Sunday 30 June 2013

The Golden Rule. Pt1

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    The Golden Rule
Real love is so simple if you follow a few important basic principles of ‘Oneness.’ The Golden Rule. as in “Love others as you would love yourself.” Most of the ancient scriptures say that there is no greater thing to do than this. Why, because the wisdom of the ages have always known that fundamentally we are ‘ONE’ being expressed in different forms.

 Duality was brought about by corruptness in religious circles to put a veil over the truth of ‘Oneness,’ and teach the common people of a world of duality. They say: "The devil has control of this world (evil everywhere) and a God (Agape Love) is up in Heaven with a perfect love for us all after we die." 
So consequently, we see good and evil everywhere and often in everyone, including our own partners and family. This most basic lie of duality (If the lie is big enough, the people will believe it) has corrupted almost every religion and relationship at some time, caused most wars, and virtually impossible to succeed harmoniously for any length of time if this is the basic belief of the person / persons entering into the relationship.                                                                        

An old saying:  “If you want to hide the truth then look in all the places where it isn't and then spend enormous amounts of money to make it appear authentically true.”

Good or bad behavior in anyone, anytime is merely the decoy to take you away from the truth of pure love, and the moment that you focus on the illusion of good or bad behavior  this is the time for you to give yourself a check-up from the neck-up.....                                                                                                                                                      

Ask yourself these two important questions:

What is it within me that is creating this illusion of discord out there?
What must I believe for this ‘behavior’ to be showing up in my life?

Saturday 29 June 2013


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Well worth a watch!!  This video changed the way my friends and I viewed, experienced, and treated each other....   Enjoy!!!

Thursday 27 June 2013


Sign In For Free ebook And Weekly Webinar.

This video of a three part birth-life-death story of Steve Jobs life was screened to us at a two day Visionary Leadership Conference this week.  The whole story that Steve Jobs told here in the video was after a near death experience, and before he knew that his life was going to be cut short.

His story is such an amazing experience because he decided very young, not to follow anyone but his own intuition. And as he himself said; "It is not possible to connect the dots of our personal journey, accept in hindsight." As he followed his own intuition over the decades, often through great financial hardship and ongoing adversity, his way continued to open up before him as he faced every challenge.

The outcome as we all experience through technology every day is remarkable. Where would we all be if 'Apple' was not given life through one mans commitment to staying off the treadmill of mediocrity and following his own vision to revolutionize how we do business in the 21st century.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Automatic Brain Pt2 The Power Of The Unconscious.

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How many of us believe we are pretty cool when we have finally found our ultimate girlfriend / boyfriend? It consumes our entire life, so why wouldn't we be over the moon ecstatic.

How would you feel if you really understood that you virtually have zero control and practically no choice in the matter?
Your subconscious mind is making all the decisions on who will be your life partner, based on past programming, and will set off all the necessary physical chemicals and hormones to ensure you are locked in with what may well turn out to be your biggest nightmare; unless you are prepared to learn very quickly the real reason why this seemingly most amazing person that has turned up miraculously into your life as the greatest event you have ever experienced.

If you are prepared to watch this most informative video, you will learn how relationships are really formed, and through challenging your thoughts and beliefs, you can turn every situation in your life around to a life-long truly authentic commitment to maintain what you ultimately set off to do.

Monday 24 June 2013

Automatic Brain; The Power Of The Unconscious.

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This 'Automatic Brain' video has been airing in France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden and now around the world. The documentary delves into the power of the unconscious mind and questions who's actually in charge, and asks whether anything we do is actually fully conscious.

Whoever would believe that day to day life is being lived through us unconsciously up to 99% of the time, according the expert information in this video. My mind boggles at this startling information and I try to reason out just how I can distinguish between the myriad amount of stored data that I want to reprogram within myself by challenging every single thought that I have. 

Personally, I am incredibly excited about my own journey with my life partner Michelle. Together; our passion in life is to imagine who we really are (when we grow up from all our past stories) and discover what our life will be as we continue to release our past programming. Our favorite past-time is to challenge any limiting beliefs, reframe them, and then watching our life unfold as if it were some great wonderful mystery that continues to release itself to us for amazing experiences.  

When we are not running our online marketing business, promoting professional business people share their passion about their own business to prospective clients around the world, we are completely available to share what we have learnt in personal freedom with others. Our world revolves around the possibilities of totally living life with abundant joy, peace, happiness, openness and financial freedom.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Do You Have Free Will?

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It's such an interesting question;  "Do we have free will to live our own life?"  And who could stop us from living the life we design for ourselves?   There is nothing other than ourselves, by our hidden thoughts, that can stop us living a stress free life where amazing things get delivered to us so easily!
And each and everyone of us does a wonderful job of struggling to be financially free to do what we want, when we want it, but there is a much easier way to achieve better outcomes.

Well what a shock to discover from top Neuro Scientists that, no we don't have free will to be completely free to live our own ultimate dream life because we have a program running subconsciously that says something that more often than not, is in complete contradiction to how we thought things would turn out. We know for sure now that;  the 'we' the observers of our own life, are actually not consciously (free will) informed of what we are doing moment-by-moment for a minimum of half a second or more after our given program responds / reacts to any circumstance presented to us.

Few people, my guess would be 1% of humanity will ever understand this vital part of how humanity operates. Because our ego (given program) would never allow itself to accept that it is completely out of control 24/7.  By being out of control I am inferring that our subconscious pre-programmed memory mind operates through us while we consciously are asleep at the wheel.

It's not until we really seriously decide to challenge our beliefs / thoughts that we can reframe our circumstances and enjoy better outcomes. In our own personal experience after decades of self help improvement programs that only made small increments of change, but the fundamental destructive program still run, that we found a simple system that takes about an hour a day to  do.

Or plug into our free weekly webinar and learn how to do it for yourself, or have a personal coach walk you through your own limiting beliefs. This method is not for the faint hearted, it takes enormous courage to face 'Your Story,'  reframe it,  and walk on free to a whole exciting new way of life.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Paradigm Shift.

Free e-book: Taking Your Mind To Freedom.

Yes, this is the same video of Bob Proctor that was on yesterdays blog, not sure if you noticed but at the end of the 7 minute video, there is another 12 minute "Shift your paradigm" meditation video. It is worth a watch if you need change.

"Paradigm shift." That phrase sounds kind of scary doesn't it? After all, it was a paradigm shift that took place when people began to view the earth as round instead of flat. Paradigm shifts can sometimes be quite monumental.
A paradigm can be thought of as an enduring and accepted example. A long-term established pattern that has become accepted as the norm or a "way of doing or viewing things."

So a "paradigm shift" can be described as a NEW way of looking at things. A new pattern accepted. And a new belief-system which enables assimilating this change.
And in your business as a creative entrepreneur you're probably operating under an established paradigm.

