Thursday 27 June 2013


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This video of a three part birth-life-death story of Steve Jobs life was screened to us at a two day Visionary Leadership Conference this week.  The whole story that Steve Jobs told here in the video was after a near death experience, and before he knew that his life was going to be cut short.

His story is such an amazing experience because he decided very young, not to follow anyone but his own intuition. And as he himself said; "It is not possible to connect the dots of our personal journey, accept in hindsight." As he followed his own intuition over the decades, often through great financial hardship and ongoing adversity, his way continued to open up before him as he faced every challenge.

The outcome as we all experience through technology every day is remarkable. Where would we all be if 'Apple' was not given life through one mans commitment to staying off the treadmill of mediocrity and following his own vision to revolutionize how we do business in the 21st century.

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