Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A Dream Life.

As blogged yesterday, Yale Uni and Dominican Uni did some studies to prove the stats' that maybe 3% of folk actively set goals that they manage daily. This is a powerful dynamic, but it must be tempered with something else;  changing your limiting beliefs that will force you to 'stay behind.'
And isn't it interesting that it's about 3% of the folk in the world that control 97% of the wealth.

Want to know why you can't, and maybe never will, share in that enormous pool of unlimited wealth? Want to know why you have to work to early JULY (taxes) before you get any money for yourself?

Watch the above video and see the number that 'they' did on you long before your Conscious-prefrontal cortex mind was developed enough for you to realize what was happening. Back in the times when you were a dry sponge of semi hypnotic, delta/alpha brain rhythm, trusting, imagination.....   A child!!

If this information rattles your cage;   'Feeling' is a conscious awareness of vibration!   You are awakening from a dream, the dream of pre-programmed limiting beliefs you think on, all day long.

Master Your Meaning and Master Your Emotions!  Define your future and steer your way through the mine field of limiting beliefs that got you this far, but cannot take you to a life of true freedom.

Whatever that may look like for you, it may just be:
*  A mortgage free home
*  A new car of YOUR choice
*  A better quality of relationship
*  Just having an intimate relationship
*  More time to travel
*  More free time
*  Debt free
*  Heaps of money in the bank
*  Physical fitness
*  Better health
*  A safe retirement
Whatever your expectancy point is;  Our 3D Mindset Transformation Program will support you to achieve way beyond where you ever imagined it was possible to venture.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Goal Setting.



Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews from Dominican University of California has advice for those who put ‘stop procrastinating’ on their list of New Year’s resolutions: Share your goals with a friend.

Research recently conducted by Matthews shows that people who wrote down their goals, shared this information with a friend, and sent weekly updates to that friend were on average 33% more successful in accomplishing their stated goals than those who merely formulated goals.

Matthews became interested in the study of procrastination about 10 years ago after reading an article in Fast Company magazine about the “1953 Yale Study of Goals.” The premise of the study — that people who write down specific goals for their future are far more likely to be successful than those who have either unwritten goals or no specific goals at all — has inspired the teachings of many self-help authors and personal coaches.

The only trouble is that the study was never actually conducted. The 1996 Fast Company article debunked the Yale study as little more than an often-quoted urban legend.

However, Matthews’ research now backs up the conclusions long attributed to the mythical Yale study.

“With the proliferation of business and personal coaching and the often anecdotal reports of coaching success, it is important that this growing profession be founded on sound scientific research,” Matthews said.

Matthews recruited 267 participants from a wide variety of businesses, organizations, and networking groups throughout the United States and overseas for a study on how goal achievement in the workplace is influenced by writing goals, committing to goal-directed actions, and accountability for those actions. Participants ranged in age from 23 to 72 and represented a wide spectrum of backgrounds.

Participants in Matthews’ study were randomly assigned to one of five groups.

Group 1 was asked to simply think about the business-related goals they hoped to accomplish within a four-week block and to rate each goal according to difficulty, importance, the extent to which they had the skills and resources to accomplish the goal, their commitment and motivation, and whether they had pursued the goal before (and, if so, their prior success).

Groups 2-5 were asked to write their goals and then rate them on the same dimensions as given to Group 1.

Group 3 was also asked to write action commitments for each goal.

Group 4 had to both write goals and action commitments and also share these commitments with a friend.

Group 5 went the furthest by doing all of the above plus sending a weekly progress report to a friend.

Broadly categorized, participants’ goals included completing a project, increasing income, increasing productivity, improving organization, enhancing performance/achievement, enhancing life balance, reducing work anxiety, and learning a new skill. Specific goals ranged from writing a chapter of a book to listing and selling a house.

Of the original 267 participants, 149 completed the study. These participants were asked to rate their progress and the degree to which they had accomplished their goals.

At the end of the study, the individuals in Group 1 only accomplished 43 percent of their stated goals. Those in Group 4 accomplished 64 percent of their stated goals, while those in Group 5 were the most successful, with an average 76 percent of their goals accomplished.

“My study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of three coaching tools: accountability, commitment, and writing down one’s goals,” Matthews said.

Monday, 29 July 2013

The Power Of The Mind.

This is such an amazing three part video series illustrating just how the 'MIND' works.

If you still have any doubts that you have completely zero FREE WILL to live your life how you want to, then these few short little video's will give you an expose' of-how-it-all-works against you!

We have a wonderful product called 3D Mindset Transformation that awakens your Conscious mind to reset your Subconscious Memory to activate the entire field of possibilities for yourself.

With 3D Mindset you get to have real free will to plan your life. Not run on default past programming.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Genius That's YOU!

WE ARE OUR OWN STORY, that we tell ourselves every day!!!     
A good story, or a bad story; the SuperConscious Mind delivers on it. 

There's nothing much more to say in this blog.......


Want to change your story?
Want to have more fun?
Want to have a better life?
Want to be more free?
Want to like yourself more?
Want to actually LOVE yourself?
Want to like others more?
Want to actually LOVE ALL others?
Want more help to achieve more?

The answer is now available, download our free eBook today and begin your paradigm shift.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Power Of The Mind.

Free eBook.
Taking your Mind To Freedom.

The most difficult place to ever be in life is......   STUCK!!!

In fact nothing else in life cause us more distress than being forced to accept the unacceptable.
Unable to leave behind that which no longer serves us, and afraid to walk into the new, seemingly obscure future that appears to be calling us. All of our brain cells are assigned to the task at hand.

The situations are many;
*  A relationship with a spouse that has been dry and barren for quite some time
*  A relationship with a friend that has become unworkable or unacceptable
*  A job that we are either so bored at, or cannot tolerate behavior any longer
*  A business that we slog away every day at, with less money than when we had a job
*  Relationships with family, siblings, children that create more pain and discomfort than joy
*  Sports, recreation, volunteering roles, etc that take so much time, but still don't bring fulfillment

One common denominator within all of these places, events and people is that they all mirror back to us our beliefs, constant thoughts and consequent feelings.  Feelings are our life barometer guiding us through the channels of opportunities that exist for all of us. Often we do not even have to  leave our present environment to free ourselves;  of ourselves.