For example you could look at your own established paradigm as the way you do business: your business model and how you interact with your clients and customers; your daily patterns of marketing and communicating; your current skill levels and knowledge base; even your standards and how you treat people or how you expect to be treated. Your business paradigm can even include how you view your future and plan for it - or don't plan for it.

I think we all probably acknowledge that we're creatures of habit for the most part. As humans we love familiarity and a sense of predictability and security. Knowing that tomorrow, many things will be similar to today. And last week. And last year. Change is scary, so many times we feel that if something has been working for a while, then we should just keep doing more of "that."
The problem with continuing to do "that" for prolonged periods of time is that eventually doing more of the same is tantamount to standing still.

The world and the people in it, the businesses they run, the technology they use and the way they communicate, are changing constantly. So there's no such thing as being successful by standing still. If businesses around you (namely your clients and prospective clients) are always changing, you also need to change.

I read in a science magazine earlier this year that the species on the planet who survive as time passes are not necessarily the strongest, the smartest, or the biggest. The ones that survive and evolve are the ones that ADAPT. That means being willing to do things in new ways in order to survive, as the environment around them changes.
To keep your business thriving and to grow and change with the changing business world around you, you have to adapt.
And as things are changing with such rapidity these days, it's most likely going to require a paradigm shift on your part. You're going to have to start opening your mind to new ways of looking at things, new methods to find and keep customers, new technology, and new ways to communicate.

The fact is (and here's the painful part) if you want to stay in business and thrive, you're going to have to change your business paradigm.
Evolve and adapt, or you'll be left behind.

Following are several "prompts" to get you thinking about your own paradigm and where you might be resisting adapting or evolving. I encourage you to get a pad of paper to write down any "ah-ha!" moments that come to you while reading the rest of this article.

Are you up-to-date on the latest technology that your business could be using? And can you converse with your clients in a cogent way about the software and cloud-based technology they're using and deliver your services or products to them on their terms? (New paradigm) Or are you using dated software or machinery in your business because it's familiar and comfortable? Even though you know there are more efficient ways to handle your business information now? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting learning about new technology and changing the technology you use?

Are your marketing materials (website, business cards, logo design) updated, fresh, interesting and attractive to your clients? (New paradigm) Or are your marketing material designs three, five, or even ten years old? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting re-branding your business and are you staying the same, instead of boldly freshening up or changing your image?

Are you focusing on the life-time value of new clients and building long-term relationships with them? Are you focusing on providing superior customer service and aiming to make yourself indispensable to them for years to come? (New paradigm) Or are you focusing only on the individual transaction amount with new clients and just "closing the sale?" (Old paradigm) Are you resisting deepening the relationships with your clients because you're shy, too busy, or too involved looking for the "next best thing?"

Are you utilizing the incredible power of engaging with others in a Mastermind group? Are you sharing ideas, business knowledge, and combining your mind with others to create new strategies and outcomes? (New paradigm) Or do you still work alone in isolation, worried that sharing information or ideas with other entrepreneurs will somehow make you lose business? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting the idea of Masterminding and creating joint ventures with other business associates out of fear?

Have you embraced social media and the Internet as a way to broaden your business reach? Do you have a Twitter account? LinkedIn account? Facebook account? Google+ account? Do you publish a newsletter or have a blog? (New paradigm) Or do you think social media, blogging, and newsletters are a waste of time? (Old paradigm) Are you resisting modern ways to communicate with your customer base on the Internet?

Take some time this week to look at how you do business. Examine your habitual business practices and particularly things you've been doing in the same way for a long time.

A paradigm shift can be a little scary as you adapt to new ways of learning and conducting business. But the wonderful payoff is that if you keep changing and evolving, your business will flourish and you'll stay on the cutting edge. Your clients will see you as a mover and a shaker. Someone who knows what's going on. Someone who "gets" their changing world.

Be brave... and examine where your paradigm needs to shift. You'll be very glad you did.

Article Source: Maxine Dunn

Suspended Disbelief. Pt 3

Free ebook: Taking Your Mind To freedom.

How do we accept the issues of this world each and every day without really questioning our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and subsequent stressful outcomes? Bob Proctor of "The Secret" talks about shifting paradigms, if we question our beliefs, challenge our thoughts, reframe our circumstances, our interpretation of how the world is and our place in the world dramatically changes, very quickly. 

Are we so anesthetized, programmed and completely given our power and energy over to a few 'people of power' to look after things for us, while we sleep-at-the-wheel?  As it is a proven scientific fact that we seldom are consciously present, maybe 5% of the time.....  Will we ever awaken to our given gift of life, freedom, peace, joy and ultimate loving nature? 
On questioning our lives we can all see that most of our day is taken up by being "A mouse on a treadmill."  Either working, or thinking about working. Occasionally we get to do something fun! 

Well, if you are reading this blog, it's time to suspend your belief and take action on your dreams!

In popular culture;  Wikipedia.  Suspension of Disbelief.
"In popular culture According to the theory, suspension of disbelief is an essential ingredient for any kind of storytelling. With any film, the viewer has to ignore the reality that they are viewing a two-dimensional moving image on a screen and temporarily accept it as reality in order to be entertained. Black-and-white films provide an obvious early example that audiences are willing to suspend disbelief, no matter how unreal the images appear, for the sake of entertainment.
With the exception of totally color blind people (See: Achromatopsia), no person viewing these films sees the real world without color, but they are still willing to suspend disbelief and accept the images in order to be entertained. 

Suspension of disbelief is also supposed to be essential for the enjoyment of many movies and TV shows involving complex stunts, special effects, and seemingly unrealistic plots, characterizations, etc. The theory professes to explain why a subset of action movie fans are willing to accept the idea that, for example: The good guy can get away with shooting guns in public places (without getting in trouble with the local law-enforcement himself), never running out of ammunition (Rambo movies), or that cars will explode with a well-placed shot to the gas tank (numerous action movies use this trope/plot element). Suspension of disbelief is also needed when a character is not supposed to age over the course of a series (because of being a vampire or be eternal/immortal because of some quirk / trait / power of the character) but the actor eventually does – as seen in Angel and Highlander. 

Likewise, the various Terminators played by Arnold Schwarzenegger are supposed to be standardized units from the same assembly line, but the original cyborg in 1984's The Terminator looks noticeably younger than the cyborgs with the "same" organic covering that appear in the 1991 and 2003 sequel movies. In the three CSI series, it is frequently implied that forensic test results are received immediately after said tests are performed; in reality, it can take several months to get results back, it is inconvenient to the plots to show the necessary waiting period. 

To advance the plot, a suspension of disbelief is necessary, and viewers must accept that the waiting period has passed or that there is no waiting period to begin with. As well, in real life, crime scene investigators are not responsible for the wide array of police duties that the show's characters typically carry out (investigation, arrest, interrogation, etc.); they limit themselves to forensic and lab work; these series would have audiences believe that crime scene units are solely responsible for entire investigations, including the arrest. 

