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The Golden Rule
Real love is so simple if you follow a few important
basic principles of ‘Oneness.’ The Golden Rule. as in “Love others as you would
love yourself.” Most of the ancient scriptures say that there is no greater thing
to do than this. Why, because the wisdom of the ages have always known that
fundamentally we are ‘ONE’ being expressed in different forms.
Duality was brought
about by corruptness in religious circles to put a veil over the truth of
‘Oneness,’ and teach the common people of a world of duality. They say: "The devil has
control of this world (evil everywhere) and a God (Agape Love) is up in Heaven
with a perfect love for us all after we die."
So consequently, we see good and evil
everywhere and often in everyone, including our own partners and family. This most
basic lie of duality (If the lie is big enough, the people will believe it) has
corrupted almost every religion and relationship at some time, caused most wars, and virtually
impossible to succeed harmoniously for any length of time if this is the basic
belief of the person / persons entering into the relationship.
An old saying: “If you want to hide the truth then look in
all the places where it isn't and then spend enormous amounts of money to make
it appear authentically true.”
Good or bad behavior in anyone, anytime is merely the decoy to take
you away from the truth of pure love, and the moment that you focus on the illusion
of good or bad behavior this is the time for you to give yourself a check-up
from the neck-up.....
Ask yourself these two important questions:
What is it within me that is creating this illusion of discord out there?
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