But life evolves, and humans get stuck at check points that are there to guide us onto the next amazing opportunity. However, as we have no brain cells equipped to handle a new possibility, we miss seeing discomfort as a signpost to guide ourselves on to the next exciting life chapter. 

Of all the massive amounts of information that hits our (RAS,) Reticular Activating System each second. (RAS; One of two parts of the reticular formation in the brain-stem that maintains an alert state in the cerebral cortex and is concerned with arousal. The reticular activating system filters out repetitive stimuli, preventing sensory overload. It only scans and lets in what your interests are!)
If we can't recognize any of the NEW information, we don't accept it as being for us, therefore opportunity comes, and opportunity misses us, constantly!

Active goal setting actually sends out a frequency to the Universe that we require something on our list, but the other amazing dynamic is;  we CAN recognize it with our RAS, because we have sent an instruction to the RAS that something new is on the way....  AND THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!

Not knowing how to work Active Goals, leaves us at the mercy of our internal Subconscious program which is made up of our beliefs, constant thoughts, and consequent feelings and this all continues to go round and around and around, in a mindless loop until we realize that we can change it.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Enlightened Success.
Enlightened Success:
A wise man once told me that the way to DO, is to BE!

That didn't make sense!  
After all, I always believed the way to success is through hard work.  
And when I work hard, then I can have all I desire!   
And when I have all I desire, then I can be happy, fulfilled, content and successful!  

He said,    "You did not come here to create your life by DO-ing and you will 
never find true happiness living that way!"   

He also said,  "I must first learn to BE, then DO that which makes my heart sing! 
Only then will I HAVE true happiness, fulfillment and success!"

How much joy are you experiencing in your life? 

What areas in your life are you NOT satisfied with? 

Are you ready to make a change? 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Having The Power To Succeed. 

First learn to be!

Then DO that which makes your heart sing!

Only then will you have TRUE happiness, 
fulfillment, success, enlightenment and success.

How much Joy are you experiencing in your life?

What areas of your life are you NOT satisfied with?
Are you ready to make change?

Submit your order into the cosmic kitchen!

Quote:  Mark Romero Music

Double Your Brain Power. Pt10
 The Only Requirement is the Desire To Succeed.
I’ve seen business men who have no other competence or ability at all except an ability to trust in the SuperConscious capability, and to act instantaneously every single time they get an answer, build enormous fortunes and become outrageously successful irrespective of lack of education, lack of intelligence, lack of any other ability, lack of any benefits or advantages, by simply plugging into the SuperConscious capability. They have received all the answers they required to build enormous companies.      Finally the basic operating principle of the SuperConscious mind is this;                                                                     
 Any thought, plan, goal or idea held continuously in the Conscious mind must be brought into reality by the SuperConscious mind.
  • Any thought plan or goal held continuously in the Conscious mind must be brought into our lives and into our experience and into our reality by the SuperConscious mind.  Whether positive or negative!  (Warning! Be careful, until you learn how to drive this most magnificent mind processor.)
  • And this is why it is so extremely important for us to always keep our mind focused on what we want to happen. And identify redundant, pre-programmed SubConscious memory patterns.
  • And to talk and think and visualize and imagine, and only that which we desire to come into our lives.
  • Because our lives are nothing more than the out picturing or expression of our continuous SubConscious thoughts that run 24/7 on a looped rote routine pattern, unless we Consciously interrupt them with disciplined new goals and take action every day on steps shown to us. 
  • And you will find that in the experience of every successful man or women who has ever lived,  they have sooner or later developed the habit of keeping their mind rigorously disciplined and focused on what they want to happen, rather than on what they fear.
  • Because if we think continuously about what we fear, if we think continuously about what we don’t want to happen, we bring that into our lives by the same irrevocable, immutable law that we bring good things into our lives.
  • So we must Consciously and deliberately and systematically exclude all thoughts from our Conscious and SubConscious mind that we do not want to bring into our reality.
  • We must not talk about the things we fear, we must not think about them, we must not write about them, we must not dwell upon them, or read about them.
  • We must only think of what we want to happen.
Because we are dealing with the most powerful single force in nature, your own individual human brain, which can tap into the SuperConscious power source and bring us anything that we want in life.  Any thought, plan, goal or idea held continuously in your Conscious mind must be brought into reality by the SuperConscious.  The only question is; do you have the discipline, and the control, and the perseverance, and the persistence, and the determination to hold your goals, your ambition, your aspirations clearly in your mind long enough for it to come into reality? That’s the only thing that you have to do, and everything else will take care of itself by immutable law.     
This is the most important encapsulation of the laws of success that you will ever hear.   

Information referenced from; Double Your Brain Power. Brian Tracy.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt9

Join Now For Free Mindset Change eBook. 

Another way that you can use this SuperConscious capability, is in getting parking spots. Many people can get parking spots twenty out of twenty times on crowded city streets. A person I know for instance has a series of things that she does in a given day, banks that she visits and stores and so on because she has two small children and it’s not convenient to park way out in the parking lot, or a long way from the entrance to these stores or shopping centers. So she has a particular parking spot in front of each place that she’s going to, which she visualizes and even on a very busy day, when she arrives there, somebody is holding the parking spot for her and just as she arrives, not one car earlier, not one car later, the person who is holding the parking spot backs out and drives away. Anybody can use this to get parking spots.

You can develop a capability where you can win bets on it. All you do is clearly visualize a parking spot in front of the building where you want to park and you will find that each time you arrive there, to the degree to which you absolutely believe it will be there the parking spot will be there. I have had thousands of people tell me that they’ve been doing this for years and their friends are just so outraged and irritated because they can do it every single time and they absolutely believe and this is very important. 

The degree of belief and confidence that we have in this SuperConscious functioning is the exact degree to which it functions. If our belief is total, the SuperConscious mind functions totally and continuously. If our belief is half, then it functions half the time. If our belief is 10 percent, it only functions 10 percent of the time. It’s totally controlled by our own minds.

With regard to preprogramming the (mind) computer, you can remind yourself to make a phone call at a certain time. You can remind yourself to take something from home to the office, or from work to home. You can remind yourself to drop off something, or pick up something. You can program it in and just tell the SuperConscious to remind you at exactly the right moment. And at exactly the right moment, just as you’re passing the item or passing the telephone, or passing the store, the idea will shoot into your brain to remind you to pick it up, make the phone call, drop it off, or whatever it happens to be.