Also another suspension of disbelief is having an episode of a TV show (or a movie) set in a foreign country and have all the actors portraying citizens of said country speak another language entirely and fluently (example: a setting in Germany during the Third Reich where people dressed as German citizens and German officers speak fluent English). All sorts of story-telling involving puppets or cartoon characters demand suspension of disbelief on the part of the audience, since it is obvious that the "people" seen are not real living persons. On the Muppet Show, the rods controlling Kermit's arms are clearly visible, but the audience is expected to ignore them."

Do we, as a society, suspend our disbelief with government, religion, media, banks, law, taxation, healthcare, (sic) big pharma, farming practices, industry, consumerism, etc? 
Final of 3 parts on 'Suspension of Disbelief.' 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Suspended Disbelief. Pt2

Free ebook. Taking Your Mind To Freedom.

Have you suspended your own disbelief? Is there a voice deep within you that is saying something in direct contradiction with what you are having to experience every day? If money and time was not an issue, would you still be doing what you have to do every day? Or, if you still chose to do what you do every day, would you feel more free, and enjoy it more than what you feel today about it all?
Bob Proctor from "The Secret" stated that 1% of the population earn 96% of the worlds wealth.

Coleridge's Original Formulation: Suspension Of Disbelief. Wikipedia.

Coleridge coined the phrase in his Biographia Literaria, published in 1817, in the context of the creation and reading of poetry. Chapter XIV describes the preparations with Wordsworth for their revolutionary collaboration Lyrical Ballads (first edition 1798), for which Coleridge had contributed the more romantic, Gothic pieces including The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Poetry and fiction involving the supernatural had gone out of fashion to a large extent in the 18th century, in part due to the declining belief in witches and other supernatural agents among the educated classes, who embraced the rational approach to the world offered by the new science. Alexander Pope, notably, felt the need to explain and justify his use of elemental spirits in The Rape of the Lock, one of the few English poems of the century that invoked the supernatural. Coleridge wished to revive the use of fantastic elements in poetry. The concept of "willing suspension of disbelief" explained how a modern, enlightened audience might continue to enjoy such types of story.

Coleridge recalled:
”... It was agreed, that my endeavours should be directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic, yet so as to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.

Mr. Wordsworth on the other hand was to propose to himself as his object, to give the charm of novelty to things of every day, and to excite a feeling analogous to the supernatural, by awakening the mind's attention from the lethargy of custom, and directing it to the loveliness and the wonders of the world before us ...”

The notion of such an action by an audience was however recognized in antiquity, as seen particularly in the Roman theoretical concerns of Horace, who also lived in an age of increasing skepticism about the supernatural, in his Ars Poetica.
Examples in literature:
Suspension of disbelief is sometimes said to be an essential component of live theater, where it was recognized by Shakespeare, who refers to it in the Prologue to Henry V:

"[...] make imaginary puissant [...] 'tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings [...]
turning accomplishment of many years into an hourglass."
Continued tomorrow.

Monday 17 June 2013

Suspended Disbelief.

Free ebook; Taking Your Mind To Freedom-

Believe it or not...... Life is being lived through you, not from you! To what degree have you suspended your disbelief and just accepted your "Lot In Life." Up to 95% of your life 24 hours a day is running on outside stimulus and then automatic reaction / response to that event. You consciously are only aware of what is happening a half a second (minimum) after the event. If you don't believe this, who wakes you up in the middle of the night when you are sound asleep and your bladder fills (on auto pilot) to capacity, and requires emptying? Do you stay awake all night to ensure your breathing continues? What about your heart, do you ever count your heartbeats, or decide consciously to speed your heart up, or slow it down depending on what you are physically doing? Really consciously think about this, who's in control?
Are you living in suspended disbelief about what effects are happening around you every day?

"Suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief is a term coined in 1817 by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a human interest and a semblance of truth into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative. Suspension of disbelief often applies to fictional works of the action, comedy, fantasy, and horror genres, as well as in professional wrestling. Cognitive estrangement in fiction involves using a person's ignorance or lack of knowledge to promote suspension of disbelief.

The phrase 'suspension of disbelief' came to be used more loosely in the later 20th century, often used to imply that the burden was on the reader, rather than the writer, to achieve it. This might be used to refer to the willingness of the audience to overlook the limitations of a medium, so that these do not interfere with the acceptance of those premises. These fictional premises may also lend to the engagement of the mind and perhaps proposition of thoughts, ideas, art and theories.
Suspension of disbelief is often an essential element for a magic act or a circus sideshow act.

For example, an audience is not expected to actually believe that a woman is cut in half or transforms into a gorilla in order to enjoy the performance." Wikipedia; Suspension of disbelief.
To be continued tomorrow.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Dreams Are Free.

Dreams Keep Us Going Through Tough Times.

The idea that the subconscious mind has its own power can be a little "far out" - almost too much for many of us to understand, much less utilize on a daily basis. But it can, with practice, like anything else, be trained to power up your dreams and help you accomplish things you never thought possible.

Prayer has been described as "directed subconscious thought." Meditation, becoming one with a higher consciousness, believing, faith... there are many words for the type of subconscious connections we can make.
We know the attitudes we hold, whether positive or negative, about ourselves and our world can affect the outcomes and opportunities we experience. But just how far can we take it?

Can we heal cancers? Can we heal broken hearts more quickly? Can we bring about the money, or happiness, or the job, or the relationship, we have always wanted? Some say we can, and that it's just a matter of making the decision to have these things happen. If we envision the result we want or need, and keep thinking about that result and how we'd live with it, then the healing energy or the earning energy or love energy is already on its way to us.

How does that sound to you?

Think about it this way. When you're a child and playing pretend, you really feel like you're in the role or place you are imagining. You are creating a world in which you are not yourself, but still real. As adults, we lose this ability, or it's at least dulled. Reality is reality and imaginary worlds are completely separate. In fact, we have to really get into a book or a movie to "suspend disbelief" and enjoy being in another space or time to be entertained. To get lost in a story, whether it's a visual or literary one, is a rare escape for many busy adults.

But as kids, we create and reshape the world around us into whatever we want them to be - we see the objects, people and environments as we WANT to see them, and we act accordingly. We take it one moment at a time, one scene at a time, and are fully in it. Because we are what we say we are.
In our professional lives, we are regularly put into challenging situations. Sometimes these are requests from our clients to complete projects we've never done before, or we make deadlines that seem difficult to meet. But using our subconscious minds to see ourselves completing a task - and celebrating that - can be just what we need to get through the toughest parts of the assignment, regardless of previous experience or the time frame we have to do the job. Steven Covey titled it "Begin with the End in Mind". When we see the end of the project already in our imagination, the other parts fall in place to help us accomplish it... because we believe that "pretend" picture in our mind of the finish line.

