Thursday 20 June 2013

Paradigm Shift.

Free e-book: Taking Your Mind To Freedom.

Yes, this is the same video of Bob Proctor that was on yesterdays blog, not sure if you noticed but at the end of the 7 minute video, there is another 12 minute "Shift your paradigm" meditation video. It is worth a watch if you need change.

"Paradigm shift." That phrase sounds kind of scary doesn't it? After all, it was a paradigm shift that took place when people began to view the earth as round instead of flat. Paradigm shifts can sometimes be quite monumental.
A paradigm can be thought of as an enduring and accepted example. A long-term established pattern that has become accepted as the norm or a "way of doing or viewing things."

So a "paradigm shift" can be described as a NEW way of looking at things. A new pattern accepted. And a new belief-system which enables assimilating this change.
And in your business as a creative entrepreneur you're probably operating under an established paradigm.

For example you could look at your own established paradigm as the way you do business: your business model and how you interact with your clients and customers; your daily patterns of marketing and communicating; your current skill levels and knowledge base; even your standards and how you treat people or how you expect to be treated. Your business paradigm can even include how you view your future and plan for it - or don't plan for it.

I think we all probably acknowledge that we're creatures of habit for the most part. As humans we love familiarity and a sense of predictability and security. Knowing that tomorrow, many things will be similar to today. And last week. And last year. Change is scary, so many times we feel that if something has been working for a while, then we should just keep doing more of "that."
The problem with continuing to do "that" for prolonged periods of time is that eventually doing more of the same is tantamount to standing still.

The world and the people in it, the businesses they run, the technology they use and the way they communicate, are changing constantly. So there's no such thing as being successful by standing still. If businesses around you (namely your clients and prospective clients) are always changing, you also need to change.

I read in a science magazine earlier this year that the species on the planet who survive as time passes are not necessarily the strongest, the smartest, or the biggest. The ones that survive and evolve are the ones that ADAPT. That means being willing to do things in new ways in order to survive, as the environment around them changes.
To keep your business thriving and to grow and change with the changing business world around you, you have to adapt.
And as things are changing with such rapidity these days, it's most likely going to require a paradigm shift on your part. You're going to have to start opening your mind to new ways of looking at things, new methods to find and keep customers, new technology, and new ways to communicate.

The fact is (and here's the painful part) if you want to stay in business and thrive, you're going to have to change your business paradigm.
Evolve and adapt, or you'll be left behind.

Following are several "prompts" to get you thinking about your own paradigm and where you might be resisting adapting or evolving. I encourage you to get a pad of paper to write down any "ah-ha!" moments that come to you while reading the rest of this article.

Are you up-to-date on the latest technology that your business could be using? And can you converse with your clients in a cogent way about the software and cloud-based technology they're using and deliver your services or products to them on their terms? (New paradigm) Or are you using dated software or machinery in your business because it's familiar and comfortable? Even though you know there are more efficient ways to handle your business information now? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting learning about new technology and changing the technology you use?

Are your marketing materials (website, business cards, logo design) updated, fresh, interesting and attractive to your clients? (New paradigm) Or are your marketing material designs three, five, or even ten years old? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting re-branding your business and are you staying the same, instead of boldly freshening up or changing your image?

Are you focusing on the life-time value of new clients and building long-term relationships with them? Are you focusing on providing superior customer service and aiming to make yourself indispensable to them for years to come? (New paradigm) Or are you focusing only on the individual transaction amount with new clients and just "closing the sale?" (Old paradigm) Are you resisting deepening the relationships with your clients because you're shy, too busy, or too involved looking for the "next best thing?"

Are you utilizing the incredible power of engaging with others in a Mastermind group? Are you sharing ideas, business knowledge, and combining your mind with others to create new strategies and outcomes? (New paradigm) Or do you still work alone in isolation, worried that sharing information or ideas with other entrepreneurs will somehow make you lose business? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting the idea of Masterminding and creating joint ventures with other business associates out of fear?

Have you embraced social media and the Internet as a way to broaden your business reach? Do you have a Twitter account? LinkedIn account? Facebook account? Google+ account? Do you publish a newsletter or have a blog? (New paradigm) Or do you think social media, blogging, and newsletters are a waste of time? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting modern ways to communicate with your customer base on the Internet?

Take some time this week to look at how you do business. Examine your habitual business practices and particularly things you've been doing in the same way for a long time.

A paradigm shift can be a little scary as you adapt to new ways of learning and conducting business. But the wonderful payoff is that if you keep changing and evolving, your business will flourish and you'll stay on the cutting edge. Your clients will see you as a mover and a shaker. Someone who knows what's going on. Someone who "gets" their changing world.

Be brave... and examine where your paradigm needs to shift. You'll be very glad you did.

Article Source: Maxine Dunn

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