The SuperConscious mind has its own separate computer which will bring you exactly the answer that you require to solve your problem or achieve your goal at exactly the right time for you. The SuperConscious mind knows the time better than you do. And the most important thing you can do is when the answer comes to you, you must act on it immediately. You must immediately implement the intuition, or the flash, or insight, or the idea, or the answer that comes to you. Many times we’ve had the occasion where we’ve been working on a problem or goal, and we’ve got an idea of something to do and we’ve said “Ah, I’ll do that tomorrow, or I’ll get on to that first thing in the morning, or that’s a good idea but I’ll start on it on Monday.” And when we started on it on Monday, we find that it’s too late, that when we call the person, or we do the thing we find, that the person said, “Gee I wish you had called me last week because I had exactly the solution that you required.”

  • So when you have programmed a goal into the SuperConscious mind, and you get an intuitive flash, or an idea of what to do to move yourself toward the goal, it’s absolutely essential that you act on it immediately without hesitation, pick up the phone, develop that sense of urgency and move on it quickly.
  •  Sometimes it is only seconds or minutes away from being too soon or too late. And when you get those golden gems of SuperConscious insights, it’s very important you act instantly, and the more rapidly you act on those insights, the more insights you will get. “To those that have, much is given.”
This article was resourced from Brian Tracy's;  Double Your Brain Power. 

Double Your Brian Power. Pt 8

Join Now For Free Mindset Change eBook.

  • Another factor of SuperConscious Infinite mind is that this SuperConscious mind functions best under two conditions. It functions best when the Conscious mind is working with 100 percent concentration on solving the problem or achieving the goal, very often when we are totally concentrated on accomplishing one specific important thing, the ideas that we need will flash into our minds.
  • The other time that the SuperConscious mind works is when the Conscious mind is completely elsewhere when we are thinking of something else totally separate and apart from the problem, or the goal that we are working on.
Very often we will be driving along or going for a walk or listening to a piece of music or even in the middle of a conversation, the idea or the answer that we have been searching for will shoot into our mind and with crystal clarity.
  • The SuperConscious mind does not function when we are mulling over our problems, or our goals.
  • The SuperConscious mind only works when we are concentrating totally or not thinking about it at all. So it’s a very good idea to try both on every problem and try both on every goal and I will give you some methods to do so soon.

The SuperConscious mind also contains all monitor circuits which means that we can use the SuperConscious for pre programming. Many people have the ability to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. This is an ability that everybody has. They can program their mind to wake up within one minute of a particular time. Whether it’s in a pitch black room, whether they’ve gone to bed early or late, whether they have crossed time zones, and every single time their mind goes off like a little alarm clock and wakes them at exactly the precise moment that they’ve programmed into it. As a matter of fact nobody needs an alarm clock. The only reason we use alarm clocks is because we doubt the SuperConscious capability. Has anybody ever wondered why this works, thousands of people don’t use alarm clocks but they very seldom sit down and say “Why is this?” Why is it that it’s possible to program this time so clearly in the mind and wake up within a minute of that time? 

This article is resourced from Brian Tracy's;  Double Your Brain Power.  

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt7

Join Now For Free Mindset Change eBook.

We have all had the experience of having unfortunate or unhappy things happen to us in our lives. And then later in retrospect, we look back and we say, “Boy wasn’t it fortunate that, that happened at that time.” Because if that hadn’t happened, this wouldn’t of happened, and this wouldn’t of happened. And we wouldn’t have arrived here which is where we wanted to end up in the first place. Have you had that experience, it’s a very normal experience that we look back in retrospect and unfortunate occurrences and say boy it was lucky that happened, because if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have achieved the happiness or the success that I have achieved today. 
Hindsight is such a wonderful insight.

It was Bob Proctor that said; “I could only connect all the dots in hindsight.”

On the David Susskind Show a few years ago, they had four young men who had earned a million dollars before the age of 35. And in talking to these young men, they asked them how many different careers or businesses they had been in before they had reached the business that enabled them to become financially independent at a young age. And it turned out that they had each been in an average of 18 business before they reached the one that enabled them to be financially successful.

Now the logical question is this, did they fail in 17 business because that’s what happened, they went in and out of 17 business or careers before they found the 18th one. What was the purpose of each of those 17 business on average, wasn’t it to teach them the essential lessons that they had to learn if they wanted to become millionaires in their mid thirties. 

Of course but the difference between winners and losers is simply this, winners expect and believe absolutely that they are fated and destined to be successful, and that every single thing that happens between where they start and their ultimate success is either a step forward or a valuable lesson that has been sent to them to teach them something that will enable them to be ultimately successful. The losers set off with sometimes high goals and high ambitions but whenever they reach disappointment and setbacks they quit, or they deviate, or they scrap their goals or they settle for something far less. 

Winners take every single challenge, every single hurdle, every single difficulty, and say alright this has been sent to teach me something really valuable this is part of the process that prepares me and equips me for achieving my ultimate goal so what can I learn from it? And that’s the distinct difference.

If you absolutely believe that you are fated to be successful then just simply confidently expect that every single thing that happens to you is happening to you for your benefit. It is up to you to find the benefit that’s hidden within it. Gratitude and appreciation for all things, will get you there. And again Napoleon Hill who calls the SuperConscious mind the Infinite Intelligence in his writings, simply said that; “Within every set back or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit, and that the successful man or women always looks for the advantage or benefit in every situation, and low and behold they always find it.”  
Because as long as you’re looking past the obstacle, for the benefit, you cannot be seen to be worrying about the current negative event or the setback.

  • The next characteristic of the SuperConscious mind which is terribly important to us is that it makes all of our words and actions and their effects fit a pattern consistent with our own concepts, with our current programming, and with the goals that we are trying to accomplish.
  • What this means is that when we have a very clear idea of what it is we want to achieve, especially in a social or business situation, the SuperConscious mind will make everything that we say and everything that we do exactly appropriate to what we are trying to accomplish.
Flip Wilson used to say when you’re hot your hot, and when your not your not. And we've all had the experience of being in a situation where we simply couldn't say or do the wrong thing. It seemed that everything that came out of our mouth, or everything that we did was exactly right for the situation and it felt perfect, it flowed naturally and it was all in complete harmony with the goal or the objective that we wished to obtain. 