Article Source:

Saturday 15 June 2013

Love Is All Around.


What is the world telling you each moment, what message does it reflect back to you every day?

Do you see peace, joy, love, friendship, communion with fellow humans, animals, birds, insects along your daily travels through your life?    Yes you do, we all do.

But is it occasionally, a lot of the time, or all of the time?  Do you oscillate between love for what you experience every day, and / or hate by what you see others doing out there?

Does the great multiplier of all energy (good & Bad) get mixed messages from you.....  One day good, next day bad? If you were wanting to help somebody you cared about achieve their greatest desire, and resources to achieve that outcome were available to you, wouldn't you first need to know where that person was heading to?  If you were backing a horse in a race, you would have to be sure it was racing to the finish line and wasn't going to give up, or change it's mind half way round and head off to the stables to chew on some hay.

What ever happens in our day, we have the choice to experience the event with fear, or Faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for....  But the evidence of things not seen.
eg:  Seeing the best of circumstances, even when those circumstances appear bleak.

Grace; an old fashioned word seldom heard now, but is the next step from Faith; allowing:

*  Elegance and beauty of movement, form, or expression.
*  A pleasing or charming quality.
*  Goodwill or favor to others.
*  A delay granted for the completion of a task or payment of a debt.
*  Courtesy, decency....  given freely.
*  The free and unmerited favor shown toward man / woman.
*  Gratitude for all of what we have now.
*  Willingly and ungrudgingly giving and serving.
*  To honor or favor with one's presence.
(Grace; Collins Dictionary)

Our inner thoughts / beliefs will always determine whether the cup is half full, or half empty.

Friday 14 June 2013

Visualising & Action.

From Thoughts To Visualizing And Action...

Who would ever have believed that funny guy, Jim Carrey had any lessons for Oprah Winfrey. So what did Jim Carrey get that Oprah missed and what could she learn from a funny guy comedian?

If you think about their similar past early lives and run the comparisons, they are now both very successful financially and also very influencial, but it's an interesting comparison.

Jim Carrey was 'the mascot' in his stressful childhood family. He learnt that he could entertain his sickly, stressed  mother, make her laugh, and get some good attention for himself being a funny monkey.
This lead him to a realization that this behavior was a way to help others to get pleasure from his humor. He then thought this may make him wealthy and happy but he only succeeded in becoming wealthy and depressed, on prozac and beginning to unwind his successful career.

His next evolutionary experience was to realize his thoughts were not really what he would choose to think and he walked through a door to really understand how he could be content, peaceful and successful, all at the same time. But visualizing certainly got him on track to leave his thoughts and past programming behind.

Oprah Winfrey also had a stressful childhood. She made great early career choices by getting into television and as her story of childhood abuse began to surface, she capitalized on this and created her own TV show based around 'the problems in people's lives.'  And to this day we see, maybe, the worlds most influential woman. But a woman still not able to visualize a happy, peaceful, balanced lifestyle as she wrestles eating binges, obesity, the inability to have a loving, intimate, continual relationship and disharmony with her thoughts about herself. She has stated on her show that she puts on weight when she gets depressed about her relationship issues.  Is money the measure of success?

"Without a vision....  The people perish."   This is an ancient text quote that speaks volumes about society in general. People become so stressed just surviving that they forget to dream about who they really are, and what they want to be when they grow up from not having a proper vision about themselves. It is recorded from surveys that only 3% of people write down, and pursue active goals, take action  and move consistently toward a vision bigger than where they live, work and play today.

"What I do, is not who I am."   Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. As humans we have 'stuff to do,' day-in-day-out, but it's the attitude that we do the work in that changes the worlds response to our vision.

 Being intensely grateful for what we have now, opens the door for abundant peace, joy, financial reward and strong, loving  intimate relationship. Taking full responsibility for our own interpretation of our past lives. It was never about what happened to us in the past, it was all about how we created our future life from how we viewed it all and the story we still maintain about it today.

Choosing not to stay in the old victim mentality of past childhood abuse. Not having been loved, cared for, or denied in some other way only holds us all back from being truly free. As we see in Oprah's business life, negativity sells, the media is full of it, and she capitalizes on it, big time. Sympathizing with others slows society down to a crawl. Empathizing for others situations, frees us to be a better example and enriches our relationships with the world as it enables us to share truth with each other.

Neuro-Scientists have tracked a humans life span, and our permanent life program is 90% locked in by the age of eight years old, long before we had the conscious, cognitive abilities and skills to understand what was right for ourselves and our future success.

The old sayings;   "Know your station in life." "Don't get to big for your boots."  "The bigger you are, the harder you fall."  "Who do you think you are?"  "Rich people must be dishonest."  Really listen to your thoughts and hear what they are telling you about yourself. Challenge these thoughts, are they true?    Reframe them and visualize a future of success, peace, joy and abundance of wealth.

Thursday 13 June 2013

What Are You Thinking?

You Become Your Thoughts.... If You Believe Them!

You can't empty your mind of thoughts. You may as well try to empty the ocean of its water. Thoughts just keep coming back it seems. That's the way of it!   You just don't believe the thoughts, meet them with understanding and your heart will remain in peace.  BK

Not one thought you have is true! Because it is never in the "NOW."  Every one of the 50,000 to 75,000 subconscious thoughts you replay every day is either a thought of a past event, or the past thought projected into the future. To have a conscious (now) thought, you would have to be consciously present......   This is the challenge of life, it's possible and we can all learn how.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Are You A Creator?

Are You A Creator In Your Life, Or A Victim Of Others? 

The answer is very simply; we are always creating the life that completely matches our own internal story that is continually running 24 hours of every day of our lives. Our subconscious thoughts are physically acted upon a half of a second (more likely longer) before we are actually consciously aware of what has happened.

Neuroscience of free will; refers to recent neuro scientific investigation of questions concerning free will.
It is a topic of philosophy and science. One question is whether, and in what sense, rational agents exercise control over their actions or decisions. As it has become possible to study the living brain, researchers have begun to watch decision making processes at work.
Findings could carry implications for moral responsibility in general. Moreover, some research shows that if findings seem to challenge people's belief in the idea of free will itself then this can affect their sense of agency (e.g. sense of control in their life) Neuroscience of free will. Wikipedia.

Basically what this Wikipedia article is saying is that we are fundamentally being lived through ourselves by our pre-programmed beliefs, thoughts and consequent feelings.

But the basic reality is that we still are the sole creator of all of our own life experiences, carried out from our self chosen / accepted program. Therefore the good news is that we can control and manage our entire life to be exactly what we want every outcome to be, by learning how to reprogram the subconscious mind.

Fight Or Flight?

