through the lessons that we need to learn in order to achieve the goal, we know for instance that the SubConscious mind will take a goal and will go to work to move us toward that goal very much the way a torpedo, once it is aimed at a particular target and fired, the torpedo will move toward the target and will take sonar blips from the target that feedback to it. And will correct its course and no matter where the target goes the torpedo will hit the target.

The SuperConscious will do this also, but the SuperConscious has one additional unique capacity and it is this;

  • We can program our goal or target into our mind and into our SuperConscious capability, and as long as we have a very clear idea of what it is we want to accomplish, we can then fire off our mental torpedo into the air and the super conscious has the ability to seek out and find the target even though we have no idea where it is.
  • Or we begin moving toward it, while we are moving toward this target the super conscious, especially if we have set a goal and our target is very high for us, the super conscious will take us through the lessons necessary to enable us to accomplish that goal.
  • It will take us over hurdles, it will take us through mistakes, through obstacles, through setbacks, through disappointments, through stumbling blocks,
  • Everyone of which is been put there to teach us a valuable lesson to enable us to reach our ultimate goal, and to have the matured ability to be able to live in it successfully.

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