We have all had that experience and physiologist’s have a great difficulty dealing with this idea of SuperConscious creativity, because it cannot be duplicated in the laboratory. They have two expressions for it one is called serendipity, serendipity is considered to be the ability to find happy events, to go through life and find a series of happy coincidences that occur to one. And another expression that they use is what is called synchronicity. 

When several events conspire together seemingly totally unrelated and yet when they meet together, they form a pattern or bring us the result or a solution that we were looking for. And we have all had the occasion where a whole series of things seem to conspire together into a happy coincidence.

Where a series of events conspire together to bring us the goal, to bring us the solution, to bring us the thing we are looking for. This synchronicity or serendipity series of events is simply another function of the Conscious Mind, programming Subconscious mind, to activate SuperConscious mind leverage. 
                                         This article is resourced from Brian Tracy's; Double Your Brain Power.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt6

Join Now For Free Mindset Change eBook.

This wonderful example of “Don’t Know Mind” illustrates the hit and miss lifestyles of the 21st century.
“Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire Cat.
“I don't know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the Cat, “It doesn't matter.”

Dr Joyce brothers calls this flow of SuperConscious creativity just by the word flow, and whenever an individual has been working on a creative project, and many people have to write proposals, or write reports, or write term papers. They have had the experience of sitting down to work at a term paper, or to work on a proposal and suddenly something clicks in their mind and the words begin to flow and they begin to flow line after line after line and page after page, and it seems that you can write the whole proposal from beginning to end almost without notes and when you’re finished, its word for word perfect. Many of the great poems and the great stories and the great songs, many of the great creations of human history have been written or constructed word perfect the very first time and this is all an example of this SuperConscious capability that’s available to all of us .     

The three layers of the mind always work together, synergized, harmonized, unified. They can never be separated, broken up into parts, nor worked individually. They will work for good for us….  Or for bad!
The problem is that if we don’t know how to drive this Ferrari of equipment, we can take any road to success and really not know where we are going at all. Down the road somewhere, we can crash the Ferrari. 

SubConscious;  emotional/senses mind. 40 million bit per second processor. Multi tasking abilities. 
Conscious;  intellectual mind.   40 bit per second processor. (One thing at a time, small attention span)
SuperConscious;  infinite omniscience mind.  Omniscience:  The all knowing universal mind. 

You already use these three layers of mind, but you can be sure that you do not know the formula to really harmonize continual, consistent results that will build your life to maximum planned successful outcomes. 

Initiate 3D Mind, and activate the following laws: 
The Law of Attraction:  Reading intuition, steps and leads.
The Law of Action:        Taking action on given leads.
The Law of Use:             If you don’t use it, you will lose it.

Learn the 3D formula, and you will be Creator of all that you desire. Everything you do will have success!

Another capability of the SuperConscious mind is that it has the ability to take us through the lessons that we need to learn in order to achieve the goal, we know for instance that the SubConscious mind will take a goal and will go to work to move us toward that goal very much the way a torpedo, once it is aimed at a particular target and fired, the torpedo will move toward the target and will take sonar blips from the target that feedback to it. And will correct its course and no matter where the target goes the torpedo will hit the target.

The SuperConscious will do this also, but the SuperConscious has one additional unique capacity and it is this;

  • We can program our goal or target into our mind and into our SuperConscious capability, and as long as we have a very clear idea of what it is we want to accomplish, we can then fire off our mental torpedo into the air and the super conscious has the ability to seek out and find the target even though we have no idea where it is.
  • Or we begin moving toward it, while we are moving toward this target the super conscious, especially if we have set a goal and our target is very high for us, the super conscious will take us through the lessons necessary to enable us to accomplish that goal.
  • It will take us over hurdles, it will take us through mistakes, through obstacles, through setbacks, through disappointments, through stumbling blocks,
  • Everyone of which is been put there to teach us a valuable lesson to enable us to reach our ultimate goal, and to have the matured ability to be able to live in it successfully.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt5

Join Now For Free 'Mindset Change' ebook.

In the ancient scriptures it says; “To him who hath, shall more be given to him. Who hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away.” And it means that to those who are excited and positive and moving toward their accomplishment of their goal’s, they get even more energy and more ideas and more creativity than those who are going nowhere, and who have very few ideas or no goals, even that energy that they have is drained away and they become tired and depressed and fatigued.

The stepping stones to success, is gratitude, enthusiasm, and taking action on inspiration daily, and this will feed the message to Superconscious that you are ready to handle more good stuff!  
Any negativity to your current "Reality," will send a huge message out to the Superconscious to over-supply on the ongoing lack and limitation if you are focusing on what is missing. 

The 3D mind (three dimensional; Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious) works together always in harmony to create exactly what is stored in Subconscious memory. Whether that be a negative past story, or a conscious positive request.

Another characteristic of this SuperConscious mind is that it automatically and continuously solves every problem on the pathway to your goal.
No matter how far the goal is, no matter how distant, as long as the goal is clear the SuperConscious will give you every single idea and solution that you need in the exact order that you need it.
Now once you have programmed the goal in and take the first step, you will find that the SuperConscious will give you the first step to take.

Then it will solve the first problem and when you implement the solution it will give you the next step.
It will solve the next problem and it will give you the following step, it will solve the following problem.
And all you have to do is take it one step at a time and at every step on the way, as long as the goal is clear the answer will come to you.

Another characteristic of the SuperConscious is that it operates best in a spirit of faith and acceptance, which means that the harder you don’t try the more rapidly the SuperConscious brings you the ideas and the solutions that you required to achieve the goals that you've programmed into the subconscious.
In all creative work, mental effort defeats itself. Creativity cannot be forced, creativity invariably favors the relaxed mind.

When we talk about mental programming and how important it is to relax to take a deep breath, to get a clear mental picture of what you want to accomplish and just absolutely believe with complete confidence that if you can keep that clear mental picture, that it will come to you exactly when you are ready for it.

This SuperConscious capability, the more you believe in it the more you absolutely trust that you are moving in the direction of your goal and that your goal is moving toward you simultaneously, the more rapidly it seems to work.    The harder you try to force it,the less effective it is.

In the Scriptures again it says “Whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you have it and you will have it.” This is one of the most powerful admonitions to self confidence and positive thinking that if you absolutely believe that you already have the goal as achieved, (Visualize it clearly) and just confidently expect each step to take care of itself. 