Join Up For Free ebook Or Weekly Webinar. 

When faced with a dispute do you fight (attack) or take flight (surrender) ??

We teach you a simple third option which automatically creates: Win / Win outcomes for all. Win / Win outcome simply means, you win and all other parties win. We also re-negotiate the original agreement to a satisfactory outcome on your behalf. When a third party negotiator is bought into an ongoing dispute, both parties can air their grievances in an unbiased environment and quickly get back to a workable answer.

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We do not incur costly ongoing expenses to you, by going into battle for the problem, we simply eliminate the “cause” of the dispute.

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Monday 10 June 2013

Who am I?

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The mighty subconscious mind has held mysteries and intrigue for mankind since the beginning of time. As you probably are aware, our mind is split into sections, for the purpose of this article we will discuss the conscious and the subconscious. For ease of writing I will refer to the subconscious as SC from herein.
The role of the conscious mind is to filter instructions received daily into the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind receives these messages and acts upon them.  However of the really massive amounts of information that bombards us daily through our senses; hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell, our conscious mind generally only allows through, what it is familiar with and more often than not, helpful, useful information that may change our lives for the better, or steer us away from pending disaster, is completely blocked from being downloaded to our SC mind as a permanent pattern.

The SC is a powerhouse of information, it also accepts information it receives in a slightly different manner than that of the conscious mind.
The conscious mind rationalizes and ponders, whereas the SC just accepts what it is given, as truth.

As you can imagine because of this childlike quality of naive acceptance, it is important that the messages given to the SC are filtered and only quality information relayed for action.
That is one of the main powers of the SC, it actions, on a permanent basis, whatever is put into its vaults. If as a child you were given negative messages, constant ridicule, no encouragement, then the SC unfortunately will have become conditioned for your life to follow this route.

It is the repetitive nature of the conditioning as a child that sets in place either a positive or negative life for the individual. The key here is to note that repetition works for the SC mind.
If negative affirmations are repeated often enough i.e. "You will never amount to anything in life" then the SC takes this information, believes it and manifests this negative message into your life.
There is a solution to this dilemma and that is because of the role that repetition plays in the reprogramming of the SC mind. If negatives can be repeated, then so can positives.

Once I decided in my own life that I was tired of negative events and the route I was taking and began replacing outmoded ideas with challenging my beliefs, reframing them and using more positive affirmations, then my life began to change.
The SC likes repetition, whatever you repeat will manifest itself, this takes work and conscious concentration on what you want. What messages do you want to delete that you have been living by?

Most people do not realize how powerful the SC mind is and through understanding this power you can quit smoking, or lose weight, I certainly use this method for maintaining my ideal weight, and have done for several years. The message I relay to my SC mind is that 'I never put weight on', or 'my weight is constant'. It works for me.
Is it really that simple? Well yes it is, however we fail to understand how the SC mind likes to follow simple repetitive instructions and the difficult work involved in remembering to monitor our thinking.

The one problem that can and does occur is when a person tries to alter outmoded ways of thinking without realizing that the new messages need to be delivered via the conscious mind in a certain way.

The subconscious mind is more argumentative and makes decisions for you based on knowledge already gained throughout your life, this is not always a good thing. It is also "feeling" based and is strongly influenced by how life impacts you emotionally, along the way and these very same life patterns, once established, become a magnet for The Law of Attraction of continuance.

The more practical, logical conscious mind, although a million times less powerful, can be harnessed to manage the pre-programmed illogical subconscious mind to 'learn new tricks,' through challenging our beliefs and reframing them.

Article Source:

Sunday 9 June 2013

What Is Love?

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Is it sensuality?  Is it raunchy?  Is it Lustful?  Is it sexuality?

Common love=       Exploitation.

Real Love=               Mutual gratification.

Have-   do-   be=       Ego....         Counterfeit lust!  (decoy)
Be-   do-   have=       Natural...   Real true love. 

“We come to love not by finding a perfect partner, but by learning to see an imperfect partner perfectly.” By seeing who we ourselves truly are, the creator of all of our own world. 

All of our relationships are really imaginary- that is, based on an image formed by thought. If I have an image of you and you have an image of me, then naturally we don’t see each other at all as we actually are. What we see is the images we have formed about each other which prevent us from being in contact and that is why our relationships go wrong.  No two people ever met! 
When we realize this dynamic, we begin to search for this other person’s defects within our own memory and any annoyance will turn to gratitude that their behavior has led you to self discovery.

“I love You.” These words are often said but seldom really meant, as most relationships have a use by date to varying degrees, (50% of marriages fail) even if we stay physically, our energy has moved on.  

Because if you say these words and really mean them.... then they are forever, not just until the person that you are saying them to behaves the way that we feel they should and not change. 
Mostly we stay with others, so long as they agree with..   "Our Story." 

The reality of relationship is that fundamentally we reflect back to others their own behavior, therefore what ever is happening within our relationships, is merely a magnification of our own beliefs.

Knowing this simple truth will liberate each of us to take 100% responsibility for all our life outcomes. We never need to change nor endure others, we merely need to look within ourselves to be free. 
Only then, can we be really grateful for every person, place and event that shows up in our life.

Who Are You...... Really?

Have you ever really pondered this question?  

Am I me?   Am I a figment of my families / partner / friends imagination?   Am I my profession?
Am I who I want to become when I grow Up?   Am I my religion?   Am I my creed?
Am I black / white / yellow / red?   Who do I listen to when I search for the meaning of life?

So many choices to one simple question..... Who am I really? Could it be so very simple? Could it just be that I am my own inner thoughts about who I am? Who do I listen the most to?   Me!

Yes I talk to myself the whole day long, and even while I sleep, I dream about- and to myself.
In fact there is nobody in this world that I trust more than I trust myself. I believe every single word I tell myself every moment of every day. Of the tens of thousands of thoughts that think through me every day, I never doubt a single one!

Sadly, all of these thoughts are quiet insane, as not a single one of them truly relate to who I really are. They only relate to the past and the future. The subconscious mind that thinks me is completely incapable of a sane conscious, in the present moment thought. It's a library of information that projects itself into my future.

To really know who you truly are, you would have to take a deep breath, consciously activate your pre-frontal conscious mini mind that is such a novel idea to any human being, and actually begin thinking in REAL time. But don't count on achieving any great outcomes as your little pea brain sized 40 bit-per-second conscious mind will never compete with your giant sized 40 million bit-per-second sub-cortical mind processor that completely controls you 24/7 from past learnt fixed programs.

However, deep within you there is a voice that calls for you to know who you really are without your fixed program. To learn of your true power. You feel a constant call to release your gift of life to others that await that very special power buried somewhere within you. You know that you are just idling along now, but there's more still to come, if only you could find your true passion.

There are so few leaders of truth in this world, but so many followers of injustice and deception.
You know you have the answer within you; are you listening?

