Friday 14 June 2013

Visualising & Action.

From Thoughts To Visualizing And Action...

Who would ever have believed that funny guy, Jim Carrey had any lessons for Oprah Winfrey. So what did Jim Carrey get that Oprah missed and what could she learn from a funny guy comedian?

If you think about their similar past early lives and run the comparisons, they are now both very successful financially and also very influencial, but it's an interesting comparison.

Jim Carrey was 'the mascot' in his stressful childhood family. He learnt that he could entertain his sickly, stressed  mother, make her laugh, and get some good attention for himself being a funny monkey.
This lead him to a realization that this behavior was a way to help others to get pleasure from his humor. He then thought this may make him wealthy and happy but he only succeeded in becoming wealthy and depressed, on prozac and beginning to unwind his successful career.

His next evolutionary experience was to realize his thoughts were not really what he would choose to think and he walked through a door to really understand how he could be content, peaceful and successful, all at the same time. But visualizing certainly got him on track to leave his thoughts and past programming behind.

Oprah Winfrey also had a stressful childhood. She made great early career choices by getting into television and as her story of childhood abuse began to surface, she capitalized on this and created her own TV show based around 'the problems in people's lives.'  And to this day we see, maybe, the worlds most influential woman. But a woman still not able to visualize a happy, peaceful, balanced lifestyle as she wrestles eating binges, obesity, the inability to have a loving, intimate, continual relationship and disharmony with her thoughts about herself. She has stated on her show that she puts on weight when she gets depressed about her relationship issues.  Is money the measure of success?

"Without a vision....  The people perish."   This is an ancient text quote that speaks volumes about society in general. People become so stressed just surviving that they forget to dream about who they really are, and what they want to be when they grow up from not having a proper vision about themselves. It is recorded from surveys that only 3% of people write down, and pursue active goals, take action  and move consistently toward a vision bigger than where they live, work and play today.

"What I do, is not who I am."   Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. As humans we have 'stuff to do,' day-in-day-out, but it's the attitude that we do the work in that changes the worlds response to our vision.

 Being intensely grateful for what we have now, opens the door for abundant peace, joy, financial reward and strong, loving  intimate relationship. Taking full responsibility for our own interpretation of our past lives. It was never about what happened to us in the past, it was all about how we created our future life from how we viewed it all and the story we still maintain about it today.

Choosing not to stay in the old victim mentality of past childhood abuse. Not having been loved, cared for, or denied in some other way only holds us all back from being truly free. As we see in Oprah's business life, negativity sells, the media is full of it, and she capitalizes on it, big time. Sympathizing with others slows society down to a crawl. Empathizing for others situations, frees us to be a better example and enriches our relationships with the world as it enables us to share truth with each other.

Neuro-Scientists have tracked a humans life span, and our permanent life program is 90% locked in by the age of eight years old, long before we had the conscious, cognitive abilities and skills to understand what was right for ourselves and our future success.

The old sayings;   "Know your station in life." "Don't get to big for your boots."  "The bigger you are, the harder you fall."  "Who do you think you are?"  "Rich people must be dishonest."  Really listen to your thoughts and hear what they are telling you about yourself. Challenge these thoughts, are they true?    Reframe them and visualize a future of success, peace, joy and abundance of wealth.

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