That’s what triggers the super conscious into working. Another capacity is that the super conscious grows in capability as it is used and believed in. The more that we absolutely believe that it is working for us the more rapidly it works and you will find it a very interesting thing that when you begin using this SuperConscious capabilities, the same as getting a muscle into shape.

If you have not done physical exercise for a period of time it will take a while before you limber up and loosen up and you are able to use your muscles in a particular sport. When you have warmed up and when you have gotten yourself into good physical condition, you find that you can play longer, you can engage in the sport for hours without fatigue that you can do more and more with greater and greater flexibility and adaptability. 

It’s the same way with the super conscious capability, the more you use it the faster it works and the better it works, until it finally gets to the point where you can think of a goal, or put a problem into the SuperConscious and you will get a response sometimes within minutes, sometimes so fast it will absolutely stagger you.

Learn 3D Mind, you already use it everyday. However, do things always work out for you? If not, then this is a sign that you are using 3D Mind for your own good, and also for your own sabotage patterns.
When you understand fully how 3D Mind works, you will identify sabotage patterns before they trigger thus avoiding being blindsided with future disasters that we pass off as; bad luck, murphy's law, blame.

Double Your Brain Power. Pt4

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The story of a small boy who came to the scene of an accident, the police had cordoned off the road, and a bridge where a truck driving at 40 or 50 miles an hour had tried to drive under the bridge and become stuck underneath the bridge. The traffic was cordoned off and there were several tow trucks trying to pull the truck out from under the bridge. A little boy came to the edge of the crowd and he asked the policeman. “What’s going on?” and the policeman said, “Well the truck is stuck under the bridge.” The boy said, “What are they doing.” The policeman said, “They are trying to pull it out and they just weren't able to pull it out. The truck was to solidly jammed under the bridge.”

So the little boy looked passed the policeman and looked back at him and said, “Why don’t they let the air out of the tyres” And the policeman looked down at him, and he looked back at all those grown men trying to pull this truck back out from under the bridge, and he shook his head and went back down the hill and its exactly what they did, they let the air out of the tyres and the truck just backed out as easy as pie. The little boy had the ability to see things from a different perspective and every single one of us has that capability. The little boy unknowingly tapped into the realm of SuperConscious reasoning

The SuperConscious mind is the source of all creativity all intuition, all flashes of insights, all hunches.
The SuperConscious mind is the source of inspiration and motivation and the ability to see things in a brand new way.
The SuperConscious mind is the source of new ideas that help us move towards goal attainment.
The SuperConscious mind is available to each one of us like a power source that we can plug into simply by finding the plug.

Another characteristic of the SuperConscious mind is that it functions on a none conscious level 24 hours per day, it is always working to resolve the problems that we are mulling over and to move us towards achieving the goals that we have programmed into the subconscious.
Another attribute of the SuperConscious is that its capable of goal oriented motivation.
For goal motivated orientation it requires clear specific goals.

Now you can imagine using this super conscious capability, imagine that you had an enormous computer, the most complex computer, the most sophisticated computer ever built in the universe
And you had an entire team of the most accomplished computer experts that had ever been trained and they were at your service. And you could go to them with any problem or any goal and they could put it into the computer and they could give you the answer or they could give you the ideas that you would need to achieve the goal.

None the less even with the most sophisticated computer, and the most intelligent computer operators, there is nothing that they could do if you could not define the problem for them or if you could not clearly tell them what it is that you want it to accomplish.
This is way we talked before about how important it is to have a very clear specific idea of the goals we want to accomplish.

The SuperConscious mind is invariably triggered by clarity of definition and by decisiveness. The more decisive and clear we are about what we want, what we want to accomplish, what problems we want to resolve, the more rapidly the super conscious capability goes to work to bring the answers into our lives.

Another characteristic of the SuperConscious mind in terms of goal orientated motivation is that it releases ideas and energy for goal attainment if ever you've had the experience of working on something that you are really excited about, that you are really emotionally involved in. Something that you really wanted or something that really inspired you , you will remember at that point you seem to have a continuous flow of ideas and energy. You seem to be bubbling with energy sometimes you can go on only 4 or 5 hours sleep a night. Sometimes your mind would just crackle with ideas and you had this feeling of continuous excitement like sometimes you could barely sleep.

This is an example of SuperConscious energy as it releases free energy from the atmosphere and makes it available to us to enable us to move towards our goal attainment and we will explain that a little bit more as we go along.
Another characteristic of the super conscious. It responds to clear authoritative commands and the clear authoritative commands we give to our SuperConscious capability are in the form of positive affirmations.

Every time we affirm positively from the conscious mind to the sub conscious mind, we trigger the super conscious mind into action. That’s why whenever we say I like myself, I like myself, I feel terrific, I feel terrific, I earn 50 thousand dollars, I earn 50 thousand dollars a year. These strong emotionalized affirmations drive down into the subconscious and trigger the SuperConscious into action. That’s why we find that men and women who are continually talking and thinking in an excited positive way about the goals that they want to accomplish seem to have a continuous stream of energy enthusiasm and ideas that move them toward the accomplishment of those goals.

Three dimensional Mind works in three layers, AND THIS IS THE ONLY WAY MIND CAN WORK!

Conscious; intellectual mind.   40 bit per second processor. (One thing at a time, small attention span)
Subconscious; emotional/senses mind. 40 million bit per second processor. Multi tasking abilities. 
Superconscious; infinite omniscience mind.  Omniscience:  The all knowing universal mind. 

You already use these three layers of mind, but you can be sure that you do not know the formula to harmonizing continual, consistent results that will build your life to maximum planned outcomes. 

Learn the formula, and you will be Creator of all that you desire. Everything you do will have success! 

Monday, 8 July 2013

Double Your Mind Power Pt3

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The difficulty with our creativity is not that we do not have the same insights as the geniuses, but it’s this one small distinction. The geniuses trust and believe in the value of their insights and in the value of the thoughts and the ideas that come to them, where as we do not. We think of these ideas and we think, well this idea can’t be of any use it came from me, it’s my idea and so we wait to see somebody else come up with the idea which may not even be as good as the idea we originally had and we say 
“Isn't that person intelligent look what a wonderful idea they have come up with.”

