Thursday 6 June 2013

Her Morning Elegance.

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Does it feel like you are on a treadmill every morning and can't seem to get off, no matter what you try to change? People, Places, and Events just absorb your time and energy.

The 5 steps to peace and prosperity
According to Dr Bruce Lipton in his best seller book;  Biology Of Belief.   
The cause of problems are never what you may like to believe that they are, what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears are the results of the causes that are buried deep within our subconscious memory that consequently controls up to 95% of our outcomes.   
“I am never upset for the reasons that I think I am”. The cause usually completely eludes us until we get desperate enough to search within ourselves. And over time, you will find out simply how to do just that. Only then are we able to transmute those causes that create negative outcomes into more loving productive enterprising outcomes.

When you apply the following five steps you will begin to discover “The Creator within”.   Any previous victim mentality will simply be dissolved forever. Your true authentic power will be restored to you and life will naturally flow through you again, not to you from the outside, as you have tried, in vain,to do all of your life.   

The truth is-  You are the cause !!   And You create all your life outcomes.  People, events  and circumstances merely mirror back to us our hidden, from self, secret agendas. 
As we learn, grow and apply this simple wisdom parents, partners, children, friends, colleagues, and even enemies become our true loving self as they honor us by consistently ALWAYS showing us how we are moving along in life on our "Pilgrims Progress."   
Their real honest, open, uncensored feedback teaches us how we need to patiently, truthfully, assimilate their feedback to change and grow ourselves. Strangely though.....  As we do change and grow, so too does ALL  these other people on our list become nicer, kinder, sensitive, loving people. 

1:  Realize that you are the creator of all your life outcomes. Nothing changes for you by applying the “blame / judgement game”.

2:  Acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for all your life outcomes-  both good and bad. People, places and events mirror back to you through the law of attraction.

3:  Know that if you are the creator of all your life circumstances, then you also hold the key to unlocking all your answers. Patience is power while answers come to you. When you have done all to stand, then stand some more.

4:  Learn that gratitude is the catalyst that turns dysfunction into success in all your endeavours. Being grateful for all things both good and what is only appearing as bad, has remarkable outcomes.

5:  Understand that at a quantum level everything is connected. Every subconscious thought even before you are consciously aware of it has gone out into the world to create the outcome of your greatest dream, your worst nightmare, or your continued rut.

When you don't believe your thoughts, what is, (appearing) is what you are.  There's no separation in it all.  You're everything!  Only the unquestioned mind would believe that you are an "I" living inside a body.      Byron Katie.     A Thousand Names For Joy. 

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