Saturday 8 June 2013

Understanding Yourself.

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What you will see is that when you understand others, you gain strength. But when you understand yourself, you become fearless !!   And how everything worthwhile in life is released through you...   not to you.   What you think and what you feel and what manifests is always a match. 
Karma brings everything around- again and again.

Winston Churchill once said: “Every now and then man stumbles across the truth,  but then hurriedly picks himself up and rushes off as if nothing had happened."                                                 

And Thoreau was quoted:  “How can we consider our ignorance when we are constantly using our knowledge” (subconscious memory mind).
In other words...  You don’t get what you want, you get what you are.

How often and how easy it becomes to blame others for being the cause of our misery, or even the cause of our prosperity and happiness. This being the case, then we are merely puppies in life receiving the scraps off the master’s table. 
And if our substance comes to us from others, then it can be just as easily taken away or manipulated by them.

The cause of any difficulties, dis-harmonies and obstacles indicate that we are refusing to accept what we require, and also that we are unable to let go of what we no longer need. All conditions come to us for our benefit. They will continue to come until we absorb their wisdom and gather from them the essentials we need for growth. So often people define what they want by describing what they don’t want, they are consequently ruled by fear. This is being motivated on the reverse of a good idea. 

The mind conditioned as it is by the past always adheres to the known (past) and seeks to recreate what it knows and is familiar with. Even if it is painful, at least it is familiar. The mind always clings to the known because the unknown is dangerous and it has no control over it. That is why the mind dislikes and ignores the present moment. Present moment awareness creates a gap not only in the stream of memory but also in the past / future continuum. Nothing truly new and creative can come into this world except through that gap, that clear space of infinite possibility.

Of all the 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts we have every day, 95% of those thoughts were the same thoughts we were thinking yesterday and the days before that- Ground hog day!  Would it not be true to say that our mental energy is somehow broadcast out-  then attracting back our deepest fears or fondest aspirations. The old scripture which stated; “Whatever is kept in secret will be shouted from the rooftops”.                                      

We are far more transparent to other people than we realize.

Each of us has within us a potentially weak aspect, eager to give up freedom for the comfort of being dominated. But we also have a will to be powerful, that desires freedom and insists on deciding truthfully for ourselves- each of us, individually what is good and what is bad. Taking this action to learn a completely different way of thinking is both courageous and independently unique. 

Thursday 6 June 2013

Her Morning Elegance.

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Does it feel like you are on a treadmill every morning and can't seem to get off, no matter what you try to change? People, Places, and Events just absorb your time and energy.

The 5 steps to peace and prosperity
According to Dr Bruce Lipton in his best seller book;  Biology Of Belief.   
The cause of problems are never what you may like to believe that they are, what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears are the results of the causes that are buried deep within our subconscious memory that consequently controls up to 95% of our outcomes.   
“I am never upset for the reasons that I think I am”. The cause usually completely eludes us until we get desperate enough to search within ourselves. And over time, you will find out simply how to do just that. Only then are we able to transmute those causes that create negative outcomes into more loving productive enterprising outcomes.

When you apply the following five steps you will begin to discover “The Creator within”.   Any previous victim mentality will simply be dissolved forever. Your true authentic power will be restored to you and life will naturally flow through you again, not to you from the outside, as you have tried, in vain,to do all of your life.   

The truth is-  You are the cause !!   And You create all your life outcomes.  People, events  and circumstances merely mirror back to us our hidden, from self, secret agendas. 
As we learn, grow and apply this simple wisdom parents, partners, children, friends, colleagues, and even enemies become our true loving self as they honor us by consistently ALWAYS showing us how we are moving along in life on our "Pilgrims Progress."   
Their real honest, open, uncensored feedback teaches us how we need to patiently, truthfully, assimilate their feedback to change and grow ourselves. Strangely though.....  As we do change and grow, so too does ALL  these other people on our list become nicer, kinder, sensitive, loving people. 

1:  Realize that you are the creator of all your life outcomes. Nothing changes for you by applying the “blame / judgement game”.

2:  Acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for all your life outcomes-  both good and bad. People, places and events mirror back to you through the law of attraction.

3:  Know that if you are the creator of all your life circumstances, then you also hold the key to unlocking all your answers. Patience is power while answers come to you. When you have done all to stand, then stand some more.

4:  Learn that gratitude is the catalyst that turns dysfunction into success in all your endeavours. Being grateful for all things both good and what is only appearing as bad, has remarkable outcomes.

5:  Understand that at a quantum level everything is connected. Every subconscious thought even before you are consciously aware of it has gone out into the world to create the outcome of your greatest dream, your worst nightmare, or your continued rut.

When you don't believe your thoughts, what is, (appearing) is what you are.  There's no separation in it all.  You're everything!  Only the unquestioned mind would believe that you are an "I" living inside a body.      Byron Katie.     A Thousand Names For Joy. 

Wednesday 5 June 2013

A Stuck Mind.

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A stuck mind is the only problem we face in life!!     It’s like a slow torture.  

The unquestioned mind, believing what it thinks, lives in dead ends- frustrated, hopeless, forever trying to find a way out,  only to experience another dead end. 

And each time the problem is solved, another problem pops up. That's how the unquestioned mind has to live.

It's stuck in the oldest stories, like a Dinosaur chewing on old, stale grass.

When you question beliefs and challenge consequent thoughts, then turn the thoughts around, and allow life to flow like water, you become that water.  

And you watch life lived to the ultimate, always giving you more than you need.    

Tuesday 4 June 2013

He Is The Last....

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When we question our thoughts, that THINK US 24/7;
We see that we aren't in fact our thoughts!

And then we begin to see who we really are......  WE ARE FREE!

If you can 'see' the wisdom that Rumi speaks of in this poem,
you have arrived at the gates of bliss!  Please enter!

Get More Of What You Want.

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Here are some ideas to Direct Your Subconscious Mind to Help you Get More Of What You Want In Life...

You have the power to create the kind of life you ultimately want, simply by directing your huge subconscious ‘feeling’ mind with your small, more ‘logical’ conscious mind. The conscious mind is a 40 bit-per-second mono-task processor and can really only manage one task at a time, but unfortunately is distracted very easy. The mega multi-task subconscious mind is a 40 million bit-per-second weapon of creation, or destruction. How well you manage your thoughts, determines your outcomes.

The pre-frontal cortex conscious mind historically is a relatively new addition to human beings, it is a very small part of the brain, and obviously is still very much evolving. But the more use it gets, the better it becomes at managing the ancient, always diligent subconscious mind, that keeps us alive, even while we sleep.
But most people don’t know how to direct their subconscious mind so they get more of what they want. Instead, you may be (unknowingly) directing your subconscious to bring more of what you don’t want. The massive ability of the subconscious mind to do large amounts of tasks totally on auto-pilot, requires good ‘conscious’ management or else it will wander off with virtually any idea that is planted in it.

