Tuesday 11 June 2013

Fight Or Flight?

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When faced with a dispute do you fight (attack) or take flight (surrender) ??

We teach you a simple third option which automatically creates: Win / Win outcomes for all. Win / Win outcome simply means, you win and all other parties win. We also re-negotiate the original agreement to a satisfactory outcome on your behalf. When a third party negotiator is bought into an ongoing dispute, both parties can air their grievances in an unbiased environment and quickly get back to a workable answer.

We have the only Dispute Resolution System in the world that actually dissolves the problem, plus teaches you how to avoid making the same mistake again. We go straight to the cause of all problems- not just the end result, that you are faced with now.

Be totally free of disputes now- eliminate the ongoing cause of all problems, that you continue to live with. Get off the merry-go-round by educating yourself about The Law Of Attraction.

We do not incur costly ongoing expenses to you, by going into battle for the problem, we simply eliminate the “cause” of the dispute.

We teach you a simple system of dis-creating disputes and at the same time negotiate the current dispute to a Win / Win outcome for all involved parties.

5 steps to dispute free business / life.

1: Contact us now to set an appointment- face to face, skype, email, phone.

2: Discuss with us all the details of the current dispute. You will have a Win / Win outcome.

3: We partner with you and walk you through the current dispute to the mutually agreed outcome and share regular progress reports.

4: Set time aside to learn and apply our simple "Third Option" dispute dis-creator system to avoid all future problems.

5: Be assured that we have a complete No Win / Win outcome-  No cost to you, policy. We guarantee you a 100% successful outcome that you will be satisfied with.

Delays, doing nothing, or fighting, can be expensive,  - Act now !!

sam@lifexcells.com    61433 566 565    Contact for free appraisal.

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