Saturday 15 June 2013

Love Is All Around.


What is the world telling you each moment, what message does it reflect back to you every day?

Do you see peace, joy, love, friendship, communion with fellow humans, animals, birds, insects along your daily travels through your life?    Yes you do, we all do.

But is it occasionally, a lot of the time, or all of the time?  Do you oscillate between love for what you experience every day, and / or hate by what you see others doing out there?

Does the great multiplier of all energy (good & Bad) get mixed messages from you.....  One day good, next day bad? If you were wanting to help somebody you cared about achieve their greatest desire, and resources to achieve that outcome were available to you, wouldn't you first need to know where that person was heading to?  If you were backing a horse in a race, you would have to be sure it was racing to the finish line and wasn't going to give up, or change it's mind half way round and head off to the stables to chew on some hay.

What ever happens in our day, we have the choice to experience the event with fear, or Faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for....  But the evidence of things not seen.
eg:  Seeing the best of circumstances, even when those circumstances appear bleak.

Grace; an old fashioned word seldom heard now, but is the next step from Faith; allowing:

*  Elegance and beauty of movement, form, or expression.
*  A pleasing or charming quality.
*  Goodwill or favor to others.
*  A delay granted for the completion of a task or payment of a debt.
*  Courtesy, decency....  given freely.
*  The free and unmerited favor shown toward man / woman.
*  Gratitude for all of what we have now.
*  Willingly and ungrudgingly giving and serving.
*  To honor or favor with one's presence.
(Grace; Collins Dictionary)

Our inner thoughts / beliefs will always determine whether the cup is half full, or half empty.

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