Well many of us think that our creativity is limited by our IQ. That our creativity is limited by the years of education we had, or the grades that we got in school. But somehow creativity is something that only scientists and artists and musicians and painters have or poets or writers the fact of the matter is that creativity is a very simple concept and to boil it down to its simplest words is that all creativity is simply a way of improving on the existing way of doing things. Every creativity is an improvement and to the degree to which we have the ability to find ways to improve the way that we do things in any area, we are creative individuals. And the more we use our creativity like the more we use our muscles, the more that we have. 
  • Another characteristic of this super conscious capability, or this super conscious mind, is that it has access when it computes for us.
  • And it has access  to all that’s stored in our subconscious mind.
  • And it has the ability to discriminate between valid and invalid data. In other words when we program a goal or a problem into our subconscious mind.....
  • Ask the subconscious mind to solve it for us, the subconscious mind passes it on to the super conscious capability.
  • The super conscious capability, when it computes and calculates to solve the problem or give us ideas to help us move towards our goal, has the ability to take all of the data we have taken in.
  • In the course of our life time and stored in the subconscious mind, and sort out from that data what is valid and what is true and discard the rest when it computes.
  • That’s why whenever you get an idea whenever you get one of these flashes that come into your mind that answers the question perfectly you will find that in every single case the answer is correct in every detail.
  • Another characteristic of this super conscious capability is that it brings us ideas that lie outside of our own individual experience, often we will get ideas that are totally new and that come totally from outside the experience ,the education, the knowledge, that we've had in the past.

This is why most of the great breakthrough in science and technology today are coming from small corporations, individuals working in private research laboratories. Very few of those major breakthroughs come from the big companies. The big companies will take the major breakthroughs and develop them and commercialize them, but almost invariable these major breakthroughs are coming from people sometimes who have not even been in the field before, but they get ideas and insights into doing things in a new or different way that are completely unique and original and lead to the opening up for entire new industries.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Double Your Brain Power. Pt2

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There is a book by Richard Maurice Bucke called ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ where Bucke goes back over 700 hundred years of the most creative men and women of all time and finds that virtually every single one of them spoke about in their writings of an ability to tap into a higher form of consciousness.
This super conscious mind is characterized by some of the following things.
  •  First of all it’s the source of all pure creativity all great creative geniuses all great innovations all major breakthrough in human history have come as the result of super conscious functioning.
  • Some of the people who have written about using this super conscious function for instance Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson said that he never wrote anything of his own volition but he did simply act as a conduit for this over soul, or this infinite intelligence, and it would pour through him and the words would flow out onto paper word perfect, and come through his brain almost as if he was tapped into an unearthly power source.
  • Mozart for instance considered the greatest musician of all time wrote his music note perfect the first time. When he sat down to write he said the entire music, the entire symphony, the entire opus, would come into his mind and he would simply transcribe it onto paper. And people who have read Mozart’s music even at the time he was writing said it was the most beautiful music ever written down on paper, and he wrote it without corrections without changes note perfect the very first time.
  • Beethoven was deaf from the age of 35 most of his great works was written after he was totally deaf and Beethoven also said that the symphonies came full blown into his mind and he simply transcribed them on paper.  
  • Edison the greatest inventor of the modern age used his super conscious capability over and over again to tap into a higher power and used it for coming up with inventions and insights and so on.
  • Michael Faraday considered the father of electromagnetic field theory, an uneducated man who had tremendous abilities to use his super conscious capability and pioneered the work that lead to the development of the vacuum tube by;
  • Deforest which lead to the radio industry, the television industry, the electronic industry, the transistor micro electronics, the micro electronics chip. The entire set of principals came to him in a dream and he got up in the middle of the night, and he sat down and  wrote page after page of scientific formulations, which later when taken down to the laboratory and tested, were found to be absolutely perfectly precise and brand new in all of human history. They had never been written or discovered or worked out before.
Everyone of us as had the occasion of using this super conscious creativity where are we going through our day to day lives, and we see a product or a service that we think should be used or think that somebody should be producing. We say, “I wonder why somebody doesn't offer that, or I wonder why somebody doesn't  invent that.” And then two or three years later, we see a major corporation comes out with exactly the product that we thought of two or three years ago and goes on to make millions and millions of dollars. 

Friday, 5 July 2013

You Were Born A Genius. Pt.1

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The title of this session is doubling your brain power and this is perhaps the most exciting session that we had the opportunity to talk about and it’s based on our understanding and based on our discovery that every human being is born as a genius, every single one of us has enormous untapped reserves of creativity which we habitually fail to use, and the purpose of this session is to explain to you some of the aspects of your own creativity and show you how to get far more out of yourself.

We know that in terms of goal setting and in terms of planning for the future and in terms of our aspirations for our income and things that we want to accomplish that we can never have any more than we have today simply by sweating harder, the old days where the basic rule was that you worked harder and harder and you hammered away and if you weren't getting results what you did is; as you worked harder you still have been passed over and today we know that we live in a totally creative world, and that everything that we have today is has a result of the efficiency with which we use our minds.

We have mentioned this before and that everything that we have tomorrow is going to be as a result of how we use our creative capacity, the amount of creativity we use is very closely connected to our own concepts and to our attitudes toward ourselves as creative persons. Every child is born through remarkable aspects of creativity as a matter of fact in some of the studies they've looked at, they find that 95 percent of children tested between the ages of 2 and 4 test out as highly creative, and that they are imaginative they are innovative they are curious they have tremendous capacities for abstract reasoning and for creating imaginary images. Testing the same children at the age of seven years, they test out at only 4 percent creative. 

In the period between the early years and age seven children are continually discouraged over and over again from being creative and innovative and letting their imaginations run rampant. Children are continually told that that’s foolish or that’s silly or you have to color between the lines or don’t touch that, smell that, taste this, get into that. So children gradually learn at a deep subconscious level that it’s not smart to get off of the beaten track, it’s not smart to try to look or touch or taste or feel things that Mummy and Daddy don’t approve of.

The wonderful thing about creativity is that its subject to another law which we call the law of use. The law of use simply says with any human faculty we either use it or lose it. The creative faculty however is never totally lost, what happens is that it goes underground and becomes a latent talent or capability of the human mind, and that we can begin to use our creativity again anytime in life that we so decide. 

