Tuesday 4 June 2013

Get More Of What You Want.

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Here are some ideas to Direct Your Subconscious Mind to Help you Get More Of What You Want In Life...

You have the power to create the kind of life you ultimately want, simply by directing your huge subconscious ‘feeling’ mind with your small, more ‘logical’ conscious mind. The conscious mind is a 40 bit-per-second mono-task processor and can really only manage one task at a time, but unfortunately is distracted very easy. The mega multi-task subconscious mind is a 40 million bit-per-second weapon of creation, or destruction. How well you manage your thoughts, determines your outcomes.

The pre-frontal cortex conscious mind historically is a relatively new addition to human beings, it is a very small part of the brain, and obviously is still very much evolving. But the more use it gets, the better it becomes at managing the ancient, always diligent subconscious mind, that keeps us alive, even while we sleep.
But most people don’t know how to direct their subconscious mind so they get more of what they want. Instead, you may be (unknowingly) directing your subconscious to bring more of what you don’t want. The massive ability of the subconscious mind to do large amounts of tasks totally on auto-pilot, requires good ‘conscious’ management or else it will wander off with virtually any idea that is planted in it.

Let me explain how your subconscious mind works;
To understand what your 'instinctive' subconscious mind is creating you need to know ALL your beliefs and your regular thoughts, because more often than not, it’s the hidden, forgotten beliefs that derail us later. Your subconscious mind gets its directions or instructions from your logical conscious mind, or by ‘default’ outside circumstances, mostly before we were old enough to understand.
It is what you believe, what you truly feel is real, how you view life and what you consider to be the truth about your life and the world that your subconscious mind creates all of your future life experiences, relationships, outcomes, peace or chaos from.

For example: if you believe that it’s difficult to find a job or meet someone wonderful then your subconscious mind guides you to the people, situations and opportunities so that you have a difficult time finding a job or meeting someone special.
You may say the wrong thing in an interview, put the wrong thing on a cover letter, pursue the wrong kind of people for a relationship, do the wrong things when you meet someone, etc. Many things go wrong when you least expect it, if not dealt with.
In many ways you end up sabotaging your chances. While you truly want to get a job, meet someone, or achieve any other goal, you won’t succeed because deep-down you don’t believe you can, you don’t regularly think you can, you don’t regularly feel you can and you think it’s difficult to achieve what you want. Now I know this isn't what you want, you want to enjoy a better life. So what can you do to turn the tide?

How do you stop the negative spiral? Start with your thoughts. Think about your goals, write them down. Then start tracking your thoughts about these goals, do they really line up with your deep beliefs?
Write down what you come up with. Do you think you can achieve them? Do you think you will succeed? If you don’t think you can’t, then why not? What are some of the obstacles you may face? What are some of the hurdles you see?
Write down everything you come up with. Then go about your day, do what you have to do and whenever you think about a particular goal, make a note of the thoughts you have that come up about that goal. Go back to your list and update it regularly. Question every thought that does not give you peace, and reframe every negative statement that does not match your overall conscious positive vision.
It really is a lot of fun to question old redundant beliefs, and set new goals to achieve your wildest dreams. The power to achieve is within you!

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