Let me explain how your subconscious mind works;
To understand what your 'instinctive' subconscious mind is creating you need to know ALL your beliefs and your regular thoughts, because more often than not, it’s the hidden, forgotten beliefs that derail us later. Your subconscious mind gets its directions or instructions from your logical conscious mind, or by ‘default’ outside circumstances, mostly before we were old enough to understand.
It is what you believe, what you truly feel is real, how you view life and what you consider to be the truth about your life and the world that your subconscious mind creates all of your future life experiences, relationships, outcomes, peace or chaos from.

For example: if you believe that it’s difficult to find a job or meet someone wonderful then your subconscious mind guides you to the people, situations and opportunities so that you have a difficult time finding a job or meeting someone special.
You may say the wrong thing in an interview, put the wrong thing on a cover letter, pursue the wrong kind of people for a relationship, do the wrong things when you meet someone, etc. Many things go wrong when you least expect it, if not dealt with.
In many ways you end up sabotaging your chances. While you truly want to get a job, meet someone, or achieve any other goal, you won’t succeed because deep-down you don’t believe you can, you don’t regularly think you can, you don’t regularly feel you can and you think it’s difficult to achieve what you want. Now I know this isn't what you want, you want to enjoy a better life. So what can you do to turn the tide?

How do you stop the negative spiral? Start with your thoughts. Think about your goals, write them down. Then start tracking your thoughts about these goals, do they really line up with your deep beliefs?
Write down what you come up with. Do you think you can achieve them? Do you think you will succeed? If you don’t think you can’t, then why not? What are some of the obstacles you may face? What are some of the hurdles you see?
Write down everything you come up with. Then go about your day, do what you have to do and whenever you think about a particular goal, make a note of the thoughts you have that come up about that goal. Go back to your list and update it regularly. Question every thought that does not give you peace, and reframe every negative statement that does not match your overall conscious positive vision.
It really is a lot of fun to question old redundant beliefs, and set new goals to achieve your wildest dreams. The power to achieve is within you!

Monday 3 June 2013

Negate Memory & Mind Your Mind

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We started off a few weeks ago trying to figure out why certain fears that got stuck inside our heads couldn't be shaken off, wouldn't come out and couldn't be pulled out either. We understood that these fears were secretly controlling our lives much like a puppeteer controls his puppets unseen from above. We realized that it was time to get rid of these fears, for we would remain stuck in a groove otherwise, and life would pass us by if we didn't. So we declared war on fear. We told ourselves that it was our solemn duty from now on to defeat this enemy.
Having declared war, we grappled with the fact that it takes two to tango. Our fears would start to fight back and devise new ways to torment us until we backed off and surrendered once again. It’s like the superstition game. Once you believe in a superstition you can’t shake it off easily. You pass a black cat or spill salt over your shoulder… or whatever else you are superstitious about. Once the act is done your mind will keep gnawing at you that something disastrous will happen. In fact, it will torture and torment you until it actually happens.
Understand this — the human mind is extraordinarily powerful when it comes to crushing your spirit. It can actually make a disaster happen in your life by morbidly intensely wishing for it. The human mind has huge negative power (subconscious beliefs) and only a tiny amount of positive power.(conscious desires)
 That’s not the way it was designed — that’s the way you have made it over the years. That’s the way society and culture have shaped it. Over generations, the negative power in the subconscious mind matrix has grown many times more powerful than its positive power. That’s why when you do something that’s supposed to bring you luck — your mind cannot alter the balance of the Universe and actually make it happen. You can’t wish with your mind to pass an exam — but your mind can easily make you fail. You can’t win a lottery, get yourself a job or discover true love by wishing for it. But disasters — well, it can bring disaster into your life without too much effort. Until we question our thoughts / beliefs, we are extremely limited to what is hidden away in our vast memory banks of pre-programmed limiting lifestyles. 
So, did you start trying to solve a problem and end up with a bigger problem? It does seem so! How on earth can you handle the mind when it turns against you? The rules of the mind seem to be crude and simple — follow my instincts and life will be tolerable. Go against me and life will become miserable.  Checkmate? Not quite. There is a quick way to bypass the negative mind when it turns against you. That’s the isolation technique. It has worked for thousands of years.
The isolation technique consists of just one line — you are not the mind. The mind only thinks-through-you. That’s right. You are not the mind. Then who are you? You are a glowing fragment of consciousness that’s riding on the surface of the mind. Yes, that’s exactly who you are.

 Mani Shankar. Article Author. 

Sunday 2 June 2013

We Come To Love.

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"We come to love not by finding a perfect partner, but by learning to see an imperfect partner perfectly." Author unknown.
All of our relationships are really imaginary- that is, based on an image formed by thought. If I have an image of you and you have an image of me, then naturally we don't see each other at all as we actually are. What we see is the images we have formed about each other which prevent us from being in contact and that is why our relationships go wrong.
When we realize this dynamic, we begin to search for this other person's defects within our own memory and any annoyance will turn to gratitude that their behavior has led you to self discovery. 

"I love You." These words are often said but seldom really committed to long term.  (as most relationships statistically, have a use by date) Because if you say these words and really mean them, then they are forever, not just until the person that you are saying them to behaves the way that we feel they should, and not change into the nightmare from hell.
The reality of relationship is that we reflect back to others their own behavior. Therefore what ever is happening within our relationships, is merely a reflection of our own beliefs. We are always with our greatest asset....  The mirror image of our own hidden belief system.
Knowing this simple truth will liberate each of us to take 100% responsibility for all our life outcomes. We never need to change our partner, nor just endure others, we merely need to look within ourselves and question our thoughts about how we see our partner. (and others)

Romantic relationships.  Eckhart Tolle
How often are we drawn magically to another person merely to be mysteriously repelled sometime in the future by our partner changing into something we completely hadn't expected. 

In the early stages of many so called romantic relationships role playing is quite common in order to attract and keep whoever is perceived by the ego as-     The one  who is going to make me happy, make me feel special and fulfil all my needs. “ I’ll play who you want me to be, and you’ll play who I want you be”. That’s the unspoken unconscious agreement.
However role playing is hard work and those roles cannot be sustained indefinitely, especially once you start living together. When those roles slip what do you see? Unfortunately in most cases not yet the true essence of that being, but that which covers up the true essence, the raw ego divested of its roles with its pain body and its thwarted wanting which now turns into anger, most likely directed at the spouse or partner for having failed to remove the underlying fear and sense of lack that is an intrinsic part of the egoist  sense of self.
What is commonly called “falling in love” is in most cases  wanting and needing. You become addicted to another person, or rather your image of that person. It has nothing to do with true love which contains no wanting whatsoever.  