The purpose of this blog is to show you how to trigger it, how to stimulate it, and how to get far more out of it, as a matter of fact it’s been said that a necessity is the mother of invention and if that’s so then creativity is the father. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that we live in the lap of an immense intelligence and he described this immense intelligence as though it was an ether that surrounded the earth like a huge main frame computer into which everyone of us can tap, 

This has been called throughout all of history things like the soul or infinite intelligence or the universal subconscious mind or the collective unconscious, but we are going to talk about this aspect of human creativity as the super conscious mind. This super conscious mind is so much vaster than our own individual intelligence and it is something that we use on a random and hap hazard basis all the time. 

Have you ever had the experience of been working on a problem or trying to achieve a goal or wrestling with some dilemma and as you are walking along or driving along an idea shoots into your mind like a bolt and it’s a perfect idea. Or have you ever had the example for instance where you have been thinking about someone and they telephone you and the phone rings and its them. Or you've called someone else and they say I was just thinking about you just when you telephoned. 

We have examples of this all the time where we have these almost unearthly bolts from the blue that seem to indicate that we have the ability to tap into a different form of intelligence, than anything that is taught in the text books, and the purpose of this session is to explain how this works because by using this super conscious capability we find that we dramatically improve the quality of our results and move faster toward the achievement of our goals than by using any other human faculty.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Society's Fallout.

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Incarceration divisions

With prison recidivism rates hitting all time highs. Confronting Confinement, a June 2006 U.S. prison study by the bipartisan Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons, reports than on any given day, up to 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States, and that over the course of a year, 13.5 million spend time in prison or jail.

African Americans are imprisoned at a rate roughly seven times higher than whites, and Hispanics at a rate three times higher than whites. Within three years of their release, 67% of former prisoners are rearrested and 52% are re-incarcerated, a recidivism rate that calls into question the effectiveness of America's corrections system, which costs taxpayers $60 billion a year. Violence, overcrowding, poor medical and mental health care, and numerous other failings plague America's 5,000 prisons and jails.

The study indicates that even small improvements in medical care could significantly reduce recidivism. “What happens inside jails and prisons does not stay inside jails and prisons,” the commission concludes, since 95% of inmates are eventually released back into society, ill-equipped to lead productive lives. But up to 90% of all those prison inmates released back into society, eventually end up back in prison.

Given the dramatic rise in incarceration over the past decade, with one American out of every one hundred people in prison, public safety is threatened unless the corrections system does in fact “correct” rather than simply punish.
(1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says - New York Times
28 Feb 2008 ... With more than 1.6 million people in prison, the incarceration rate is now the ... One out of every 100 adults is behind bars because one out of every 100 ...)

So if one (or more) person is imprisoned, we all (society) are trapped in the fear of “Criminals on the loose” that could attack each and / or everyone of us, anytime, mentality. Our communal fear negative energy grows and expands this astounding phenomenon faster than people can become harden criminals.

Correctional procedures need to be introduced within society, not measures of incarceration and punishment that have never worked. Two hundred and fifty years ago people were sent to the other side of the world as punishment, as we can’t geographically do that anymore, we just lock folk away that need our help and support right in our own communities, while we turn a blind eye to issues that belong to us all. “As the same rain falls on the unjust..... As the just.” Who can cast the first stone, as we all are capable of good and bad, just varying degrees of it, some get caught, some don't. The things that we love or hate about others are merely mirror images of ourselves, the things that we are afraid of, that given the right scenario, we could commit ourselves. So when we ask the question: “What is it about this person, that I like or don’t like about myself.”This simple question can be extremely liberating.

Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len of the Self Identity, self improvement program which is based on an ancient Hawaiian tribal problem solving system cleared a ward of 38 insane criminals in Hawaii that had carried out the most heinous of crimes in the past, within two years of him taking personal responsibility of all that he saw each day within the prison. Only one of the prisoners was not returned into society to live their normal lives again. A remarkable story that is worth a read on the internet.

So with up to 1% of the America population in prisons, for the first time in the nation’s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report. Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to over 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in local jails. The number of American adults is about 230 million, meaning that one in every 99.1 adults is behind bars. Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 black adults is too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

We can see that prisons although called “Correctional Centres” are nothing more than crude temporary homes that “BAD PEOPLE” stay in until society says that they can return into society again. But most times these people are so ill-equipped to fit back into society and are in fact shunned so badly that up to 90% actually choose to re-offend so they can return into the crudeness of a prison home where they are at least accepted for their bad behaviour, fed, cleaned, housed, partially protected and medically looked after, like children really these emotionally damaged people never get taught basic principles of freedom because they are never given the acceptance of Grace to guide them to grow.
Prison psychiatrists that only know how to be experts in behaviour, mentally, emotionally tripping up inmates so that they fail their paroles often many times, and have to do extra time. This is an industry where all the politicians, bureaucrats and workers that gain employment by holding people in ‘bad’ behaviour for as long as they can by caging them up like animals with little correction ever happening.

Our self proclaimed Christian society where about 75% of Australians profess to being Christian, still lives in first testimonial biblical law, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; LAW.” We talk about second testimonial principals of “GRACE” (which is virtually opposite to law) but that’s all we do.... Talk about a higher way to live, but practice an old antiquated system that never worked and has become an expensive out of control dinosaur the governments try and manage, but as currently proving to be.... Unsuccessful!

THIS IS BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE ON THE REVERSE OF A GOOD IDEA. Meaning simply that behaviour is an illusion. I (Sam) have mixed with some of societies hardest criminals while volunteering organised group fellowship to them in prisons and I can tell you that so long as I did not judge them by their outward physical appearances, these men and woman were absolutely delightful people. Fellowship group prison volunteers talk with male prisoners on Saturdays around having tea, coffee and cakes that we would take with us from bakeries that donated them. 

And weekly in the evening we would travel to a Women’s prison to take cakes again for supper and teach the female inmates line dancing. One female prisoner has always stuck in my memory, she had been a nurse, and did not have the tough appearance of many prisoners, but for whatever reason, she had killed her husband. Usually we never got to know why they were incarcerated and this helped us to be non-judgemental, (but another prisoner mentioned it.) This woman had in the past, a life, career as a nurse, and a family and making one mistake in a moment of temporary insanity (not consciously present) that will affect her for the rest of her life no matter how much good she does in her future, society will never release her from her judgmental criminal record. 
This principle is as insane  as was the state of the person when they commit crimes. Taking a permanent action to deal with a temporary situation. Isn't it interesting that judgmental and governmental, both end in..... MENTAL!  Originating from the mind which is driven by its sensual, world mind perception. 
Appearances of evil, which are the decoys. By punishing people for their behaviour not only locks that same behaviour in, but also fails to draw the person to moderation in behaviour. 

