Sunday 23 June 2013

Do You Have Free Will?

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It's such an interesting question;  "Do we have free will to live our own life?"  And who could stop us from living the life we design for ourselves?   There is nothing other than ourselves, by our hidden thoughts, that can stop us living a stress free life where amazing things get delivered to us so easily!
And each and everyone of us does a wonderful job of struggling to be financially free to do what we want, when we want it, but there is a much easier way to achieve better outcomes.

Well what a shock to discover from top Neuro Scientists that, no we don't have free will to be completely free to live our own ultimate dream life because we have a program running subconsciously that says something that more often than not, is in complete contradiction to how we thought things would turn out. We know for sure now that;  the 'we' the observers of our own life, are actually not consciously (free will) informed of what we are doing moment-by-moment for a minimum of half a second or more after our given program responds / reacts to any circumstance presented to us.

Few people, my guess would be 1% of humanity will ever understand this vital part of how humanity operates. Because our ego (given program) would never allow itself to accept that it is completely out of control 24/7.  By being out of control I am inferring that our subconscious pre-programmed memory mind operates through us while we consciously are asleep at the wheel.

It's not until we really seriously decide to challenge our beliefs / thoughts that we can reframe our circumstances and enjoy better outcomes. In our own personal experience after decades of self help improvement programs that only made small increments of change, but the fundamental destructive program still run, that we found a simple system that takes about an hour a day to  do.

Or plug into our free weekly webinar and learn how to do it for yourself, or have a personal coach walk you through your own limiting beliefs. This method is not for the faint hearted, it takes enormous courage to face 'Your Story,'  reframe it,  and walk on free to a whole exciting new way of life.

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