Monday 3 June 2013

Negate Memory & Mind Your Mind

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We started off a few weeks ago trying to figure out why certain fears that got stuck inside our heads couldn't be shaken off, wouldn't come out and couldn't be pulled out either. We understood that these fears were secretly controlling our lives much like a puppeteer controls his puppets unseen from above. We realized that it was time to get rid of these fears, for we would remain stuck in a groove otherwise, and life would pass us by if we didn't. So we declared war on fear. We told ourselves that it was our solemn duty from now on to defeat this enemy.
Having declared war, we grappled with the fact that it takes two to tango. Our fears would start to fight back and devise new ways to torment us until we backed off and surrendered once again. It’s like the superstition game. Once you believe in a superstition you can’t shake it off easily. You pass a black cat or spill salt over your shoulder… or whatever else you are superstitious about. Once the act is done your mind will keep gnawing at you that something disastrous will happen. In fact, it will torture and torment you until it actually happens.
Understand this — the human mind is extraordinarily powerful when it comes to crushing your spirit. It can actually make a disaster happen in your life by morbidly intensely wishing for it. The human mind has huge negative power (subconscious beliefs) and only a tiny amount of positive power.(conscious desires)
 That’s not the way it was designed — that’s the way you have made it over the years. That’s the way society and culture have shaped it. Over generations, the negative power in the subconscious mind matrix has grown many times more powerful than its positive power. That’s why when you do something that’s supposed to bring you luck — your mind cannot alter the balance of the Universe and actually make it happen. You can’t wish with your mind to pass an exam — but your mind can easily make you fail. You can’t win a lottery, get yourself a job or discover true love by wishing for it. But disasters — well, it can bring disaster into your life without too much effort. Until we question our thoughts / beliefs, we are extremely limited to what is hidden away in our vast memory banks of pre-programmed limiting lifestyles. 
So, did you start trying to solve a problem and end up with a bigger problem? It does seem so! How on earth can you handle the mind when it turns against you? The rules of the mind seem to be crude and simple — follow my instincts and life will be tolerable. Go against me and life will become miserable.  Checkmate? Not quite. There is a quick way to bypass the negative mind when it turns against you. That’s the isolation technique. It has worked for thousands of years.
The isolation technique consists of just one line — you are not the mind. The mind only thinks-through-you. That’s right. You are not the mind. Then who are you? You are a glowing fragment of consciousness that’s riding on the surface of the mind. Yes, that’s exactly who you are.

 Mani Shankar. Article Author. 

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