Freedom from the known. J Krishnamuti  
We do not see the person, place or event- we only see the image we create of them / it.  Then we create space between ourselves and others by what we see out there. The distance between the space we see (past conditioning) and ourselves creates conflict.  
There is no true love in the separation  of space and time.
The desire to get rid of conflict creates another image. But when the observer realizes that the thing about which he is seeing, is himself then there is no conflict between himself and the image. He / she  is that which they are seeing.   They realize they are not separate from that-  then conflict ceases.

For what are they to do ? If something is you, what can you do ?   You cannot rebel against it or run away from it-  or even accept it.  It is there.
So all action that is the outcome of reaction to like and dislike has come to an end.

All our relationships are really imaginary- that is, based on an image formed by thought . (past memory).
If I have an image of you and you have an image of me, naturally we don’t see each other at all as we actually are. What we see is the images we have formed about each other which prevent us from being in contact and that is why our relationships go wrong.

It is only when we see without any preconception,  and any image that we are able to be in direct contact with any thing in life. This happens after we clear all past negative images.

Saturday 1 June 2013

You are ONE!

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This beautiful video of the Sufi Poet; Rumi, illustrates how nature (and all of Life) patiently waits for us to acknowledge our Divine Oneness with each other. Our 'adoptive' separation from our natural state prevails.
 We can never be who we THINK we are because we are never consciously present long enough to understand who we really are.   We are our just STORY about who we are. No two people ever met.....   Only their stories about each other came together, lived out as a movie portrays life.
We evaluate each other according to our own version of how other people appear to us. Each of us held captive by someone else's version of who we only appear to be. So when these people appear to us, we become the chameleon...   anything to please other people's opinion of what we should be, to move ourselves ahead on the popularity lists.
As humans live on average, 92% of their time in "Thought" seldom do they ever awaken to their natural divinity. All our limited personality antics takes enormous amounts of energy daily to maintain.

Thought is never in the  "now."   Thought, (stored memory) is always past and future related. Therefore 'now' time is rarely ever entered into by Homo sapiens.      We run on auto pilot, pre-programmed, subconscious belief, patterns established for us, long before our very inadequate pre-frontal cortex conscious mind was formed, and able to assimilate incoming information rationally according to neurophysicist's; including Dr Bruce Lipton the author of Biology of Belief.

Consequently it is not rocket science to workout how society en-masse is fooled into believing the absolute tripe our so called leaders / teachers that steered us into situations for example where 5% of the population control 95% of all the wealth, health and resources of ourselves and generations past and yet to come.

 How did they get us all to become meek little mice on a treadmill. How did we all become so anesthetized that we have to work until July (after paying 68% of our money in varied taxes and overpriced services)  before we can support our own families with the remaining pittance. Suspended by fear, guilt and shame of not being able to keep up with "The Jones's," those other people that have got it all together. (We think they have.)

Why is it that in this generation with mothers of dependent little babies and children that are forced, to abandon the care and nurturing of their children (often in the early hours of the work week, and not collected until after dark) into stark concentration camp, prison like barred enclosures (institutions) with very little freedom, completely disconnected from nature and freedom / free expression, taught and tended to by often completely inexperienced, barely attentive, young teenagers. Regimented, institutionalized and separated from their true nature......   a personalized expression of divinity!

Compare all of this 'child environment' with life 150 years ago with mother and father working from home (as 90% of men and woman did back then) and children actually needed to contribute to family. Today children are only wanted....    Back two generations, children were needed (as well as wanted) as an integral part of the developing family structure. There is a huge difference to a young person between being wanted and being needed. Personally, I recall Saturday mornings my elder brother and me, an entire weeks washing for my father and 3 boys piled high across the laundry floor, the cleanest through to the dirtiest of farm gear to be washed using an old agitator washer with a manual wringer. Wash, wring out, soak, wring out, then out to the clothes line. Hours of work before we could go out to play every weekend. Then there would the May and August holidays we would go and pick spuds for pocket money for eight hours every day. Xmas holidays were all about harvesting, baling hay, irrigation and general farm work, we loved every minute, and work / fun run a parallel.
Very character building, and bonded us together through those tough times. Three boys and their farmer Dad, all dependent on each other. As years went by my father become my best friend and would come to stay with my own young family for months at a time, at my side all day in my business and at home. One night I left home after dinner to pick up stock for my business, old Dad faithfully insisting on coming along....  But falling asleep in the ute after his long day with me.

Why is society breaking down? Why are our children forming gangs of destruction? Simple answer!
If a child cannot get good quality attention of which it is hard wired to receive,  then it will go for its substitute (decoy)  Bad Attention!!
The thought mind cannot evaluate the difference between good or bad. Sadly bad attention is the overall counterfeit for real love and care which sets a young person in motion for self serving / loving 'decoys' along life's journey, of which they never realize right from wrong often until its to late, when the Law of Attraction kicks in.

Good and bad are the same response to different equations of data.
Good for one may be bad for another and bad for one may well be the best thing for another. Who's judging?

Therefore on being interviewed; the most hardened of criminals strongly declared their heinous actions were motivated by love.  "How can this be?" you may ask. Well they killed innocent people and robbed banks to be able to survive to protect their own families, gangs, and themselves.

Their own motivation to themselves was completely altruistic, to us it was the most heinous crime on society.
Whose the judge, when the same rain was created to fall on the just.... As the unjust.
One individual human out of one hundred is locked away in prison in a penal institutional system that has an appalling 83% failure rate. Only 17% of prisoners are rehabilitated, the remaining 83% recycle back through the system. No bureaucrat has any answers to the most basic problems that affect / infect our society.

These lost young individuals were / are somebody's little (pre-abandoned) children.   After a term of serving as a prison volunteer for the Catholic group, "Rosie's" (which is non- denominational)  in both men's prisons, and women's prisons, I never spoke to one single prisoner that was "guilty."  They all had mitigating circumstances that justified the crime. Every one of them was amazed and could not accept their incarceration as justified. They wanted someone to understand they were innocently programmed to destruct

Having been an abandoned child from an early age of three myself, I am so aware of how easy it is for a child / adult that has not been nurtured correctly, to slip into self centered, self serving patterns with little regard for other people.
Abandoned children grow up with a huge vacuum that must be filled from somewhere.  It's obvious that like water, this energy will take the shortest route to its intended destination, the ocean of love that every person craves / longs to experience. Many find temporary relief in gangs and prison.

An Abandoned child / adult is not aware of societies right and wrong. They are only aware of survival and self preservation.....  Their own World!

But there are certain fundamental basic laws of life that must be fulfilled; like the Law of Attraction. And these innocent beings are entrapped in a karmic conscience  that must be fulfilled.    And their actions must be accounted for with like attracting like, hence their most painful journeys through life.

Thank you for reading my blog my friend.....   we are ONE!     Espavo.