Our police system debates whether it should call itself “Law enforcement agents” instead of the original “Peace officer.” This is a huge semantically propelled idea that drastically changes a police officer’s attitude to power. The past 'peace officer' was a public servant, there to serve the public. Imagine how society could be treated by a public servant that by contrast saw themselves as an agent there to enforce a system that literally has been proven to NOT work. The original peace officer new instinctively that some minor bad behaviour was temporary and treated it accordingly, often with a good telling off and sending ‘the offender’ home to reflect on their questionable deeds. Nowadays we could be tasered for minor infringements.

Lawyers, solicitors, prosecutors, court judges, in fact most professionals trained by our educational system, mostly run on societies ‘duality’ system, whereby everyone is guilty until proven innocent, win/lose, lose/win.  If Judges haven’t tended their “Office of Oath” into the court at each trial, then they are on the side of the law which says that defendants are guilty until we prove otherwise. If they do tender their Oath of Office, then a Judge must protect the defendant who then he must consider innocent until proven guilty. If you are ever before a court of law, always politely ask the judge; "Your honor, have you tended your Oath of Office to the court?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Causes of separation.

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Causes of separation

Listed below are a few of societies consistent patterns of treating symptoms, (appearance / illusion, which only appear as real) as if they are real which maintains separatism, duality and individualism. All the issues that continue to keep us apart from intimate relationship. The population are more easily managed as individuals, rather than large groups and factions. United we stand divided we fall.

Take a pile of sticks of wood and break them one by one, but bind them all together and they virtually cannot be broken. We all talk about many of the things of this world being unjust but few of us actually get together on the relevant issues to stand up and be counted in opposition. Every day and mostly all day, we are bombarded with the negative effects of this world. But the effects of this worlds behaviour and outcomes have originated from causes that historically and currently are conveniently hidden from view.
To understand relationship means to understand who we are now, how we got to this place in time and where we will end up with our current line of thought. If you want to know where you are heading to, it’s extremely important to understand how you first got to this point in your life.

Duality (seeing two separate people, instead of one spiritual being expressed in two different forms) separates and divides. Behaviour, which is always transient and changing actually becomes who we are instead of simply what we do at any given time. “I am not my behaviour, that is merely what I do.” But, THE LAW (society) says “My behaviour is who I am,” and will go about forcing that negative dogma on me for the rest of my life. If I break any of its laws they will punish me and it will go on record forever that I am restricted as a person to the degree of my crime as to how I am allowed to live and where I can live / travel. So much for our Christian society that is supposed to be based on Grace, “Turning the other cheek,” forgiveness, compassion, and teaching higher ideals.

The Bible is the cornerstone of a Christian based society, but there are two parts of our bible and this society is still firmly locked into the first edition (1st testament) that was written in different darker times, but subsequently locked us into those past dark ages of “Dog eat Dog” mentality. But the signs are becoming apparent that the 2nd edition (2nd testament) that has been taught more from about fifty years ago when common people were allowed to begin reading it for themselves, and not having it interpreted by often narcissistic, corrupt priests, popes, cardinals, ministers and pastors’ with hidden sinister motivations of self importance or greed & lust.

Making behaviour real, when it is really only the decoy / illusion, that continues to feed that same behaviour within the person being judged, until nobody can tell what is real anymore. Not only the Law but all of society works on this idea that we are our behaviour. Therefore one day I can be on good behaviour (accepted) and another day I can be on bad behaviour (unaccepted.)

This system of societies Law is completely insane and can never work. It actually feeds the problem until it eventually gets out of control and the last resort is to lock it all away, hide from it and pretend it no longer exists, it’s someone else’s problem. Until it pops out again right in front of us. No hiding from the inevitable ‘Law of Attraction.’

We are sitting on a Jack-in-a-box situation waiting to implode with such an acute tension build-up with the subsequent fallout, from not being able to attain practically impossible close bonding relationship in this world of double standards.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Separate and Apart.

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Separate and Apart.
Amazing that every war has been created by man/woman believing they are separate and apart from other tribes, countries or continents. When we fight with a fool....  there are two fools fighting!! 
Every culture that has set off to win and destroy another culture, by the very Law of Attraction, has been defeated themselves in some horrific way. Karma comes back around and the piper must be paid.

All sporting games are based on win/lose mentality. People beat themselves up and physically destroy their own bodies by mid life, in the quest to win over the top of their fellow man/woman. This fight or flight mentality whereby humanity burns up to 80% of their energy in self protection mode is a stressful, unproductive way to live. 

So what takes us away from the perfect loving relationship, and The Golden Rule?   

Many people develop a mystical relationship with a God that they cannot see, hear, taste, touch or smell. Therefore nothing within their own senses can actually personally experience that 'God'. 

Only by believing and experiencing by faith can they hold that relationship together.  But effectively, even if God does exist, they'll never know for sure since their minds can see only their own reflection - a new twist on St. Paul's seeing through a glass darkly. 

One can hear the window to God's mind that was opened by Einstein being firmly, sternly slammed shut to himself also. So nearly three quarters of society hangs onto a story of God being real, and another quarter adamantly refuses to have anything to do with the theory. Interesting though that why would a ‘perfect’ God develop something, (creation) then rest and leave it all precariously hanging in the balance of extinction? Also every separate religions concept of God can be completely contrastingly different to the point of them being willing to fight to kill off any opposition to their own personal reflective view of what their God should be like.

So we know that most people will go to great extremes of belief and desire to embrace relationship, even if it is only in a mystical God experience. Many others will take up an intimate relationship with an animal, seemingly shunning other human intimacy for relationship with their dog, cat or even in some cases something more exotic like a wild animal to live in their home with. My guess is that we all long for an intimate, joyful, loving, peaceful relationship with at least one other human being, if not many other human intimate contacts. Perhaps this is why most of us start our OWN little tribe (family) to connect intimately with. Trying to achieve oneness at least within the home. This works fine until the children and partner grows up to develop their own line of thought from their own perception of the world, and wham.... Conflict somehow finds us again, even in our own home.

But when we begin to question our own thoughts, our world miraculously unfolds in a natural way.