Saturday 6 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt2

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There is a book by Richard Maurice Bucke called ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ where Bucke goes back over 700 hundred years of the most creative men and women of all time and finds that virtually every single one of them spoke about in their writings of an ability to tap into a higher form of consciousness.
This super conscious mind is characterized by some of the following things.
  •  First of all it’s the source of all pure creativity all great creative geniuses all great innovations all major breakthrough in human history have come as the result of super conscious functioning.
  • Some of the people who have written about using this super conscious function for instance Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson said that he never wrote anything of his own volition but he did simply act as a conduit for this over soul, or this infinite intelligence, and it would pour through him and the words would flow out onto paper word perfect, and come through his brain almost as if he was tapped into an unearthly power source.
  • Mozart for instance considered the greatest musician of all time wrote his music note perfect the first time. When he sat down to write he said the entire music, the entire symphony, the entire opus, would come into his mind and he would simply transcribe it onto paper. And people who have read Mozart’s music even at the time he was writing said it was the most beautiful music ever written down on paper, and he wrote it without corrections without changes note perfect the very first time.
  • Beethoven was deaf from the age of 35 most of his great works was written after he was totally deaf and Beethoven also said that the symphonies came full blown into his mind and he simply transcribed them on paper.  
  • Edison the greatest inventor of the modern age used his super conscious capability over and over again to tap into a higher power and used it for coming up with inventions and insights and so on.
  • Michael Faraday considered the father of electromagnetic field theory, an uneducated man who had tremendous abilities to use his super conscious capability and pioneered the work that lead to the development of the vacuum tube by;
  • Deforest which lead to the radio industry, the television industry, the electronic industry, the transistor micro electronics, the micro electronics chip. The entire set of principals came to him in a dream and he got up in the middle of the night, and he sat down and  wrote page after page of scientific formulations, which later when taken down to the laboratory and tested, were found to be absolutely perfectly precise and brand new in all of human history. They had never been written or discovered or worked out before.
Everyone of us as had the occasion of using this super conscious creativity where are we going through our day to day lives, and we see a product or a service that we think should be used or think that somebody should be producing. We say, “I wonder why somebody doesn't offer that, or I wonder why somebody doesn't  invent that.” And then two or three years later, we see a major corporation comes out with exactly the product that we thought of two or three years ago and goes on to make millions and millions of dollars. 

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