Sunday 16 June 2013

Dreams Are Free.

Dreams Keep Us Going Through Tough Times.

The idea that the subconscious mind has its own power can be a little "far out" - almost too much for many of us to understand, much less utilize on a daily basis. But it can, with practice, like anything else, be trained to power up your dreams and help you accomplish things you never thought possible.

Prayer has been described as "directed subconscious thought." Meditation, becoming one with a higher consciousness, believing, faith... there are many words for the type of subconscious connections we can make.
We know the attitudes we hold, whether positive or negative, about ourselves and our world can affect the outcomes and opportunities we experience. But just how far can we take it?

Can we heal cancers? Can we heal broken hearts more quickly? Can we bring about the money, or happiness, or the job, or the relationship, we have always wanted? Some say we can, and that it's just a matter of making the decision to have these things happen. If we envision the result we want or need, and keep thinking about that result and how we'd live with it, then the healing energy or the earning energy or love energy is already on its way to us.

How does that sound to you?

Think about it this way. When you're a child and playing pretend, you really feel like you're in the role or place you are imagining. You are creating a world in which you are not yourself, but still real. As adults, we lose this ability, or it's at least dulled. Reality is reality and imaginary worlds are completely separate. In fact, we have to really get into a book or a movie to "suspend disbelief" and enjoy being in another space or time to be entertained. To get lost in a story, whether it's a visual or literary one, is a rare escape for many busy adults.

But as kids, we create and reshape the world around us into whatever we want them to be - we see the objects, people and environments as we WANT to see them, and we act accordingly. We take it one moment at a time, one scene at a time, and are fully in it. Because we are what we say we are.
In our professional lives, we are regularly put into challenging situations. Sometimes these are requests from our clients to complete projects we've never done before, or we make deadlines that seem difficult to meet. But using our subconscious minds to see ourselves completing a task - and celebrating that - can be just what we need to get through the toughest parts of the assignment, regardless of previous experience or the time frame we have to do the job. Steven Covey titled it "Begin with the End in Mind". When we see the end of the project already in our imagination, the other parts fall in place to help us accomplish it... because we believe that "pretend" picture in our mind of the finish line.

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