Friday 5 July 2013

You Were Born A Genius. Pt.1

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The title of this session is doubling your brain power and this is perhaps the most exciting session that we had the opportunity to talk about and it’s based on our understanding and based on our discovery that every human being is born as a genius, every single one of us has enormous untapped reserves of creativity which we habitually fail to use, and the purpose of this session is to explain to you some of the aspects of your own creativity and show you how to get far more out of yourself.

We know that in terms of goal setting and in terms of planning for the future and in terms of our aspirations for our income and things that we want to accomplish that we can never have any more than we have today simply by sweating harder, the old days where the basic rule was that you worked harder and harder and you hammered away and if you weren't getting results what you did is; as you worked harder you still have been passed over and today we know that we live in a totally creative world, and that everything that we have today is has a result of the efficiency with which we use our minds.

We have mentioned this before and that everything that we have tomorrow is going to be as a result of how we use our creative capacity, the amount of creativity we use is very closely connected to our own concepts and to our attitudes toward ourselves as creative persons. Every child is born through remarkable aspects of creativity as a matter of fact in some of the studies they've looked at, they find that 95 percent of children tested between the ages of 2 and 4 test out as highly creative, and that they are imaginative they are innovative they are curious they have tremendous capacities for abstract reasoning and for creating imaginary images. Testing the same children at the age of seven years, they test out at only 4 percent creative. 

In the period between the early years and age seven children are continually discouraged over and over again from being creative and innovative and letting their imaginations run rampant. Children are continually told that that’s foolish or that’s silly or you have to color between the lines or don’t touch that, smell that, taste this, get into that. So children gradually learn at a deep subconscious level that it’s not smart to get off of the beaten track, it’s not smart to try to look or touch or taste or feel things that Mummy and Daddy don’t approve of.

The wonderful thing about creativity is that its subject to another law which we call the law of use. The law of use simply says with any human faculty we either use it or lose it. The creative faculty however is never totally lost, what happens is that it goes underground and becomes a latent talent or capability of the human mind, and that we can begin to use our creativity again anytime in life that we so decide. 

The purpose of this blog is to show you how to trigger it, how to stimulate it, and how to get far more out of it, as a matter of fact it’s been said that a necessity is the mother of invention and if that’s so then creativity is the father. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that we live in the lap of an immense intelligence and he described this immense intelligence as though it was an ether that surrounded the earth like a huge main frame computer into which everyone of us can tap, 

This has been called throughout all of history things like the soul or infinite intelligence or the universal subconscious mind or the collective unconscious, but we are going to talk about this aspect of human creativity as the super conscious mind. This super conscious mind is so much vaster than our own individual intelligence and it is something that we use on a random and hap hazard basis all the time. 

Have you ever had the experience of been working on a problem or trying to achieve a goal or wrestling with some dilemma and as you are walking along or driving along an idea shoots into your mind like a bolt and it’s a perfect idea. Or have you ever had the example for instance where you have been thinking about someone and they telephone you and the phone rings and its them. Or you've called someone else and they say I was just thinking about you just when you telephoned. 

We have examples of this all the time where we have these almost unearthly bolts from the blue that seem to indicate that we have the ability to tap into a different form of intelligence, than anything that is taught in the text books, and the purpose of this session is to explain how this works because by using this super conscious capability we find that we dramatically improve the quality of our results and move faster toward the achievement of our goals than by using any other human faculty.

1 comment:

  1. Webster's New World Dictionary defines "creativity" as "artistic or intellectual inventiveness." My definition in more simple. To me, creativity means finding new ways to solve old problem. By this I mean that the challenges we face in our daily lives are not new [...]most of them have been around in one form or another for as long as there have been people on earth. The problem is, so have the normal solutions [...],many of which do not work or at least do not work well. Creativity is the ability to look past old, normal solutions and see the challenges in new ways, and then to come up with new solutions.

    I truly believe we are all born with a measure of creative talent. It's true that some people seem to possess more natural talent than others, but all of us have certain gifts. To live a happy and fulfilled life, you must develop whatever gifts you possess; in fact, you owe it to yourself to do so. Only then will you have the chance to reach your full potential, both as a person.
